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Temporary Challenge:

Complete a stage in Sinnoh Champion Stadium Master Mode, with a minimum of 2.35k
(2350 points) without using a
Master Fair and a Seasonal (seasonal includes Anniversary Units, Special Costumes
are allowed)

Complete Cobalion Stage 3 with just using Supports being the 1 support Falkner,
remaining supports shall be a F2P
(No Support Sync Pairs shall deal any sort of status conditions)

Complete Flint’s Stage in Sinnoh Champion Stadium Master Mode using SS Brock with a
minimum of 1.5k
(1500 points) without using a –Fair Units (-Fair Units include Poke Fair, Seasonal,
Anniversary and Master Fair)

Complete a stage in Sinnoh Champion Stadium with a minimum of 1.6k (1600 points)
using one trainer lodge sync pair,
a seasonal and a trainer from Galar (STRICTLY: No Master Fair Units)

Complete Tornadus Stage 3 without using Sync Pairs that can deal Paralysis or any
status condition (No Master Fair)

The main problem of the community relating to social media, are the younger
generations, especially the millennials
and generation Z (Gen Z) have an uncontrolled use of different social media
platforms. Especially at present time,
wherein students have a concentrated focus on using their phones to be entertained
and to communicate with other people
within their group. Resulting to a poor performance of their academe and also
developing a health issue, which can be
either, physically, mentally or even socially. Particularly, when they use the
social media out of hand,

Social Media is defined as websites and programs that emphasize collaboration,
sharing of content, engagement, and
community-based feedback are collectively referred to as social media. Social media
is used by people to connect and
communicate with their friends, family, and other communities. Information now
circulates in both directions between the
reader and the authoritative source under social media. The way information is
handled has significantly changed as a
result of the capacity to communicate instantly and directly with the news source.
It is referred to as "social" because
of its direct, one-to-many-and-back-again manner. Social media is used by billions
of people worldwide to connect and
share information. Social media gives you the personal freedom to interact with
loved ones, learn new things,
explore new interests, and be entertained. Today's communication has transformed as
a result of social media. Knowing
about all of the newest options for managing our online reputation is in our best
interests. Social media is used for
more than just brand-customer interaction. In actuality, social media's fundamental
purpose is to bring people together. You may have heard if you've been to one of my
Social Shift training sessions that I nearly exclusively make friends in San
Francisco online. On the Internet, there is a lot of chatter. You can focus on the
topics and authors you truly care about via social media. You can make lists that
compile content from the media outlets, celebrities, and thought leaders in your
field. It is simple to find information about current affairs and local events.

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