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Covid 19 is a micro-sized sun-shaped virus originating from China, which spreads
simultaneously globally in early 2020. The impact of Covid 19 has caused a lot of loss, illness
and death. The danger of the Covid 19 virus is because it attacks the lungs so that sufferers
experience fever, cough, difficulty breathing and can cause death if not treated as quickly as
possible. Actions to prevent the transmission of Covid 19 among health workers are using
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when serving patients (Jaji, 2020).

Covid 19 is currently a pandemic and a world problem that is experiencing an increase in the
number of cases every day. According to WHO (2021) the number of Covid 19 cases in the
world as of January 4, 2021 was 85.1 million with a total death toll of 1.84 million, in Indonesia
there were 765,350 cases with a total of 22,734 deaths (Ministry of Health, Republic of
Indonesia, 2021), in the Province of East Java as many as 86,361 cases with the number of
deaths as many as 6,009 people (Dinas Kominfo Jatim, 2021) and in Malang City as many as
3,879 cases with the number of deaths as many as 383 people (Pemkot Malang, 2021).

The risk of increasing Covid-19 cases in health workers is very high because those who are in
direct contact with Covid 19 patients who are seeking treatment, so they need to use personal
protective equipment (PPE) and implement health protocols regularly. PPE is very important to
reduce the risk of transmission of the Covid 19 virus to health workers because it can avoid
contact with pathogens. Things that health workers need to know about PPE are the types, how
to remove them and how to increase the compliance of medical personnel in using PPE (Wati
dkk., 2020).

Factors related to the behavior of using ADP among INAP-care health workers are knowledge,
attitudes, government policies and the availability of PPE. The knowledge factor regarding how
to use and remove PPE according to the procedure. Attitude factors such as always considering
PPE to play an important role in preventing transmission of Covid 19 from patients who come,
so they try to use PPE in every health service. Government policy factors such as the existence of
appeals and information from the government to oblige health workers to use PPE. The
availability of PPE factors such as the adequacy of PPE prepared by the hospital for health
workers, the adequacy of PPE to support the behavior of health workers to comply with using
PPE when providing services to patients who are hospitalized (Alta, Widjasena & Wahyuni,
2020). PPE that health personnel need to use includes surgical masks, medical gowns (boot
covers), gloves, eye protection (goggles), face shields, head covers and protective shoes.
Aevara's research (2020) proves that the use of PPE plays an important role in preventing the
transmission of the Covid 19 virus to health workers.

Based on the results of a preliminary study on January 4, 2021 by interviewing the leadership at
the Regional General Hospital of Saiful Anwar Malang, it was explained that during the Covid
19 pandemic there were 48 health workers who were confirmed positive for Covid 19. This
proves that non-compliance of health workers using PPE as the cause of Covid infection 19.
Based on the discussion, the title of this study is the factors related to the behavior of using PPE
among inpatient health workers for Covid 19 at RSSA in 2021.

b. formulation of the problem

The formulation of the problem in this study is, what are the factors related to the behavior of
using PPE among inpatient Covid 19 health workers at RSSA in 2021?

c. Purpose
1. General Purpose
This study aims to determine the factors associated with the behavior of using PPE among
inpatient covid 19 health workers at RSSA in 2021.
2. Special Purpose
a. Analyzing the relationship between knowledge factors and PPE use behavior among inpatient
covid 19 health workers at RSSA in 2021
b. Analyzing the relationship between attitude factors and PPE use behavior among inpatient
covid 19 health workers at RSSA in 2021
c. Analyzing the relationship between government policy factors and the behavior of PPE use
among inpatient covid 19 health workers at RSSA in 2021
d. Analyzing the relationship between PPE availability factors and PPE use behavior among
inpatient Covid 19 health workers at RSSA in 2021
d. Benefit of research
1. Theoretical
Adding insights and knowledge for students who research on factors related to the behavior
of using PPE among Covid 19 inpatient health workers including knowledge, attitudes,
government policies and the availability of PPE.
2. Practical
1. For Health Workers
The results of this study can provide information to health workers about how to properly use
and release PPE.
2. For Researchers
The results of this study can increase knowledge about the factors related to the behavior of
using PPE among Covid 19 inpatient health workers.


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