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Lesson Observation

Evidence/Feedback/Progress Form
Kansas State University
0 1 2 3 4
Not Observed Unsatisfactory Developing Meets Standard Exceeds Standard

0 Not Observed: No evidence related to the standard is provided.

1 Unsatisfactory: Unsatisfactory; ineffective; little evidence to support meeting the standard.
2 Developing: Limited or inconsistent evidence to support meeting the standard; approaching
the level of performance for the standard but has not yet reached the standard.
3 Meets Standard: Consistent evidence to support an adequate level of performance for
meeting the standard. This represents the level needed to be a competent
beginner in the first year of teaching.
4 Exceeds Standard: Convincing and consistent evidence to support a high level of performance
for meeting the standard. This represents in-depth understanding and high
levels of effectiveness and innovation in performance.

Category 1: THE LEARNER AND LEARNING 0 1 2 3 4

1. Learner Development
1a. Understands how learners grow and develop. Evidence:
1b. Recognizes that patterns of learning and development vary 
individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic,
social, emotional, and physical areas.

1c. Designs and implements developmentally appropriate,

relevant, and rigorous learning experiences.
2. Learning Differences
2a. Uses an understanding of differences in individuals, cultures, Evidence:
and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments. 
2b. Uses an understanding of differences in individuals, cultures,
and communities to enable each learner to meet rigorous
3. Learning Environments
3a. Works with others to create environments that support Evidence:
individual and collaborative learning. 
3b. Works with others to create environments that include
teacher and student use of technology.
3c. Works with others to encourage positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Category 2: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE 0 1 2 3 4
4. Content Knowledge
4a. Understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and Evidence:
structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches. 
4b. Creates learning experiences that make the discipline
accessible and relevant for learners to assure mastery of the
content and provides opportunities for literacy experiences
across content areas.
5. Application of Content
5a. Engages learners through the creation of interdisciplinary Evidence:
lessons and facilitates the examination of issues from 
multiple perspectives through varied communication modes.
5b. Facilitates learning opportunities involving critical and
creative thinking.
5c. Incorporates learning opportunities that involve solving
authentic, real world problems independently and
collaboratively through concept-based teaching.

Additional Comments:

Category 3: INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE 0 1 2 3 4

6. Assessment
6a. Understands how to use multiple measures to monitor and Evidence:
assess individual student learning. 
6b. Understands how to engage learners in self-assessment.
6c. Understands how to make informed decisions.
7. Planning for Instruction
7a. Plans instruction that supports every student in meeting Evidence:
rigorous learning goals. 
7b. Plans instruction by drawing upon knowledge of content
areas, technology, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and
7c. Plans instruction based on knowledge of learners and the
community context.
8. Instructional Strategies
8a. Understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to Evidence:
encourage learners to develop deep understanding of 
content areas and their connections.
8b. Understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to
encourage learners to build skills to apply knowledge in
relevant ways.
Category 4: PROFESSIONAL 0 1 2 3 4
9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
9a. Engages in ongoing professional learning. Evidence:
9b. Uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, 
particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on
others (learners, families, other professionals, and the
community) and adapts practice to meet the needs of each
10. Leadership and Collaboration
10a.Seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take Evidence:
responsibility for student learning. 
10b.Seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to
collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school
professionals, and community members to ensure learner
Category 5: DISPOSITIONS 0 1 2 3 4
11. Professional Dispositions
11a. Values Learning and Professional Development. Dedicated to Evidence:
acquiring and applying new ideas about content, pedagogy, 
and students.
11b. Commits to Professional, Ethical, and Legal Conduct.
Committed to obeying the law and abiding by institutional,
state, and national professional and ethical standards.
11c. Values Positive, Caring, and Respectful Relationships.
Committed to interacting with students, colleagues, and
community members with care, compassion, and respect.
11d. Embraces Diversity, Equity, and Fairness. Recognizes and
values human differences and is committed to meet the
educational needs of all students.
11e. Commits to Wise and Reflective Practice. Dedicated to
careful reflection on instructional decisions and takes actions
to improve professional competence

General Comments
 Love the hand up at the beginning. It gets them locked in really quickly.
 Whoa! This is a huge group for 5th grade as well. Very cool.
 The rhythm idea works really well.
 OK… with first sounds, think about how to set that up. For me, I would always start with rhythm to
get the pulse moving.
 Then I would work on breathing. Breathing is critical. Getting a full sound is imperative. Remember
to set up the air stream and air through the horns.
 Then work on first notes.
 MODEL FOR THEM!!! Modeling is CRITICAL in the beginning band classroom. They need to
hear the music and the note so that they can play it. Repeat back and forth… less time talking and
more time playing.
 To keep them busy, think about playing all the time. Remember the objective of the lesson. If the
objective is tone production, they need to play, play, and play. If it is music reading, then the
questions will work.
 Try not to explain with words what you want. Model it for them. If they hear it, they will play it.
 One strategy is to say, show the fingering to your neighbor. Make sure you are the same as the
 Have a metronome or back beat going and then you play in the rests.
 Explaining by words will be confusing always. Model and this will fix many of these issues.
 I would actually play their note in the rests of these opening lines to ensure they hear characteristic
tones as they play.
 With beginning bands, you do not need to worry too much about conducting. Notice how Mrs.
Wimmer walks around and is constantly counting and keeping them locked in.
 Make your transitions faster. Think through what you want to do and just go with it.
 Don’t worry about questions… save questions for ends of notes.
 I would count first, then clap and count. Clapping causes you to cross center line which is a higher-
order concept. Count first, then clap and count, then sizzle and finger, then sizzle and finger with
model, then play.
 Get to making music faster. They ask questions to stall. Just move right from task to task. Don’t
think about it. Move more quickly.
 Be sure to model for them. Play more to get the sound internalized.
 So when you do this, you make the adjustment to draw, but stand in front of the picture and point at
 Too much talking and explanation. Play more…
 Make a question box in which you will answer 1-2 at the end of class each day.
 Keep adding that energy!
 Drake, overall this is a good final observation. Continue letting the class slow down for you and
work on developing your teaching tasks and sequences. Then slect the concept you want to hit and
attack it. You are doing the right things, now work on relaxing and trusting your instincts and letting
it happen. Get to where you think less about the teaching and more about the student learning. This
will take you teaching to the next level. Keep up the hard work. Proud of you!
o DP

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