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Digital Divide

The Difference between generations

Neilah March, Kate Herterich, Zenab

Iqbal, Maddie Britton
Group Members
Maddie Britton Kate Herterich Neilah March Zenab Iqbal

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First Year Student First Year Student First year

First Year Student
Marketing Major Business Major Comp Sci Major
Business Major
18 years old
19 Years Old 18 Years Old
18 years old
Digital Natives
Our Digital natives were Teyana, Hannah, Shaun, and Matthew…

● Teyana- 18 years old, female, African American, First year student

● Hannah- 15 years old, female, caucasian, sophomore in high school

● Shaun- 18 years old, male, caucasian, first year student

● Matthew- 18 years old, male, African American, Engineering student

Digital Natives: Important Findings

During the digital native interviews, we found that most individuals spent similar amounts of
time using the internet each week (roughly 10-20 hours). They all felt very comfortable when it
came to digital literacy and navigating the internet. They all owned multiple social media
accounts and considered themselves regular users. The group had similar feelings towards
social media, describing how it can be useful to connect to friends and family, but also it
being a toxic environment where people can get bullied. They also agreed that the internet
and social media can be very addictive. This group also used the internet in multiple ways
during the Covid -19 lockdown. It was important to them as they could still connect with
friends and family and also learn from home with virtual classes and meetings.
Digital Immigrants

Marlene: (60, Female, Jamaican, College graduate, Nurse)

Darnise: (58, Female, African American, Highschool graduate, Nurse)

Bill: (58, male,Causaisn, College graduate, Insurance)

Laura: (53, female, Caucasian, college graduate, financial licensing)

Michelle: (51, female, caucasian/asian, associates degree, boss/controller of car dealership)

Joe: (58, male, caucasian, high school graduate, business owner)

Shazia: (48, female, Pakistani, high school graduate, business owner)

Sikandar: (57, male, Pakistani, highschool graduate, business owner)

Digital Immigrants: Important
While researching we found that digital immigrants spends less time on the internet for fun but depending on
which field of work they are in work hours on the internet vary.
How many hours they spend on the internet for fun in a week!
● Marlene: maybe 2-3
● Shazia- 10 hours
● Darnise: Not much maybe an hour
● Sikander- 6 hours
● Bill: 21 hours
● Laura: 3 hours
● Michelle- 5 hours
● Joe- 3 hours
How many hours they spend on the internet for work in a week!
● Marlene: My job doesn't require me to be on the internet that much
● Darnise: I don't really need to use the internet for my place of employment
● Bill: 45 hours(Insurance)
● Laura: 45 hours(Financial Licensing) ● Shazia- 10 hours
● Michelle: 49 hours(Boss) ● Sikander- 30 hours
● Joe: 10 hours(Business Owner)
Digital Immigrants: Important
Over the past few years how people are consuming television has drastically changed. We found that
covid affected this and digital natives only really watch on streaming services rather than cable:

Do you watch cable tv or just streaming services?

● Marlene: I try not to watch too much TV so I would say neither
● Darnise: I only watch cable television
● Laura: I watch both
● Bill:Cable TV contemplating cutting the cord but might not get
baseball games
● Michelle: I watch both
● Joe: I watch both but mainly use streaming services
● Shazia: Cable TV
● Sikander: sometimes both
Digital Immigrants: Important
Similarities Between The Two Groups
The two groups described the internet in very similar ways. These ways were how the
internet is very interesting, provides valuable information, and is connective. They also
described the internet as addictive if you don’t use it with moderation. Some of the
digital immigrants felt as comfortable with using the internet as the digital natives were.
Both groups acknowledged how new technology made single things such as
international calls, access to the news or reading emails significantly easier.

We found that digital immigrants DO enjoy technology the same way digital natives do,
the only difference is the difficulty they're faced with when it comes to fully
understanding how new technology work & keeping up with it
Similarities Between The Two Groups Cont.
Most digital immigrants didn't feel as comfortable with technology compared to digital
natives. The certain areas where digital immigrants felt comfortable were with things such
as making a phone call, sending a text or emojis. Anything else was learned through their
kids or grandkids. How to work social media sites such as instagram, twitter or snapchat
was very difficult for most non-natives. However, with digital natives, they understood
socials much quicker & with more efficiency. Once digital immigrants fully absorb all the
information needed to use technology, they seem to enjoy it just as much as natives.

Through this experiment, we've learned that despite many different age ranges, living
situations etc, natives and immigrants are very similar. The thing that makes them
different is what they are 1/ used to, 2/ what they can understand, and 3/ if they're willing
to keep up with technology that is infinitely developing.
Differences Between The Two Groups
Digital Native Digital Immigrant
- Spent more time on the - Spent more time on the internet for work

internet/technology than for fun

- Understands the internet better - Sometimes need help from someone

- Uses the internet more for younger with technology

entertainment over work - Not much social media (facebook)

- All had multiple social media accounts - Prefers cable tv

- Uses streaming services (Netflix,

Disney Plus, etc)

Differences Between The Two Groups
Digital Native Cont. Digital Immigrant
-networking is usually done in
- Networking is done over the
internet (linkedin, indeed, etc)
-believe the internet is time
- The internet is a useful tool
- The covid-19 brought a lot of issues
with school, friends, etc - the covid-19 didn't make much of an
- Access to the internet allowed
impact pertaining to the internet
many people to discover new
hobbies, career paths and
lifestyles. - Often associate phones and

- Assignments on laptops make technology (for fun) as useless and

education easier for students and
teachers dangerous
Differences Between The Two Groups
- Digital natives are more knowledgeable about the internet

- Digital immigrants don’t understand it that much, other than when it

comes to work, w/ exceptions

- Digital natives are causing an uprise in digital streaming services

and a decline in cable tv

- Most digital immigrants do not use their devices for just fun

- Digital immigrants have concerns of the internet but overall think its

an important tool

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