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Caranzo, Clarish Ann B.

BSN 2105

A “maple leaf” it symbolizes my dream destination or dream place that I want to go or work for
soon “Canada”. So why do Canada become my dream place? Canada is home to some of the
planet's most breathtaking natural landscapes. There are several rural and undeveloped locations
from coast to coast because the majority of the land is uninhabited. Besides Canada, is the dream
destination of most of the people especially people that are in medical field, like doctors and nurses.
Cause some says that if you work as a health care worker in Canada there is a high salary and more
benefits than in the other country So this one of my main reasons why I want to go to Canada, not
only to travel there or take my vacation there, I want also to work there cause I believe that I can
earn more money and I can give my family especially my parents a better life in exchange of what
they have done for me, for all the hard work that they do, and I’m thinking I can also help other
people that in need at the same time. But after I became a registered nurse soon, I am planning to
stay here in the Philippines for a year or two years to serve my fellow Filipino after that I’m going
to apply to Canada to pursue my dream to go there and work as a registered nurse. If my family
and parent’s life are stable already and I already give them a better life that I want for them, and if
I’d be given a chance to study again and have enough money, I plan to continue my study there,
and study medicine to become a doctor. Cause they say Canada does not have only a beautiful
scenery, good opportunities in work, but also they have give a high quality education for every
students there, A world-class education is not only about what is taught in classrooms. It is also
about how ready we are for the real world. Education in Canada offers a great system called co-
operative work to manage just that. Co-op offers work prospects to students in their applicable
sectors while studying. So, a medicine student gets a chance to work for a hospital during their
study. It trains the students for the real world by familiarizing them early with the work
environment and instils discipline. This are the reasons why I choose to carve a maple leaf in the
soap cause it is one of the things that symbolizes Canada, and with the guidance of the Lord I know
that he will help me to pursue my dreams, and I’m claiming that someday I will work there as what
I’ve dreamed since I was in high school.

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