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The setup has completely changed its features after two weeks.

It comes in a variety of colors

depending on how much banana peel is used, but they all have the same odor (a very strong scent

of alcohol with a hint of banana peel). In each arrangement, eight people with hyperhidrosis are

used. To see if the tincture is effective, one of their hands was sprayed with it under the sweat

initiator. Based on their visible improvements, respondents were asked which of the three

produced tinctures provided them with comfort and efficacy in an interview. They all said that

the tinctures did not hurt or irritate their skin, however they disagreed about the efficacy of the


This line graph shows the respondent’s preferences when it comes to the effectiveness of the

tincture in every setup. None voted for setup 1 while two respondents voted for setup 2. Lastly all the eight
respondents voted for setup 3.
No. of vote given


This bar graph shows the number of votes given by the respondents per setup. Daniela, Fate, Samantha, Shanne,

Justin, and Chaz all voted for setup 3 since it’s the only setup that stops the excessive sweating. However, Diane

and Trisha voted for both setups 2 and 3. They insist that both of this tincture have effect on them but vary on the


This concludes that consumers like the third setup which has the most number of banana

peels having 30 grams of it meaning it has the greatest amount of tannin among the rest setup.

Moreover, to quantify the effectiveness of the tincture, duration of how long the tincture could

hold the pores close is recorded. Both of the palms of the respondents are put inside the sweat

initiator then when the sweating became visible, the tincture per setup were applied but strictly

only in the respondent’s right palm and the left palm was left untreated. The respondents then

again put their palms inside the sweat initiator. The left palm which was left untreated continued

to sweat inside, while there was closure of pores in the respondent’s right hand. This procedure
was then repeated until all the setups were applied to the respondents skin. Recording of time of

efficacy is shown below.

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