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Received: 9 June 2021 Revised: 18 October 2021 Accepted: 12 November 2021
DOI: 10.1111/1442-1984.12364


First report on generalized pollination systems

in Melastomataceae for the Andean pa ramos

Naisla Manrique Valderrama1,2 | Isabela Galarda Varassin3,4 |

3,4 2
Luan Salles Passos | María Eugenia Morales Puentes

Estudiante Maestría en Ciencias
ogicas, Escuela de Posgrados en Abstract
Ciencias, Universidad Pedagogica y Melastomataceae is a megadiverse family with records of transitions from special-
Tecnologica de Colombia, Tunja,
ized to generalized pollination systems for several species. These transitions are
2 associated with the colonization of new, unpredictable and/or impoverished polli-
Grupo Sistematica Biol
ogica, Herbario
UPTC, Universidad Pedag ogica y nator habitats or habitats where specialized pollinators are scarce (e.g., in high-
ogica de Colombia, Tunja, land environments). The bee species diversity is low in highlands. Therefore,
autonomous breeding systems such as apomixis and self-pollination emerge in
Programa de P os-Graduaç~ao em
Botânica, Universidade Federal do these environments. In this paper, we studied the floral traits associated with the
Parana, Centro Politécnico, Curitiba, generalization of pollination systems and registered the floral visitors of two spe-
cies in the Colombian Andes: Miconia cataractae and M. elaeoides. We investi-
Laboratorio de Interações e Biologia
gated the breeding system of M. elaeoides. Both species presented small flowers,
Reprodutiva, Universidade Federal do
Parana, Centro Politécnico, Curitiba, short anthers of medium pore size, and nectar-producing stomata on the base of
Brazil the anthers. Miconia cataractae produced an average of 1.62 μl nectar/flower, a
sugar concentration of 6.78%, whereas M. elaeoides produced 0.09 μl nectar/
Naisla Manrique Valderrama, Universidad flower, a sugar concentration of 6.13%. We recorded a wide diversity of pollinators
Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia, for both species, mainly insects from the orders Hymenoptera and Diptera.
Herbario UPTC, Avenida Central del
Norte, 39-115, Edificio Centro de
Miconia elaeoides presented a mixed breeding system and was also capable of set-
Laboratorios LS-109, Herbario UPTC, ting fruits by apomixis. We conclude that flower and anther morphology, com-
Tunja, Boyaca, Colombia. bined with nectar production, thus represent convergent traits resulting in a
generalist pollination system shared by M. cataractae and M. elaeoides. Here, we
Funding information presented the first generalist pollination system recorded for Miconia (and the
Brazilian Coordination for the
Melastomataceae) in the Andes, the first report for a species from the small-pored
Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel, Grant/Award Number: section Amblyarrhena, and the first report for a species from the large-pored
88882.382585/2019-01; National Council section Cremanium in Colombia.
for Scientific and Technological
Development, Grant/Award Number: KEYWORDS
anther, buzz pollination, Colombia, Miconieae, pollen

1 | INTRODUCTION adaptations to less efficient pollinators can evolve if there

is a gain in fitness (Aigner, 2001) and if the trade-offs
Specialized pollination systems are, in general, a conse- generated by these pollinators are minimal (Castellanos
quence of the evolution of floral traits in response to cer- et al., 2004; Muchhala, 2003), providing the emergence
tain functional groups of most effective pollinators of generalist pollination systems. Moreover, although
(Fenster et al., 2004; Stebbins, 1971). Nonetheless, floral there is a greater prevalence of generalist systems in

160 © 2022 The Society for the Study of Species Biology Plant Species Biol. 2022;37:160–172.
14421984, 2022, 2, Downloaded from by UFPR - Universidade Federal do Parana, Wiley Online Library on [30/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

plant–pollinator interactions (Waser et al., 1996), meth- short, small-pored anthers (Goldenberg et al., 2008).
odological biases combined with the complex nature of These changes from small to large pores have allowed
generalist pollination systems and their variability in time these species to explore new pollinator guilds beyond
and space have created constraints on the construction of buzzing bees (i.e., flies and wasps) and thus more gener-
an empirical structure from an evolutionary perspective alized plant–pollinator interactions (Brito et al., 2016;
(G omez & Zamora, 2006; King et al., 2013; Waser Goldenberg et al., 2008; Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014).
et al., 1996). This transition is associated with the coloniza- Moreover, in Miconia (Miconieae), herkogamy is less
tion of new, unpredictable and/or depauperate pollinator common (Goldenberg et al., 2008), and self-incompati-
habitats (Armbruster & Baldwin, 1998; Martén-Rodríguez ble, self-compatible, and apomictic species have been
et al., 2010) or habitats where specialized pollinators are reported (Goldenberg & Shepherd, 1998; Goldenberg &
scarce (e.g., diversity of bees in highland environments, Varassin, 2001; Maia et al., 2016; Renner, 1989; Santos
Arroyo et al., 1982; Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014). Besides that, et al., 2010). Curiously, self-compatible species of
when pollinators are scarce or absent, autonomous breed- Miconia present a generalized pollination system (Maia
ing systems may emerge (Barrett, 1996), such as apomixis et al., 2016; Santos et al., 2010).
or self-pollination (Kriebel et al., 2015). In Colombia, there are 987 species of Melastomataceae,
Melastomataceae is a megadiverse family of angio- and the genus Miconia is represented by 382 species (Bernal
sperms with about 5750 species in 177 genera (Michelangeli et al., 2015). Studies involving reproductive biology and pol-
et al., 2019). Most species have flowers with heteromorphic lination ecology of Melastomataceae from Colombia are
stamens and poricidal anthers (Renner, 1989). These floral scarce. There are only two studies on the topic: one on bee
traits, especially the tubular anthers with minute pores, pos- dependency of Melastomataceae species (Henao, 2019) and
sibly evolved as a response to avoid excessive pollen loss to the other one on the reproductive system of M. serrulata
pollinators (Buchmann, 1983; De Luca & Vallejo- (DC.) Naudin in the Colombian Amazon (Cadavid, 2004).
Marín, 2013), considering that pollen is the main or only However, there is no information on the reproductive sys-
resource offered by these flowers to floral visitors tem and plant–pollinator interaction considering the eleva-
(i.e., “pollen flowers,” sensu Vogel, 1978). These flowers are tion in the Andes. With the increase in altitude, we
pollinated legitimately by some bee species capable of expected not only a reduction of species of the main pollina-
buzzing the anthers to extract and collect pollen, an interac- tors in Melastomataceae (i.e., buzzing bees) (Arroyo
tion called buzz pollination (Buchmann, 1983). Moreover, et al., 1985) but also a transition from specialized interac-
this kind of pollination is common among Melastomataceae tions between buzzing bees to interactions with other func-
species, such that up to 98% of Neotropical species are polli- tional groups of pollinators (e.g., Dellinger et al., 2021;
nated in this way (Renner, 1989), indicating that this spe- Gavrutenko et al., 2020; Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014).
cialized pollination system is conserved. In this study, we investigated whether floral traits of
However, several shifts in these traits have been Melastomataceae species from highland environments
described for the family, such as changes from pollen can indeed be associated with a generalized pollination
flowers to nectar flowers in different and unrelated genera, system, as well as reflect a generalist pollination system,
resulting in pollination by other insects than bees, mainly and are also reflected in a generalization of reproductive
in the tribe Miconieae (Brito et al., 2017; Kriebel & strategies, such as mixed reproductive systems and nectar
Zumbado, 2014; Maia et al., 2016), as well as by verte- production. For this purpose, we selected Miconia
brates (Dellinger et al., 2018, 2019; Varassin et al., 2008). cataractae Triana and M. elaeoides Naudin as models due
Furthermore, many studies suggested transitions from a to their traits: their small and isomorphic flowers and
specialized to a generalized insect pollination system in shorter anthers but from clades with contrasting pore
the Miconieae tribe (Brito et al., 2016; Brito et al., 2017; size. Our study represents the first generalist pollination
Gavrutenko et al., 2020; Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014; Maia system recorded for Miconia (and the Melastomataceae)
et al., 2016; Michelangeli et al., 2019; Santos et al., 2010). in the Andes and the first report for a species from the
This transition can be associated with changes in stamen small-pored section Amblyarrhena.
morphology and floral symmetry that are likely evolution-
ary responses, related to pollination shifts and changes in
mating systems in the tribe (Brito et al., 2016, 2017; 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
Gavrutenko et al., 2020; Goldenberg et al., 2008;
Goldenberg & Shepherd, 1998). For instance, for species of 2.1 | Study site and model species
the Cremanium section, stamens are short and the anthers
are large pored (Goldenberg et al., 2008), contrasting with We carried out our field work from December 2019 to
the Amblyarrhena section, where the flowers present March 2020 in the municipality of Ventaquemada in the
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Rabanal Paramo (5 250 06.900 N, 73 320 46.900 W, 3131– alcohol with a stereomicroscope Leica EZ4 W/E with a
3355 m. a. s. l), vereda Montoya, sector Mata Negra. built-in camera and the Leica LAS EZ software. We
There, the minimum and maximum monthly tempera- recorded the following measures: total length of the
ture is 12 and 16.5 C, respectively, with a multi-year flower (FLF), taken from the base of the peduncle to the
average value of 14.4 C. The mean precipitation varies apex of the anthers; width and length of the petal (PW,
between 650 and 950 mm (Corporaci on Autonoma PL); total length of the anther (AL; four to six anthers/
Regional Cundinamarca [CAR] et al., 2014). The climate flower); length of the gynoecium (GL); width and length
is classified as a very humid montane forest according to of the anther pore (WP, LP; four to six anthers/flower);
the Holdridge system (Morales et al., 2007) and presents and the pore area (PA), with the ellipse formula. We cal-
a bimodal distribution of rains in periods from March to culated the relationship between the pore area and the
July and from October to November. The dry periods are anther length (PA/AL ratio; Brito et al., 2016) because
from February to August (21 mm) (Morales et al., 2007). the pollen release can be different between anthers with
Miconia cataractae Triana (sect. Amblyarrhena) is a the same pore area, depending on the anther length
native tree from the Colombian and Venezuelan Andes (Goldenberg et al., 2008). In addition, we counted the
(Bernal et al., 2015; Goldenberg et al., 2013). Currently, number of seeds (SN) from a single fruit from five differ-
information about the characteristics of the species is scarce ent individuals (n = 5 fruits/species). We compared the
and restricted to insights provided in the original work of PA/AL ratio and the SN with Brito et al. (2016).
description of the species (see Triana, 1871). In the studied Additionally, we checked for the occurrence of nectary
area, individuals of M. cataractae were found in short stomata as in Varassin et al. (2008) through scanning elec-
parches of Andean cloud forests (3131–3350 m. a. s. l.). tron microscopy (SEM, Carl Zeiss RA-ZEI-001 EVO MA
Miconia elaeoides Naudin (sect. Cremanium) occurs 10 serial 994 448). For SEM, we dehydrated the samples in
in Colombia and Venezuela (Goldenberg et al., 2013) and an ethanol–acetone series and coated them for 4.5 min with
is part of the clade Miconia III, which assembles Miconia gold–palladium in a Quorum Q150R ES Turbo Metallizer/
species from the Andes (Goldenberg et al., 2008). Miconia evaporator supported by a turbomolecular pump.
elaeoides is a shrub, 2.5–5 m high, present in open areas
of paramo and high mountain forests (Jardín Botanico de
Bogota [JBB], 2020). Its small flowers are arranged in a 2.3 | Floral visitors
thyrsoid panicle, nonherkogamous flowers with a cam-
panulate hypanthium, 10 isomorphic stamens, and two- We performed focal observations (sensu Dafni, 1992) to
pored anthers (Naudin, 1850a, 1850b). Individuals of record the flower visitors in three individuals per species
M. elaeoides can be found at altitudes above 3350 m. a. s. from October to December in M. cataractae and January to
l., under the influence of wind, mist, and low tempera- March in M. elaeoides. The observations were during 8-h
tures (12 –16.5 C). The surrounding vegetation consists sessions, in 4 days, totaling 32 h of observation per species.
of dwarf trees, shrubs, and grassland, besides the threat- We recorded the species, and the number of flowers visited
ened Andean species of the genus Espeletia Bonpl. in a given plant. According to the visitor behavior (contact
(Asteraceae; Mavarez, 2021). with the stigma, perching, consumption of nectar, con-
sumption of pollen, consumption of nectar and pollen) and
adjustment in the flowers, we characterized the visitors as
2.2 | Flower biology and morphology pollinators, when they access the resource and touch the
stigma; thieves, when they access the resources without
We studied aspects of floral biology, such as flowering touching the stigma; and robbers, when they accessed the
time, stigma receptivity, and morphometry of the floral resource illegitimately (Inouye, 1980). We photographed
whorls. We described the floral morphology based on the insects and collected individuals to further identify
30 flowers selected randomly (in three individuals per them at the entomology laboratory at the Universidad
species). We determined stigma receptivity by surface cat- Pedagogica y Tecnol ogica de Colombia (UPTC). We depos-
alytic activity (Dafni et al., 2005; Fleet, 1952) in flower ited the insects at the Museo de Historia Natural Luis
buds and newly open flowers, bagged before anthesis. We Gonzalo Andrade, UPTC.
collected nectar from flowers (12 flower/species; Varassin
et al., 2008) in the morning session. We recorded the vol-
ume/flower with a graduate capillary, as well as the total 2.4 | Breeding systems of M. elaeoides
sugar content, weight by weight, using a handheld refrac-
tometer (concentration range 0%–32% Brix). For flower We described the breeding system of M. elaeoides through
morphometry, we measured the flowers preserved in 70% controlled pollination treatments. We applied five
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treatments (Radford et al., 1974): (1) autonomous pollina- the index of self-incompatibility (ISI, sensu Bullock, 1985)
tion, where we bagged the buds; (2) self-pollination, as the fruit set ratio between self- and cross-pollination.
where we manually removed the pollen from the anthers We interpreted values higher than 0.25 as an indication
to a slide and deposit it on the stigma of the same flower of self-compatibility (Oliveira & Gibbs, 2000; Zapata &
with a brush, and the flowers were bagged; (3) cross-pol- Arroyo, 1978). We also calculated the reproductive efficacy
lination, where the pollen was manually transferred from index (RE, Oliveira & Gibbs, 2000; Zapata & Arroyo, 1978),
the anthers of one individual to the stigma of another which is the ratio between fruit set by open pollination and
individual, bagging the flowers; (4) open pollination (con- cross-pollination.
trol), where the flower was only marked; and (5) apo-
mixis, where the stigmas in buds were covered with glue
and then bagged. We performed the treatments in three 3 | RESULTS
individuals and 10 flowers per treatment in each individ-
ual, resulting in 30 flowers per treatment. The fruit develop- 3.1 | Flower biology and morphology
ment was followed until ripening, for about a month.
Reproductive success was estimated by the number of fruits The flowering phenophase of both species lasted approxi-
formed per treatment. We did not perform the statistical mately 6 to 8 weeks in the dry season, between October
analysis of our data because our samples did not meet some and December for M. cataractae, and January and
assumptions, such as sufficient sample size. We calculated February for M. elaeoides. The flowers of M. cataractae

F I G U R E 1 Flowers of Miconia cataractae (a–e) and M. elaeoides (f–j). Some measurements: FLF, total length of the flower; PW width of
the petal; PL, length of the petal; AW, anther width. Flower of M. cataractae (a). Stamen of M. cataractae (b). Detail of anther (c). Petal (d).
Capitate to peltate stigma in M. cataractae (e). Flower of M. elaeoides (f). Stamen of M. elaeoides (g). Detail of anther (h). Petal (i) and
punctiform stigma in M. elaeoides (j). The lines represent a scale of 0.8 mm

TABLE 1 Size of flower whorls of Miconia cataractae Triana

Flower whorl Min Max Mean SD CV

Full flower length (mm) 7.90 12 9.61 1.10 11.53
Petal width (mm) 1.84 2.97 2.32 0.28 12.19
Petal length (mm) 2.53 3.26 2.94 0.20 6.84
Anther width (μm) 117.2 287.5 217 52.39 24.14
Anther length (μm) 1983 3653 2760 375.63 13.60
Anther pore area (μm ) 27368.62 50965.10 39135.67 7691.48 19.65
PA/AL 14.24 3.45
SN 57.71 9.8

Note: Sample size = 30 flowers.

Abbreviations: AL, anther length; CV, coefficient of variation; PA, pore area; SD, standard deviation; SN, seed number.
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TABLE 2 Size of flower whorls in Miconia elaeoides Naudin

Flower whorl Min Max Mean SD CV

Full flower length (mm) 9.46 12.40 10.97 0.83 7.58
Petal width (mm) 2.13 3.09 2.59 0.21 8.15
Petal length (mm) 2.53 3.26 2.94 0.20 6.84
Anther width (um) 341 629.6 419.26 83.63 19.94
Anther length (um) 1698 2930 2568 286.27 11.14
Anther pore area (μm2) PA 36,135.91 165,131.16 80,872.23 39,080.19 48.32
PA/AL 31.49 17.99
SN 42.23 9.8

Note: Sample size = 30 flowers.

Abbreviations: AL, anther length; CV, coefficient of variation; PA, pore area; SD, standard deviation; SN, seed number.

F I G U R E 2 Scanning electron microscopy images under electron high tension (EHT) = 20 kV (a–f) of anthers of Miconia cataractae
(a–c) and M. elaeoides (d–f). Anthers with a single pore in M. cataractae, work distance (WD) = 33.5 mm, magnitude of increase
(mag) = 100 X (a). The basal part of anthers with projections (indicated with an arrow) and the possible presence of stomata of
M. cataractae, WD = 34.0 mm, mag = 70 X (b). Anther pore in M. cataractae, WD = 34.0 mm, mag = 500 X (c). Stomata positioned at the
basal part of the anther and in the distal part of the anther filament in the projections of the anthers (indicated with an arrow),
WD = 9.0 mm, mag = 90 X (d). Detail of two-pored anther of M. elaeoides, WD = 9.5 mm, mag = 275 X (e). The nectary stoma with the
shape of a patelliform gland in the anthers in M. elaeoides, WD = 10.5 mm, mag = 5.00 K X (f)
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TABLE 3 Floral visitors of (1) Miconia cataractae and (2) M. elaeoides: species, plant visited, number of records, resource collected, and

Species Plant visited N of records Behavior Resource

Metallura tyrianthina 2 1 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Chrysomelidae sp. 1, 2 10 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Phaenolis sp. 2 1 Perched on leaves and flowers, potential pollinator N.O.
Magdalis sp. 1, 2 12 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Sylvicola fasciatus 1 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Bibionomorpha sp. 1, 2 28 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Brachypremna sp. 1, 2 4 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Callicera sp. 1 1 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Calliphora nigribasis 1, 2 38 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Lucilia sericata 1, 2 8 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Elachiptera sp. 1, 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Eristalis arbustorum 1, 2 4 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Ocyptamus sp. 1 1 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Platycheirus sp. 1, 2 19 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Syrphus sp. 1, 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Toxomerus sp. 2 1 Nectarivore, perched on leaves and flowers, pollinator N/P
Bradysia sp. 1, 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Adejeania sp. 1, 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Parepalpus sp. 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Nezera viridula 1 1 Perched on leaves and flowers, potential pollinator N.O.
Agelaia sp. 1 1 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Vespidae sp. 1 1 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Apis mellifera 1, 2 40 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Bombus robustus 1, 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Bombus atratus 2 3 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Bombus hortulanus 2 3 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Bombus rubicundus 1, 2 52 Nectarivore, pollinator N/P
Camponotus polymorphicus 2 7 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Braconidae sp. 1, 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Pedaliodes sp. 2 2 Nectarivore, pollinator N
Gnatosoma sp. 2 1 Perched on flowers N.O.
Gryllidae sp. 2 1 Perched on leaves and flowers, pollinator N

Abbreviations: N, nectar; P, pollen; N.O., not observed.

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F I G U R E 3 Habitats and flower

visitors of Miconia cataractae (a–h) and
M. elaeoides (i-o). Image of M. cataractae
(a). Patches of Andean cloud forest and
habitat of M. cataractae (photo by
W. Medina) (b). Braconidae contacting
the flowers’ anthers and gynoecium (c).
Bibinomorpha sp. walking between
flowers (d). Bombus rubicundus
pollinating flowers (e). Calliphora
nigribasis contacting the anthers and
stigma (f). Toxomerus sp. walking into
flowers and looking for nectar (g).
Syrphus sp. walking on the flowers (h).
Image of M. elaeoides (i). Habitat of
M. elaeoides with paramo vegetation
with dwarf trees, shrubs, and grassland,
beside the threatened Andean species of
the genus Espeletia Bonpl. (Asteraceae)
(j). Calliphora nigribasis contacting the
anthers and stigma (k). Bombus
rubicundus pollinating flowers (l). Fly
(Syrphidae) walking between flowers
(m). Apis mellifera pollinating flowers
(n). Eristalis arbustorum eating nectar
(o). The line represents a scale of one cm

and M. elaeoides were arranged in paniculate inflores- anthers and petals started to fall. The flowers of both spe-
cences of terminal dichasium. Miconia cataractae pro- cies are small with creamy-white petals (M. cataractae in
duced an average of 344 flowers per inflorescence, Table 1, Figure 1a–e; M. elaeoides in Table 2, Figure 1f–j).
and M. elaeoides produced an average of 42 flowers. Her- Both their flowers had pleasant smells and their stigmas
kogamy was absent in the flowers of both species were receptive still in the bud stage. We observed an exu-
(Figure 1a,f). They stayed open for 2–3 days, and then date on the flowers of both species, specifically at the
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F I G U R E 4 Mean of visits per hour

for different orders of flower visitors
along the day in Miconia cataractae
(a) and M. elaeoides from Colombia (b)

base of the anthers and in the apical part of the connec- 3.2 | Flower visitors
tive. We concluded that this exudate was nectar because
we registered nectary stomata at the base of the anthers We recorded 20 species of insects visiting flowers in
and on the anther connective (Figure 2). The flowers of M. cataractae and 28 species of visitors in M. elaeoides
M. cataractae produced an average nectar volume of including one arachnid and one vertebrate. The visitors
1.62 μl ± 0.4 with a sugar concentration of 6.78%, and were mostly insects, with a predominance of the orders
M. elaeoides produced an average nectar volume of Hymenoptera and Diptera (15 and 8 species, respectively;
0.09 μl ± 0.01 with a sugar concentration of 6.13%. The Table 3). Bees and flies visited M. cataractae and
anthers are white to light yellow, cuneate, and genicu- M. elaeoides flowers more frequently. We observed both
late, with a single medium-sized pore in M. cataractae groups accessing nectar and/or collecting pollen in the
(Table 1, Figure 1a–e). Miconia elaeoides has obovate flowers of two species (Figures 3 and S1).
anthers with a large pore and a well-defined septum Nectar was the main resource searched by visitors in
between both thecas (Table 2, Figure 1f–j). The stigma is both species, allowing the visit of several groups other
capitate to peltate in M. cataractae and punctiform in than buzzing bees, including the hummingbird Tyrian
M. elaeoides (Figure 1e,j). The PA/AL ratio was 14.24 metaltail, Metallura tyrianthina (Apodiformes). However,
± 3.45 in M. cataractae with 57.71 ± 18.59 seeds/fruit bees of the genus Bombus were the most abundant visi-
and 31.49 ± 17.99 in M. elaeoides with 42.23 ± 9.89 tors, especially the species Bombus rubicundus (Table 3).
seeds/fruit. These bees visited several flowers and inflorescences of
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T A B L E 4 Fruit set in different controlled pollination treatments with a higher fruit set were open pollination,
treatments in Miconia elaeoides in Paramo de Rabanal, autonomous self-pollination, and cross-pollination. Miconia
municipality of Ventaquemada, Boyaca elaeoides was considered self-compatible because the fruit
% Fruit set did not differ significantly between selfed and outcrossed
Treatment set (# fruits) treatments with a high ISI (0.6). It was also capable of set-
Open pollination 97 (29)
ting fruit by apomixis and showed high efficacy of natural
pollination (RE = 1.45; Table 4).
Autonomous self-pollination 80 (24)
Self-pollination 40 (12)
Cross-pollination 67 (20) 4 | DISCUSSION
Apomixis 57 (17)
Index Values Our results support the initial hypothesis that the shared
floral traits (i.e., small flowers, lack of floral herkogamy,
ISI 0.6
isomorphic stamens, and nectar production) are associ-
RE 1.45
ated with generalized pollinators in M. cataractae and
Note: Sample size = 30 flowers. M. elaeoides. Besides that, we also found support for a
Abbreviations: ISI, index of self-incompatibility (selfing/crossing fruit set);
generalized mating system, such as mixed mating system
RE, reproductive efficacy (open pollination/crossing fruit set).
and apomixis, at least for M. elaeoides.
According to the time that the flowers stay open (2–
both species, collecting nectar and pollen by buzz polli- 3 days) and because most species of Melastomataceae
nation (Figure 3e,l). The species Apis mellifera also present an anthesis period shorter than 24 h
showed a high number of visits for both species, as (Renner, 1989), as well as due to the adverse climatic
well as other Hymenoptera species (i.e., wasps and conditions of the paramos highlands, we may suppose
ants; Table 3). These bees walked on several flowers that the anthesis (of up to 3 days) in the studied species
foraging for nectar and touched anthers and stigma may lead to an adaptive advantage, assuming that it
(Figure 3c,n). Among the Diptera, we observed many spe- could result in greater chances of pollinator visits
cies of Bibionidae, Calliphoridae, and Syrphidae walking on (Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014; Renner, 1989). Floral traits
the flowers and contacting the anthers and stigma such as white petals and light-yellow anthers with
(Figure 3d,f–h,k,m,o). minute pores are characteristic of the probable ancestral
Diptera and Hymenoptera species visited the flowers flower of Miconieae, a phenotype associated with buzz
with higher frequency. Species of Diptera proved most pollination (Gavrutenko et al., 2020). Therefore, both
active in the morning between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., when M. cataractae (sect. Amblyarrhena) and M. elaeoides (sect.
they displayed a higher visit frequency to M. cataractae Cremanium) have a floral morphology related to a paral-
(Figure 4a) and between 9:00 at 10:00 a.m. to M. elaeoides lel evolutionary trend resulting in convergent floral phe-
(Figure 4b). We observed two tall peaks in Hymenoptera notypes, which made possible the transition from a
visits in M. cataractae at different times; one peak was at specialized (i.e., buzz pollination) to a generalist system
8:00 a.m. (Figure 4a), with a reduction in visits to follow of pollination (Brito et al., 2016; Gavrutenko et al., 2020;
and another peak at 10:00 am to M. elaeoides (Figure 4b). Goldenberg et al., 2008). Both species' transition to a gen-
After 1:00 p.m., M. cataractae was predominantly visited by eralist floral phenotype might be associated with the col-
Diptera, while M. elaeoides by Hymenoptera. Although onization of high-Andean environments (Gavrutenko
there was some temporal separation in their visits among et al., 2020), considering that the presence of buzzing
both Miconia species, the visits of Hymenoptera and Dip- bees is inconstant in highlands (Arroyo et al., 1982; Brito
tera were recorded more frequently between 9:00 and et al., 2016; Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014).
11:00 a.m. in M. cataractae (Figure 4a) and 9:00 and Both species have pores that can be considered
12:00 a.m. in M. elaeoides (Figure 4b). We suggest that the medium sized (M. cataractae 39,135.67 μm2; M. elaeoides
species are producing rewards (nectar and pollen) during 80,872.23 μm2), as well as medium-sized anthers
all anthesis (Figure 4a,b). (M. cataractae, 2760 μm; M. elaeoides 2568 μm) compared
with other Miconieae species (pore areas range from 5320
to 227,326 μm2; anther length ranges from 972 to
3.3 | Breeding systems of M. elaeoides 8067 μm in Brito et al., 2016). Also, the PA/AL ratio and
the number of seeds per fruit recorded for both species
We recorded fruit set in all pollination treatments including can be associated with visits by different groups of polli-
open pollination treatment but in different proportions. The nators (i.e., generalist pollinators; Brito et al., 2016),
14421984, 2022, 2, Downloaded from by UFPR - Universidade Federal do Parana, Wiley Online Library on [30/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

considering that these traits are phylogenetically related, of nectary stomata in anthers and the anther connective,
indicating an independent evolution with pollinator spe- already described for Miconia (Kriebel & Zumbado, 2014)
cies (Brito et al., 2016). Therefore, our findings support and for other clades (Varassin et al., 2008), supporting
this evolutionary trend, with a relationship between mor- the hypothesis that the presence of nectaries in Melasto-
phological traits and the generalist pollinators system in mataceae is a derived trait (Gavrutenko et al., 2020;
species of Miconieae, considering the different ecological Varassin et al., 2008).
scenarios addressed in both papers: Atlantic tropical for- The experimental approach to detect the mating sys-
est (Brito et al., 2016) and the Andean highlands (this tems in M. elaeoides indicated the potential occurrence of
paper). mixed mating systems and apomixis. On the other hand,
As predicted, we recorded a wide range of visitors for our approach cannot set which mating mechanism is more
both species of Miconia, including nonbuzzing bees and relevant. In Melastomataceae, specifically in the Miconieae
Diptera species. Due to the floral traits of both species tribe, is common the apomixis (Goldenberg & Shep-
(i.e., nonherkogamous, small, and abundant flowers; herd, 1998; Goldenberg & Varassin, 2001; Hokche &
medium-pore anthers; and nectar production), most of Ramírez, 2008; Melo et al., 1999), with a high phylogenetic
the visitors can be considered pollinators, as they walked signal for apomixis in Melastomataceae (Goldenberg &
on the flowers foraging for nectar or pollen and touched Shepherd, 1998). Miconia elaeoides is a shrub that occurs in
the anthers and stigma. This inclusion of other pollina- low densities in open environments with secondary vegeta-
tors besides buzzing bees in highland ecosystems where tion (two individuals in a studied area of 1000 m2,
climatic conditions change drastically can ensure the Manrique-V.N., personal observation), both traits (habit
reproductive success of these Miconia species, consider- and habitat) highly associated with apomixis (Bawa, 1974;
ing the lower diversity of bees that perform buzz pollina- Goldenberg & Shepherd, 1998; Jaimes & Ramírez, 1999;
tion in these environments (Arroyo et al., 1985; Brito & Ramírez & Brito, 1990; Ramírez & Seres, 1994). Moreover,
Sazima, 2012; Brito et al., 2017). Moreover, Diptera spe- apomixis seems to be a reproductive strategy for plant spe-
cies have been recognized for playing an important role cies in disturbed habitats (Bawa, 1974), as well as in early
in plant pollination, as they record high pollen loads in successional plants (Cruden, 1977). The treatment with the
plants from high-Andean forests (Marquínez et al., 2009; highest fruit set was spontaneous self-pollination; however,
Thien, 1980). it is possible that the handling of flowers during pollination
The presence of foraging hummingbirds on inconspicu- treatments might have led to abortive events in other treat-
ous, nectar-producing, small-flowered species of Miconia ments. The values of the ISI index indicate the relative self-
was reported only once in the Atlantic tropical forest compatibility of this species, which is common among other
(Varassin et al., 2021). Therefore, this second report of species of the family (Franco et al., 2011; Goldenberg &
Metallura tyrianthina (species confirmed consulting Medina Shepherd, 1998; Maia et al., 2016; Pereira et al., 2011). In
et al., 2015) visiting flowers of M. elaeoides may indicate that addition, the high values for reproductive efficacy suggest a
nectar production might be the main trait to predict hum- high efficacy of natural pollination in the presence of effi-
mingbird visits in Miconieae species found on other cient pollinators or without them. The values reported are
melastome clades (Varassin et al., 2008). Butterflies and even higher than in other species of Melastomataceae
wasps were also probably related to nectar production, even (Malucelli et al., 2018). Taken together, our findings de-
if in low amounts (1.62 and 0.09 μl) and with a low concen- monstrate a reproductive versatility that might be asso-
tration of sugar (6.78% and 6.13%) in M. cataractae and ciated with the ability of this species to colonize new areas
M. elaeoides, compared with other species from the same (Gavrutenko et al., 2020; Holsinger, 2000; Toräng
family (14%–20%, Stein & Tobe, 1989). Therefore, flower et al., 2017) and/or to be a successful species in the early
morphology is not the only clue to understand changes in stages of succession in restoration processes (Cantillo
pollination systems in Melastomataceae. The presence of et al., 2009) on the Andes Mountain range.
nectar also plays an important role in the evolution of new Our results showed that both M. cataractae and
pollination systems (Dellinger et al., 2018; Ollerton M. elaeoides present convergent morphological traits that
et al., 2007; Renner, 1989; Varassin et al., 2008). This gener- possibly evolved in response to ecological pressures and
alization of pollination systems associated with nectar pro- enabled the transition to a generalist pollination system
duction was also observed for M. hyemalis A.St. – Hil & (Brito et al., 2016; Gavrutenko et al., 2020; Goldenberg
Naudin (Varassin et al., 2008) and M. theaezans Cogn. et al., 2008). These floral traits combined with nectar pro-
(Brito et al., 2017), species from the section Cremanium. duction allow several functional groups to visit and polli-
Likewise, production of nectar and high diversity of pollina- nate these flowers, not exclusively buzzing bees. Besides
tors have been found in M. angelana R. Romero & that, reproductive mechanisms such as self-fertilization
R. Goldenb (Santos et al., 2010). We also found the presence and apomixis may favor colonization and establishment
14421984, 2022, 2, Downloaded from by UFPR - Universidade Federal do Parana, Wiley Online Library on [30/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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