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Great Man Theory Aristotle Leaders are BORN not RAISED

Trait Theory J.M. Burns Leaders are RAISED not BORN
Charismatic Theory A leader inspires by obtaining emotional commitment
from followers
Situational Theory Mary Parker Follet, Leadership styles vary upon different situations
Hershey and Blanchard Leader in one situation and a follower in another.
Contingency Theory Fred Fiedler Leadership style will be effective or ineffective depending
on situation
Path Goal Theory Robert J. House Leader minimizes obstructions to the goal and facilitates
task by rewarding
Transactional Burns Leader engages his followers by contract of mutuality and
Leadership leader motivates the followers by appealing to their own
self-interest. It encompasses 4 types of behavior:
A. CONTINGENT REWARD – to influence
behavior, uses rewards or incentives
correction or punishment as a response to
unacceptable performance Applying other resources
by enforcing defensive management processes.
EXCEPTION – leader actively monitors the work
performed and uses corrective measures to ensure
is indifferent and hands-off approach toward workers
and performance, ignores their needs, do not respond
problems and not monitor performance rewards
Transformational Heinrich Von Pierer most effective and beneficial leadership behavior to
Leadership achieve long-term success, and improved performance.
This style :
a. Promotes employee development
b. Attends to needs and motives of followers
c. Inspires through optimism, influences changes in
d. Provides intellectual stimulation and encourages
follower creativity
e. Uses role modelling
f. Provides sense of direction and encourages self-
Individual Character Traits determine whether or not a person can be an
Theory effective leader based on psychological individual
Charismatic Theory Leader who can inspire people to be loyal, obedient, and
committed to a vision or a cause
Likert’s - Organizational Rensis Likert identified 4 main types of Management Systems:
Design  SYSTEM 1 – Exploitative Authoritative
Uses fear and threats comm. Is top down with
most decisions taken at the top; superior and
subordinates are distant.
 SYSTEM II – Benevolent Authoritative
Uses rewards; information flowing upwards
is restricted to what mgt. wants to hear and
decisions come from the top
 SYSTEM III – Consultative
Offers rewards, occasional punishments; big
decisions come from the top; communication is
downward while citical upward comm. is
 SYSTEM IV – Participative Group Mgt
Mgt. encourage grp. participation &
involvement in setting high performance goals
with some economic rewards; comm. flows in all
directions, open & frank, superiora and staff are
close to each other; result is high in productivity.
MANAGERIAL GRID Robert Blake and Jane 2 Behavioral Dimensions
MODEL Mouton A. Concern for task or production
- leader cares little about people and operates in
fear of something going wrong
B. Concern for people
- leader care little about productivity and
operates wholly from a desire to be loved and

LIFE CYCLE THEORY Hersey and Blanchard leader style may be predicted on the basis of the maturity
of the followers. Maturity refers to the level of security
and competence the individual feels about the task to be
STRATEGY THEORY Bennis and Manus four types of “human handling skills common to leaders
and referred to these as strategies:
STRATEGY I. Management by attention –the
leader creates a focus or a clear picture of an
STRATEGY II. Meaning through communication –
the leader turn his vision into images that
translating ideas into symbols with real meaning.
STRATEGY III. Trust through Positioning – leader
inspires trust in others by contributing to the
integrity of the organization, maintaining harmony
and recognizing need for changes or innovations.
STRATEGY IV. Deployment of Self Through
Positive Self-Regard – leader recognizes his own
strengths and compensates for weaknesses while
nurturing his talents and skills.
Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves and for managing emotions
effectively. Areas of behavioral attributes:
a. Self- awareness
b. Self-management or self-regulation
c. Motivation
d. Empathy
e. Social skills
Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner eight (8) different intelligences:
a. Linguistic intelligence (word smart)
b. Logical-mathematical intelligence
(number/reasoning smart)
c. Spatial intelligence ( picture smart)
d. Bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence (body smart
e. Musical intelligence (music smart)
f. Interpersonal intelligence (people smart)
g. Intrapersonal intelligence (self-smart)
h. Naturalist intelligence (nature smart)

Quantum Leadership Porter O’Grady and new leadership for new age. The quantum leader
Maloch (2003) recognizes continual movement and change occur in
reality and creativity and innovation are at the core of
good work performance. As quantum leaders, nurses:
a. Offer creative and innovative solutions,
b. Seek to discover educational opportunities
instead of relying on past methods of
accommodating new nurses in the work force
c. Provide mentoring opportunities and expert
Efficient Leadership minimize time and use of resources in achieving
organizational objectives
7M’s: money, men machine, materials, method,

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