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 explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students CAN:
a. describe that light is composed of colors of different frequencies
and wavelengths;
b. distinguish the frequencies of the colors of light which are inversely
proportional to the wavelength; and,
c. construct an arrangement of colors of light showing its hierarchy.

II. Subject Matter

“Hierarchy of Colors”


 Crayons, bond paper and pencil


 Hwang, Fu-kwun.(n.d).Colors.Retrieved from
 Release the rainbow. (2013). Retrieved from

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
I am encouraging everyone to please stand
for our prayer. Mr. Margarito please lead the
prayer. Amen…

2. Greetings
Good afternoon class! How are you this
We’ll fine ma’am.

Very good! Before we will start please

arrange your chairs and pick any pieces of
paper under your chairs. Do this without Done ma’am.
making noise.
3. Checking of attendance None ma’am.
Who are the absentees for today?
Very good! Let’s give ourselves an Aling Students clapping.
Dionisia Clap.

B. Review Students respond.

Now, what was our topic last meeting? (Answers may
vary.) Our topic last
meeting was all
Yes, thank you so much. What have you about color.
learned about the topic?

C. Motivaton
What color is this? (Presenting the colors of a
crayon.) Students respond.

I will group you into four; arrange these mixed

letters based on the word you can form.

Group 1, what word you have formed? Can you Students answer.
tell us, what does it mean?

Followed by group 2, 3 and 4.

D. Presentation
Based on the words and the ideas you have
shared, what do you think would be our topic
this afternoon? Students answer.

Very good! Our topic for this afternoon is the

Hierarchy of Colors. Before that please read our Students read the
objectives. objectves.

E. Discussion
Light is a kind of energy that can travel through
space. It looks white but it is really a
combination of many colors. The colors in
white light are red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, and violet. When light appears white, it
is made up of different colors just like the colors
of the rainbow. The colors can be separated by
shining light into prism. Dispersion is the
separation of white light into its component
colors as it passes through a prism. The main
purpose of the prism is to separate visible light
into constituent colors namely; Red, Orange,
Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet
(ROYGBIV). The frequency of light wave refers
to the number of waves that move past a
certain point in one second. Frequency is
generally measured in Hertz, the units of cycles
per second. Color has the frequency ranging
from 430 trillion Hertz to 750 trillion Hertz.
Waves can also go beyond and below those
frequencies, but they are not visible to the
human eye.

Wave frequency is related to wave energy. The

more energy in the wave, the higher its
frequency. The lower the frequency is, the
less energy in the wave.

F. Generalization
The table below shows the range of
Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy of Light.
Color Wavelengt Frequency Photon
h (Thz) Energy
(nm) (eV)
Violet 380-445 675-789 2.80-3.26
Indigo 445-450 668-675 2.75-2.80
Blue 450-495 606-668 2.50-2.75
Green 495-570 526-606 2.17-2.50
Yellow 570-590 508-526 2.10-2.17
Orange 590-620 484-508 2.00-2.10
Red 620-750 400-484 1.65-2.00
nm (nanometer: unit of wavelength)
Thz (Terahertz: unit of frequency)
eV (electron volt: unit of energy)
The wavelengths and frequencies of the colors
of light vary. The wavelength decreases from
red to violet while the frequency increases from
red to violet. As the frequency of the color of
light increase, the energy also increases. Red
has the least frequency with the least energy
and Violet has the highest frequency and the
highest energy.

G. Application
Can you use your crayons or colored pencils to
draw what happens to the beam of light when it
passes through the prism. I’ll divide you into Students are
four. And share your ideas or opinions through sharing and
your outputs. drawing.

Here is the rubrics:

 Correct order = 10 points
 Presentation/composition = 5 points
Total = 15 points
Please answer this in five minutes.

H. Evaluation answering.
Now, let’s have a short quiz to test if you really
understand on the hierarchy of colors. Please
get ¼ sheet of paper and write the correct
answer on the given questions.
1. Which color has the highest frequency?
2. Which color has the shortest wavelength?
3. Which color has the lowest frequency? Yes, ma’am.
4. Which color has the longest wavelength?
5. Does white light split into different colors?
After answering, exchange your papers with Good bye Ms.
your seat mate and let us check it. Pedrano, thank you
for teaching us!
I. Assignment
For your assignment, please ask your parents
or other people in your locality, why rainbows
only appear after the rain. Write their opinion on
your papers. Did you get?

Thank you for listening! Good bye class!

Prepared by:

Catherine Y. Pedrano Eduardo E. Enterina

Science Teacher School Head

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