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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

terminologies in pastry

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

● define the different terminologies in pastry.

● Identify the techniques that we used in baking pastries

● Determine the proper recipe in baking pastry.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Terminologies in Pastry

References: Learning Management System (LMS)

Material: Visual Aids

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary

● Greetings

● Prayer

● Classroom management

● Checking of Attendance

● Passing of Assignment

B. Review

● The teacher will ask the students about their previous lesson

C. Motivation

● The teacher will ask the students if they have an idea about the

Pastry .

D. Lesson Proper
● The teacher will discuss what is pastry.

● The teacher will discuss the terminologies in pastry.

● The teacher will discuss the different ingredients in pastry.

E. Generalization

● The teacher will ask the students to sum up their lesson.

IV. Evaluation

The teacher will give 10 items of the quiz

I. State True or False.

1. Pre-heat to heat the oven to a desired temperature before putting in the

food to bake or roast typically with a circular base.T

2.  Pipe out to press the mixture in of the piping bag.F

3. Crust the outer part of a loaf bread or pastry.T

4. Mise en Place a american term that means “put in place”.F

5. Pastry creams a thick sauce containing butter and starch.F

6.  Dissolve to mix a dry substance with liquid until it is liquefied. T

II. Give 4 Kinds of Pastries .





V. Assignment

Find and print 5 pastries with ingredients and procedure .

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