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Some fixed point theorems in fuzzy Fréchet

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2398, 060007 (2022);
Published Online: 25 October 2022

Ahmad Ghanawi Jasim and Z. D. Al-Nafie

AIP Conference Proceedings 2398, 060007 (2022); 2398, 060007

© 2022 Author(s).
Some Fixed Point Theorems in Fuzzy Fréchet Manifold
Ahmad Ghanawi Jasim a) and Al-Nafie Z. D. b)

Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Babylon, Iraq

corresponding author:

Abstract. In this paper, we state and prove some fixed point theorems for − contractive mapping and ( , ) −uniformly
locally contractive mapping in fuzzy Fréchet manifold.

Zadeh in 1965 first introduced the concept of a fuzzy set [1]. C. L. Chang [2], C. K. Wong [3], R. Lowen [4], and
others developed a theory of fuzzy topological spaces. A. K. Katsaras and D. B. Liu introduced the concept of a
fuzzy topological vector space in [5]. A. K. Katsaras [6] first introduced the idea of a fuzzy seminorm. I. Sadeqi and
F. Solaty Kia [7] studied the notation of fuzzy seminormed space and obtained new results. M. Ferraro and D. H.
Foster [8] introduced the concept of fuzzy manifold. The concept of fuzzy Banach manifold was introduced by
Halakatti and Archana Halijol [9]. Ahmad Ghanawi Jasim and Al-Nafie Z. D. [10] introduced the concept of fuzzy
Fréchet manifold.
Clearly, if ℳ is a fuzzy Fréchet manifold [10] modeled on Fréchet space then any subset of ℳ is locally
homeomorphic to . So, we can induce some properties of fuzzy Fréchet space on to fuzzy Fréchet manifold.
In this paper, we defined the concepts of − contractive mapping in fuzzy Fréchet manifold,
( , ) −uniformly locally contractive mapping in fuzzy Fréchet manifold and −chainable fuzzy
Fréchet manifold. Moreover, we proved some fixed point theorems in in fuzzy Fréchet manifold.


Definition 2.1 [1]: Let be a set. A fuzzy subset of is defined as, = , ( ) ,∀ ∈ = where
: → [0,1].
Remark (2.2): A fuzzy set with constant membership function ( ) = , ∀ ∈ is denoted by . The fuzzy
set corresponds to the set and the fuzzy set corresponds to the empty set ∅.
Definition (2.3)[11]: A fuzzy point in a non- empty set is a fuzzy set with membership function ( ), ∈
defind by
( ) = for =
( ) = 0, otherwise

Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Pure and Applied Science (ICARPAS2021)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2398, 060007-1–060007-8;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4401-0/$30.00

Where 0 < ≤ 1. The point is said to be support of and its value. is said to be belong to a fuzzy set
written ∈ if and only if ≤ ( ). It is clear that ∈ for some 0 < ≤ 1 if and only if ∈ ( )=
{ ∈ : ( ) > 0}.
Definition (2.4)[12]: Let be a mapping from a set to a set and let be a fuzzy set in then ( ) is fuzzy
set in with membership function defined by
( )( ) = ( ) , ∈
Conversely, let be a fuzzy set in then ( ) is fuzzy set in with membership function defined by
( )( ) = ∈ ( ) ( ),
if ( ) is a non empty
( ) ( ) = 0, Otherwise
Where ( ) = { : ( ) = }.
Definition (2.5)[2]: A fuzzy topology on a set is a family of fuzzy subsets in which satisfies the following
1. , ∈
2. If , ∈ then ∩ ∈
3. If ∈ ,∀ ∈ ( some index set) then ⋃ ∈ ∈τ
The pair ( , ) is called a fuzzy topological space and the members of are called open fuzzy subsets.
If a fuzzy topology defined above satisfies Lowen’s definition [6], then it said to be a proper fuzzy topology.
Definition (2.6)[2]: A fuzzy set in a fuzzy topological space is said to be closed iff it is complement is an open
fuzzy set.
Definition (2.7)[13]: A fuzzy set in a fuzzy topological space ( , τ) is called neighborhood of a point ∈ if
there exists an open fuzzy set with ⊆ and ( ) = ( ) > 0.
Theorem (2.8)[14]: A fuzzy set in a fuzzy topological space is open if and only if is a neighborhood of for
each ∈ with ( ) > 0.
Definition (2.9)[14]: Let be a fuzzy topology on a set . A subfamily of is called a base for if each member
of can be expressed as the union of members of .
Theorem (2.10)[6]: A collection ℋ of fuzzy sets in a set is a base for a proper fuzzy topology on if it holds the
following statements:
1. ∈ℋ { ( )} = 1, ∀ ∈ .
2. If , ∈ ℋ then ∩ ∈ ℋ.
3. For each 0 ≤ < 1 and each ∈ ℋ, ∩ ∈ ℋ.
If a base ℋ for an improper fuzzy topology on the statement (3) is unnecessary.
Definition (2.11): A fuzzy topological space ( , ) is said to be fuzzy Hausdorff if for , ∈ and ≠ there
exists two fuzzy neighborhoods and in of and y, respectively such that ∩ = ∅.
Definition (2.12)[13]: Let ( , ) and ( , ) be two fuzzy topological spaces. A mapping : ( , ) → ( , ) is
called fuzzy continuous at some point ∈ if ( ) is a fuzzy neighborhood of for each fuzzy neighborhood
of ( ). is called fuzzy continuous if is fuzzy continuous at every ∈ . This equivalent to inverse of every
fuzzy open subset of is fuzzy open in .
Definition (2.13) [2]: Let , be fuzzy topological spaces. A map of onto is said to be a fuzzy
homeomorphism if and only if is bijection and both and is fuzzy continuous.
Definition (2.14)[5]: A fuzzy topological vector space ( ) is a vector space over the field of real or
complex numbers, equipped with fuzzy topology and equipped with the usual topology , such that the
1) ( , ) → ( + ) of ( , ) × ( , ) onto ( , )
2) ( , ) → ( ) of ( , ) × ( , ) onto ( , ) are fuzzy continuous.
Definition (2.15)[7]: If be a vector space over the field . A fuzzy subset of × ℝ is called a fuzzy norm on
if the following condition, are satisfied for all , ∈ and ∈ :
1) ( , ) = 0, ∈ ℝ with ≤ 0
2) ( , ) = 1, ∀ ∈ ℝ, > 0 iff = 0
3) ( , )= ,| |
∀ ∈ ℝ, > 0 and ≠0
4) ( + , + )≥ { ( , ), ( , )} for all , ∈ ℝ

5) ( , ) = 1 and ( , . ) is a non−decreasing mapping on ℝ.

( , ) called a fuzzy normed space( in short, ).
Definition (2.16)[7]: Let be a vector space over a field . A fuzzy set in × ℝ ( . . : × ℝ → [0,1]) is
said to be fuzzy seminorm ( ) on if the following conditions are satisfied ∀ , ∈ and ∀ , ∈ ℝ
1) ( , ) = 0, ∀ ≤ 0
2) ( , )= ,| | ,∀ ∈ {0} , ∀ > 0
3) ( + , + ) ≥ min{ ( , ), ( , )}
4) lim ( , ) = 1, lim ( , ) = 0 and ( , ) is non-decreasing w.r.t. r for each ∈ .
→ →
And ( , ) is said to be fuzzy seminormed space( ). A fuzzy seminorm is a fuzzy norm if ( , ) =
1, ∀ > 0 then = 0.
Definition (2.17)[7]: A family of fuzzy seminorms on a vector space is said to be separating if to each ≠
0 corresponds at least one ∈ and > 0 such that ( , ) ≠ 1.
Remark (2.18)[7]:Let be a vector space over a field and a fuzzy seminorm on a vector space . For ≠
0, ( , . ): (0, ∞) → [0,1] is continuous.
Definition (٢.19)[10]: Let ( , ) be a fuzzy seminormed space.
1) The open ball ( , ) with center ∈ and radius 0 < < 1, > 0 is defined as follow:
( , ) ={ ∈ : ( − , ) > 1− }
2) The closed ball [ , with center ∈ and radius 0<δ<1, > 0 is defined as follow:
[ , ] = { ∈ : ( − , ) ≥ 1 − }.
Definition (2.20) [10]: Let = { } ∈ , be a family of fuzzy seminorms on a vector space . Then the − th
open ball of radius 0 < < 1 center at ∈ is
( , ) = { ∈ : ( − , ) > 1 − }, > 0.
Let ℬ be the family of open balls in
ℬ= ( , ): ∈ , 0 < < 1, ∈
The fuzzy topology generated by ℬ is called The fuzzy topology induced by = { } ∈ .
Definition (2.21)[10]: Let be a fuzzy topological vector space whose fuzzy topology induced by a family
of fuzzy seminorms = { } ∈ . A sequence { } ∈ℕ in converge to a point ∈ , . . → as → ∞ if and
only if ( − , ) → 1 as → ∞, ∀ > 0 (or, ∀ 0 < < 1, > 0, ∃ ∈ ℤ such that ( − , )>1− ,
∀ ≥ )∀ ∈ .
Definition (2.22)[10]: Let be a fuzzy topological vector space whose fuzzy topology induced by a family
of fuzzy seminorms = { } ∈ . A sequence { } ∈ℕ in is Cauchy if and only if ( − , ) → 1 as , →
∞, ∀ > 0 (or, − , → 1 as → ∞, ∀ > 0 = 1,2,3, … ) ∀ ∈ .
Definition (2.23)[10]: Let be a fuzzy topological vector space whose fuzzy topology induced by a family
of fuzzy seminorms = { } ∈ is (sequentially) complete if every Cauchy sequence is converge.
Definition (2.24)[10]: A fuzzy Fréchet space (in short, ) is a complete fuzzy topological vector space whose
fuzzy topology induced by a countable separating family of fuzzy seminorms.
Lemma (2.25): Let { } ∈ℕ and { } ∈ℕ are two sequences in fuzzy Fréchet space whose fuzzy topology
induced by a countable separating family of fuzzy seminorms = { } ∈ . If → and → as → ∞ in
then ( − , ) → ( − , ), ∀ ∈ as → ∞ in , ∀ > 0.
Proof: Let → and → as → ∞ in , i.e. ∀ ∈
lim ( − , ) = 1

lim ( − , )=1

Now, ∀ ∈ ,∀ > 0
( − , )= ( − + − , )
≥ min{ − , , − , }
2 2
= min{ − , , − + − , + }
2 4 4
≥ min{ − , , − , , − , }
2 4 4

lim ( − , )

≥ min{ lim − , , lim − , , lim
→ 2 → 4 →

− , }
Since → and → as → ∞, then
lim ( − , ) ≥ min{ 1, − , , 1}
→ 4
= − ,
On the other hand
( − , )= − + − , +
2 2
≥ min{ − , , − , }
2 2
= min{ − , , − + − , + }
2 4 4
≥ min{ − , , − , , − , }
2 4 4
lim ( − , )

≥ min{ lim − , , lim − , , lim − , }
→ 2 → 4 → 4
Since → and → as → ∞, then
( − , ) ≥ min{1 , lim − , , 1}
→ 4
= lim − ,

( − , )→ ( − , )
∀ ∈ as → ∞ in , ∀ > 0.
Definition (2.26)[10]: Let ℳ be a fuzzy topological space. A pair ( , ) where is a fuzzy open subset of ℳ
such that, sup{ ( )} = 1, ∀ ∈ ℳ and is a fuzzy homeomorphism mapping defined on the support of ,
( ) = { ∈ ℳ: ( ) > 0}, which maps onto an open fuzzy subset ( ) in some fuzzy Fréchet space ,
called a fuzzy Fréchet chart on ℳ. ( , ) called a fuzzy Fréchet chart at ∈ ℳ if and only if ∈ ( ).
Definition (2.27)[10]: Let ℳ be a fuzzy topological space. A collection = {( , )} ∈ of a fuzzy Fréchet
charts on ℳ such that , ∈ cover ℳ i. e. ⋃ ∈ = ℳ called a fuzzy Fréchet atlas on ℳ.
Definition (2.28)[10]: A fuzzy Fréchet manifold ℳ is a fuzzy topological space modeled on some fuzzy Fréchet
space .


Let ℳ be a fuzzy Fréchet manifold modeled on fuzzy Fréchet space whose fuzzy topology induced by a
countable separating family of fuzzy seminorms = { } ∈ .
Definition (3.1): A mapping : ℳ → ℳ is said to be − contractive mapping if there exists 0 < < 1 such that
( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )
∀ ∈ , ∀ > 0 and ∀ , ∈ ℳ.
Theorem (3.2): Let : ℳ → ℳ be a − contractive mapping , then has a unique fixed point.
Proof: Let ∈ ℳ and = ( ), = 1,2,3, … such that
= ( )
= ( )= ( ) = ( )
= ( )= ( ) = ( )
Thus, ∀ = 1,2,3, … we have

= ( )
Now, ∀ > 0 and ∀ ∈ we have
( − , )= ( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )
( − , )= ( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )
( − , )≥ ( − , )≥ ( − , )
In the same way ∀ , we have
( − , )≥ ( − , )
Let = ,0 ≠ ∈ then
− , ≥ min{ ( − , ), ( − , ), … , − ,
1 1 1
= min{ ( − , ), ( − , ), … , − , }
1 1 1
≥ min{ ( − , ), ( − , ), … , ( − , )}
1 1 1
≥ min{ ( − , ), ( − , ), … , ( − , )}
= ( − , )
∀ ∈ . Since 0 < < 1 then
1 < lim ( − , ) ≤ lim − , ≤1
→ →
∀ ∈ . Hence lim − , and { } ∈ℕ is a Cauchy sequence.

Let ∈ ℳ such that → as → ∞.
( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )
∀ ∈ . Then
( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )
∀ ∈ . Hence
1 1
lim ( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ lim ( − , )= >1
→ →
∀ ∈ . Thus
1 < lim ( ( ) − ( ), ) ≤ 1

∀ ∈ . Therefore
lim ( ( ) − ( ), ) = 1, ∀ > 0.

lim ( )= ( )

lim = ( )

= ( )
Then is a fixed point of .
Let = ( ) for some ∈ ℳ. Then for > 0 and ∀ ∈ we have
1 1 1
( − , )= ( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )= ( ( ) − ( ), ) ≥ ( − , )≥⋯
≥ ( − , )
∀ ∈ . Since 0 < < 1 then
( − , ) → ∞ as →∞
∀ ∈ , and
1 < lim ( − , )≤ ( − , )≤1

∀ ∈ . Hence = and is a unique fixed point of .

Remark (3.3): It easy to show that from the proof of theorem (3.2) that for every ∈ ℳ the sequence { ( )}
converge to the fixed point of .
Theorem (3.4): Let : ℳ → ℳ be a mapping such that is − contractive mapping for some positive
integer . Let { } ∈ℕ be a sequence in ℳ such that if → as → ∞ then ( ) → ( ) as → ∞ then has
a unique fixed point.
Proof: Let = and ∈ ℳ. We will show that ( ) → ( ) in ℳ where is arbitrary fixed positive
integer. Now, ∀ ∈
( ) − ( ), = ( ) − ( ) , ≥ ( ) − ( ),
1 1
( ) − ( ), ≥ ( ) − ( ), = ( ) − ( ) ,
1 1
≥ ( ) − ( ), ≥⋯≥ ( ( )− , )
lim ( ) − ( ), ≥ lim ( ( )− , )
→ →
Since 0 < < 1, then
lim ( ( )− , )→∞

lim ( ) − ( ), = 1, ∀ > 0

( ) → ( ), as → ∞
Since is − contractive mapping then by theorem (3.2), has a unique fixed point . From remark (3.3) we
( )→ as →∞
( ) → ( ) as →∞
We get
( ) = ( ( )) → ( ) as →∞
lim ( ) − ( ), =1

∀ ∈ , ∀ > 0. From lemma (2.25), we have
( ( )− , )=1
∀ ∈ . Since = { } ∈ separating family, then ( ) = this mean is a fixed point of . Let be a nother
fixed point of i.e. ( ) = , then
( )= ( ) = ( )=⋯=
Thus ( ) = and therefore = , this mean is a unique fixed point of .
Definition (3.5): Let : ℳ → ℳ be a mapping. For > 0 and 0 < < 1, is said to be ( , ) −uniformly locally
contractive mapping if
( − , )>
( ( ) − ( ), ) > ( − , )
∀ , ∈ ℳ and ∀ ∈ .

Definition (3.6): Let 0 < < 1, A fuzzy Fréchet manifold ℳ is said to be −chainable fuzzy Fréchet manifold if
for every , ∈ ℳ, ≠ there exists a finite set of points = , … , = such that
− , > , = 1,2, … ,
∀ ∈ .
Theorem (3.7): Let ℳ be −chainable fuzzy Fréchet manifold, If : ℳ → ℳ is ( , ) −uniformly locally
contractive mapping then has a fixed point.

Proof: Let ∈ ℳ. If ( ) = then is a fixed point of . Suppose that ( ) ≠ , since ℳ is −chainable then
there exists a finite set of points , … , in ℳ such that = , … , = ( ) and
− , > , = 1,2, … ,
∀ ∈ . Since is ( , ) −uniformly locally contractive mapping, we have
− , >
( − , )> − , >
∀ ∈ . i.e.
− , > >
− , = ( − , > − , >
∀ ∈ . i.e.
− , >
∀ ∈ , in the same way
− , = ( − ,
> − , >
∀ ∈ ,∀ ∈ ℕ. i.e.
− , >
∀ ∈ ,∀ ∈ ℕ. Since = and = ( )
( ( )− ( ), ) = ( ( )− ( ( )), ) = ( ( )− ( ), )
≥ min{ ( )− ( ), , ( )− ( ), ,…, ( )− ( ),
( ( )− ( ), ) >
∀ ∈ and ∀ ∈ ℕ. Now, for all > 0 and <
( ( ) − ( ), )
≥ min{ ( )− ( ), , ( )− ( ), ,…, ( )
− −
− ( ),>

Thus { ( )} is a Cauchy sequence in ℳ, then there exists a point ∈ ℳ such that ( ) → as → ∞. Since
is ( , ) −uniformly locally contractive mapping, then ( ( )) → ( ) as → ∞. i.e.
( ) = lim ( ) = lim ( )=
→ →
Hence, w is a fixed point of .

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