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Science is divided into two;

1. Pure Science
- The pure social sciences are economic, political sciences, anthropology and sociology.
2. Applied Science
- Social works , education, public administration, ethics and management may be
classified as applied social science.

 The origin of Sociology and Anthropology ( Summary)

- The history of Anthropology goes back to the period of discoveries and exploration from
15th and 18th centutries.
- Source of the facts are the accounts of early explorers.
 Missionaries
 Soldiers
 Colonial officials
- Discoveries of flint tools and other artifacts in France and others part of Europe in the
early 19th century gave evidence of the existence of human beings a million years ago.
- These discoveries happened at a time when advances in physics and chemistry were
made, arousing an interest in scientific inquiry.
- Edward Tylor was the first professor of anthropology in Oxford England .
- In the united states, it was Franz Boas of Clark University, Massachusetts.
- Modern Anthropology in both physical and cultural aspects started only around the 20 th
- The pioneers aside Edward Tylor were Lewis Morgan and Helbert Spencer.
- The data gathering about individual cultures was made by Franz Boas and Alfred Kroeber
who followed by Bronislaw Malinowski, A.R. Radcliffe Brown, Ralph Linton, Ruth
Benidect, Margaret Mead.

 The development of Sociology and Athropology in the Philippines

- The ideas of sociology and anthropology were diffused in Europe , in the Americans and
Asia one of the receiving countries is the Philippines.
- Ethnographic accounts provided by Spanish Chroniclers like Pigafetta, Loarca,
Plansencia, and Chirino are now being used for historical and comparative studies on
Philippines society and culture.
- In 19th century, archaeological explorations was made by a Frenchman, Alfred Marche,
who did some digging in Marinduque.
- Jose Rizal and Trinidad Pardo de Travera later contributed to ethnolinguistics and the
- Field studies were made on a number of hill peoples by such an American anthropologist
as H. Otley Beyer, Albert Jenks, and Roy Franklin Barton.
- Anthropology was elevated to an academic discipline in the university of the Philippines
in 1914 by Otley Boyer.

 How to study society and culture?

- In 1952 the Philippines Sociological Society was recognized, which marked an important
milestone in the development of Philippines sociology.
- In 1960 the research Foundation of the Philippines Anthropology and Archaeology was
established giving greater impetus to research.
- In 1968 the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) was formed to consolidate the
Philippine social science researches.
- In 1970’s brought in ideas of phenomenological sociology and Marxism in Europe.

Origin, Definition, and Perspective
- Sociologoy is considered as one of the youngest of the social sciences emerged about
the middle of the 19th century.
1. The turn oil of the Industrial revolution.
 By the middle of 19th century, Europe was changing from agriculture to
factory production.
 They also foung horrible working conditions: low pay, exhausting hours,
dangerous works, foul smoke, and much noise.
 Life no longer looked the same, and tradition which had provided the
answer, no longer sufficed.
- In 1928 Memoir of Robert Blincoe by John Brown.

2. the success of American and French Revolution.

 The second blow to tradition was the success of the American and
French revolutions.
 This new idea caught fire, many tradition Western monarchies gave
way to more democratic forms and to other manisfestations of political
 Voltaire ( Francois- Marie Arouet) (1694- 1778) was a philosopher and
writer of the Age of Enlightment.
3. Imperialism
 This factor also stimulated the development of sociology.
 The European had been successful in conquering many parts of the
4. The success of the natural sciences.
 The fourth impetus for the development of sociology is the success of
the natural sciences.
 The scientific method using objective, systematic observations to test
theories was being tried out in chemistry and physics.

 Pioneers of Sociology

 Auguste Comte (1798-1857) and positivism

- Positivism – using scientific methods to reveal the laws by which societies and
individuals interact.
 Harriet Martineau (1802-18;’6) and Political Economy
- First woman Sociologist
- Illustrate of political economy (1931) that educated people about principle economic.
- Society in Americano (1837)
 Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Social Conflict
- German philosopher and economist
- Communist Manisfesto (1848)
 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
- The Study of Sociology (1873)
- He favored a form of government allowed market forces to control capitalism.
 George Simmel (1858-1918)
- Addressed topics such as social conflict, the function of money individuals identity in the
city life and the European fears of outsiders.
- Micro-levels theories
- Cultures are the creative capacities of individuals.
 Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) and Social Facts
- Helped establish the first European department of Sociology at the University of
Bordeaux in 1895.
- “Social facts facts determined whether the society is healthy or pathological.”
- Suicide are caused by socio religous forces rather than to individual or psychological
 George Herbert Mead (1863-1931) and the Social Self
- The mind and self are developed as a result of social processes.
- Symbolic- interactionism and the micro level approach.
 Max Weber (1864-1920) and Versetehen
- Verstehen- yo grasp by insight; to understand in a deeper way, understanding from the
insider’s point of view.
- Proposed the philosophy of antipositivism whereby social researchers would strive to
subjectively, cultural norms and social values.
 C. Wrigth Mills(1916-1962) and Sociological imagination
- Sociological Imagination- seeing the general in the particular and seeing the strange in
the familiar
- Author of the Power Elite

 Social Psychology
- Association between television, movie, and videogame exposure and school
- Iman Sharif, James D. Sargent, Pedriatics, Oct. 2006 Vol. 118 issue 4.
- This area studies human and personality as the product of group life.
- It also touches on the study of social attitudes and collective behavior.
 Social change and disorganization
- This area is concerned with the change in culture and social relations and the attendant
discruption that may occur. Social reorganization is also considered.
 Sociological theory and methods

- This includes theory building and testing the applicability of the principles of group life
as the mases for the prediction and control of the individual’s social environment.
 Applied Sociology

- This makes use of the finding of pure sociological research on the various aspects and
problems of daily life, as in criminology, community development, family counseling,
squatters relocation, education, agrarian reform, non-governmental organization, labor
relations, nutrition and health.

 Sociology is the science of society and the interaction taking place among
individuals in a social group.
 It’s focuses on all kinds of;
o Social interaction
o Social acts
o Social relationship
o Social organization
o Social processes
 It is concerned with the recurrent and repetitive forms of behavior;
o Attitudes
o Beliefs
o Norms
o Social institutions
 Social organizations
 This involves the study of social groups, social institutions ethnic
relations, social stratification, social mobility, and bureaucracy.
 It includes the sociology of family, economy, work, agriculture, industry,
religion, law, and politics, and education.
 Population studies
 This analyzes population number, composition, chang and quality as they
influence and are influenced by the social economic and political orders.
 Human Ecology
 Studies in this area deal with the human behavior of a given, population in
relation to its environment and the emergence of the spatial relations
between the people and the environment.

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