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191210 《The Principle of Nature and Science》

Mr.Jason Ma , email:


With this article, we have completed a sculpture for Nature and science. Sculpture is
not a picture since it’s a holistic entity and in three dimensions, we can turn one
sculpture into picture in thousands if not millions.

We declared and explained why the principle of Nature is “Logical and Imperfect”.
Then we explained what kinds of fundamental changes this principle will bring to
science and to our understanding of Nature.

With this principle, we set up “Model of Coupling and its Singularities”, and use it as
physics model to give Identical Explanation for all phenomena of Nature, including
We use this physics model to give new explanation of all Big Questions in science,
three fields are used to cover them all as below:

1. Physics: Gravity, Universe and Elementary Particle;

2. Physics of Spiritual World:

We set up concept of Singularity of Spirits and explained below:

a. The physics of Consciousness follows the basic law of coupling;
b. Consciousness and nervous system are independent and not interdependent;
c. Test method of Consciousness;

3. Physics of life and death.

The principle of Nature is “Logical and Imperfect”.


According to Neutral Monism, Nature is one holistic entity, none phenomenon of

Nature is independent in absolute, it’s always connected with other phenomena
logically, though some of the connections are remote and hard to understand, such as,
the Butterfly Effect.

As Nature is holistic, if we classify natural phenomena into Two Kinds, in logic, those
Two Kinds will be directly connected with each other. For example, The Macros and
The Micros: The Cosmic Phenomena are directly connected with Elementary
Particle’s Phenomena; The Spiritual and The Physical: Consciousness is interacting
with our brain directly.


The aspects of Nature are infinite, and any phenomenon of Nature could be specified
logically infinite too, so we can’t understand any phenomenon of Nature in absolute

So, no entity or phenomenon of Nature can be perfect or eternal, they all have a start
and an end, no matter it’s a storm, a stone, a living creature, or it’s an Elementary
Particle or our Universe. (Our Universe is only part of the Nature.)

Science, as the law of Nature, follows this Principle too.


Our science is based on the Logics, any of our scientific theories/laws must be in
logic. Our scientific system today is built on a logical classification of the study
subjects, and then logically classify the study field of each subject finer and finer.


This means none of our scientific theories/laws are absolutely right, they are all on
conditions, they went wrong as soon as the conditions do not exist, say the threshold
of some indexes are passed.
(Laws of Mathematics are perfect, but Mathematics is logics, not law of Nature.)

This “Imperfect” principle will bring two gifts for our science:

1. A new methodology for scientific study,

We define the combination of all the indexes at its threshold to be the Singularities
of a scientific theory/law, then our scientific study will be: Find out the
Singularities of an existing theory/law, and then to find out new theory/law beyond
those Singularities.

2. Holism of our scientific system,

The indexes of one scientific theory/law is relevant to the indexes of other

scientific theories/laws, these indexes will bring holism to our science, bring
holism to our scientific system. So our scientific study can be more systematic
and with higher efficiency.

Our science today follows to the principle of “Logical” very well, but had neglected
the principle of “Imperfect”. That’s why our scientific system is so fragmented, and
our understanding of Nature is so fragmented.

The Subjects of Science are too independent and separated, if we use the concept of
Singularities and connected the Subjects by indexes, we will get the holism for our
scientific system and our scientific study.

Within one Subject, its Study Field has also been classified into independent and
separated Segments, if we could use the concept of Singularities and connected the
Segments by indexes, we will get a more holistic view of that Subject.

With this principle of “Logical and Imperfect”, we set up “Model of Coupling and its
Singularities”, and use it as physics model to give Identical Explanation for all
phenomena of Nature, including Consciousness:

Nature is made from an unknown More Fundamental Existence (MFE), its intrinsic
interaction in between is called Basic Coupling which is nonlinear and resonance

1. On Basic A Conditions, this basic interaction is changed to its opposite way

2. On Basic B Conditions, this basic interaction is amplified suddenly, this
amplification turns MFE into High Level Existences, and turns Basic Coupling into
High Level Interactions. The only two kinds of High Level Existence which are known
by Humanity are Matter and Consciousness , we explain them in details as follows,

a. The four basic interactions of Matter: Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong

interaction and Weak interaction of Elementary Particles. The unity of the four basic
interactions means the unification of Quantum and Relativity;

Wave and Particle are two forms of Matter, so Matter physical wave-particle duality.
Mass is a metric of particle, not a metric of wave;

b. Interaction of Consciousness: Mental Activities;

Space is a metric of Matter, not a metric of Consciousness, Time is a metric of


3. High Level Interactions has Singularity of Contraction, interactions between High

Level Existences follows their Singularity of Transformation, details as follows:

Singularity of Contradiction: The common part from Basic B Conditions and Basic A
Conditions produces Senior A Conditions which turns a High Level Interaction into
its opposite way suddenly. The Set of Indexes’ Threshold on Senior A Conditions are
the Singularities of Contradiction for this High Level Interaction.

For Gravity’s case, its Senior A Conditions turns Gravity Force from attracting to
repelling, if, Distance too close or too remote, Mass too little or too huge.

Singularity of Transformation: Basic B Conditions are relevant between High Level

Interactions, only the change of some of its indexes turns one High Level Interaction
into another, the Basic B Conditions at the changing point produces a Singularity of
Transformation for these two High Level Interactions and their relevant Senior B
Conditions shows no connection at all.

For example, the Singularities of Transformation between Matter and Consciousness

is also called Singularities of Spirits(SS),their seemingly irrelevant Senior B
Conditions will explain the connection between our brain and our mental activities.
4. Except Basic B Conditions, there are still huge amount of MFE there, such as Dark

“Model of Coupling and its Singularities” can give logical explanations to all Big
Questions in science, we use three fields to cover them as below:

First, the Physics of Our Physical World,

① Singularity of Contradiction: The Law of Gravity is on conditions: Both its indexes

of Distance and Mass have threshold to turn gravity into a repelling force. This
answered why many cosmic phenomena could not be explained by our law of
gravity, such as, why galaxies could be sparsely spread in Universe and stable, not
evenly spread in Universe. Dark Matter and Dark Energy can’t be calculated by
present Law of Gravity either ;

② Singularities of Transformation: Big Bang Theory is wrong. Our Universe starts

from a point with infinite Mass can only be a perfect model in Mathematics, it can
not be a fact in Nature. Not only the singularities of contradiction from space, time
and Mass will turn this theory wrong, Nature have Senior Indexes other than the
space, time and Mass, which produce Singularities of Transformation and unify
the Four Basic Interactions of Matter.

③ Singularities of Transformation: It’s a mistake to suppose that Elementary

Particles are just smaller and smaller in space while less and less in Mass. Since
Nature have Senior Indexes other than Time, Space and Mass, the Singularities of
Transformation could give Space and Mass different meaning which unify our
present concept of Elementary Particles and Cosmos. This explains why
Elementary Particles have such a similarities with Galaxies. Senior Indexes other
than time, space and Mass will give a direct connection between the Macros and
the Micros.

Second, the Physics of Our Spiritual World: The Singularity of Spirits and the Physics
of Consciousness,

Our thinking or mental activities produce the Consciousness, Consciousness

composes the Spiritual World. Both Consciousness and Matter are senior forms of the
“More Fundamental Existence”, they both follows the basic physics law of coupling.
The singularity of transformation between Matter and Consciousness is the
Singularity of Spirits(SS). Once we know other Senior Indexes of SS besides Space,
Time and Mass, we will be able to interpret the connections between Matter and
Consciousness and unify the Spiritual World and the Physical World under one roof.

Till now, our Brain is our only instrument to measure consciousness directly and
accurately, so, Study our brain and our mental activities is the most feasible approach
to study the Physics of Consciousness. We explains this in details in another essay:
<Biological Mechanism of Thinking>, a brief introduction here as below:

Different people see things differently, but some people see things very similarly, we
identify those people as Mental Twins. Mental Twins have a similarity in Mode of
Thinking, behavior and personality, which also reflects their similarity of Biological
Mechanism of Thinking(BMT). A similar BMT means that Mental Twins produce
Consciousness under same laws : If we give Mental Twins a same stimulation, they
will produce similar consciousness in similar course. In this way, Mental Twins
provide us a concrete and stable experimental platform for the testing of Mental
Activities, we could test Mental Twins and only use their Common Data as mental
relevant. This will be our Test Method of Consciousness : the mental irrelevant
physical data can be filtrated by Mental Twins. Mental Twins provides us a solution to
the fundamental question of neuroscience: NCC(Neural Correlates of Consciousness).

We have given BMT a scientific indexes from people’s psychological indexes, so we

could test indexes of BMT to study the Physics of Consciousness and get a scientific
understanding of Memory, Dream, Thinking, Consciousness and even our Soul.

Study the singularities between different subjects of science may provide us another
approach to study the indexes of the Singularities of Spirits, since the indexes of
Spirits are relevant to the indexes of the subjects of science, they belongs to the
indexes of Nature in holism.

Third, the Essence of Life and Death,

A living entity is based on the Basic Coupling too, it also follows the law of coupling.
Spirits and body as two aspects of our life, they behaved quite differently because
they are under different kinds of Senior Coupling, their law of coupling and indexes
are different. So, our spirits and our body may not start or ending simultaneously, but
due to the principle of Imperfect, neither of our spirits nor our body could be eternal.
With “Model of Coupling and Singularity”, we could understand three specific
concepts of life as below:

① Coma: Physical body have not reached its ending singularity, but Spirits is very
closed or bypassed its ending singularity;

② NDE(Near death experience): Physical body close to its ending singularity, but
Spirits is not at all;

③ Reincarnation: The mind/consciousness may exist without our physical body, it

may vivid via other physical body, but not eternal.

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