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Norberto Cardenas

Dr. Nelson

English 1301 119

October 12, 2022

Visual analysis of learningherbs Instagram post

A weed growing on the sidewalk speaks volumes—the contrast between nature and

civilization; furthermore, it evokes different feelings in various groups (Fig. 1). An Instagram

page by the name learningherbs  posts precisely this: an herb situated at the cracks of cement.

The plant—a dandelion, that is sometimes thought of as a weed—grows green leaves with bright

yellow flowers; the leaves are rough and spikey—an aspect that makes the plant appear wild and

invasive. The pavement is a uniform gray and a structure of human society. This image's

creator(s) are nature enthusiasts and herbalists, and they likely shared the photo to entertain their

audience: nature enthusiasts and herbalists. Nevertheless, the picture will also reach other

audiences who are not members of a plant lovers community. Alternative audience members will

consist of people with little knowledge on the world of herbology. Because of the image's two

clashing subjects—the dandelion and the sidewalk—the interpretation will vary from pleasant

feelings to disharmony among different users; moreover, the color and position of objects help

highlight the primary objective of the photograph. 

First, the contrasting colors in the image show that the plant and the sidewalk are not

alike; thus, the image emphasizes two central ideas. The two central ideas are the sidewalk and

the herb. Much like society, the cement is gray and artificial; it is familiar to the audience

because it is present in their everyday lives. Meanwhile, the herb can be regular or foreign,
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depending on the specific viewer. The dandelion is foreign to the idea of society and sometimes

viewed as a pest that grows along the edges of pavement; however, other may view the

dandelion as an important part in their lives because of its medicinal uses. Very contrasting

colors create division, but they can also create connection. The two objects are so different in

color, yet they are together in the photo. Another reason the author took this picture is to

entertain herbalists and other people about the plant's resilience. The contrasting colors help

explain that the two objects are different to each other and that they are the two main subjects of

the photo.

The close-up style of the photograph highlights the dandelion, so it puts more attention

on the healthy-looking plant growing in foreign land; the dandelion is resilient. The appearance

of other living organisms is vacant; thus, the dandelion must be a strong plant to grow in

conditions that aren't suitable. The author shows the herb as an organism that can grow

anywhere. The purpose of the solo portrayal of the plant is to produce a feeling of amazement. In

contrast, other audiences might regard how the herb—or refer to it as a weed—corrupts the clean

sidewalk, and they might be confused into thinking that the photograph is an ad for weed killers.

A Close-up of the dandelion highlights the plant and shows the reader that the organism is

adaptive; while, others will see it as unclean. 

The vibrant color of the dandelion atop the walkway draws the attention of the eyes

toward the plant. Deep green and bright yellow significantly stand out from a monochrome

background. The defined colors of the plant have a deeper meaning: it signifies a healthy plant.

The plant is While some may be impressed, others will perceive the plant as intrusive. To get

back on track, the attention to the dandelion defines the main topic of the picture: the dandelion

plant. The viewer can quickly synthesize feelings about the photo since the purpose is clear.
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Compared to the solid background, the colorful dandelion causes the eyes to divert to the

photograph's primary subject and start to think about their relationship to the image. 

Positioning the dandelion in the middle of the frame also highlights the main subject that

the author wants to show. Putting the herb right in the center of vision definitively states the

obvious: that the dandelion is the centerpiece of the visual text. Placement further creates ideas

about the meaning behind the work. The main object is the dandelion, so it is most likely to be

positively viewed by audiences. Some may view the position of the herb as unharmonious. Since

some audience member won’t have extensive knowledge on plants, they will feel the urge to

have it cleaned off the pavement. The positioning of the dandelion in the center frame clearly

defines the ultimate focus that the author was capturing. 

All in all, the visual text's clashing objects and the color and positioning of the two

elements display the feelings that a user might get from looking at the image—emotions of

familiarity or strangeness. Analyzing this visual text proved to be productive because it revealed

things that were not obvious right away. The analysis revealed that the author was trying to

persuade the viewers. The author wants to challenge the perceptions and opinions that some may

have about the subject: the dandelion. The photographer aims to tell the reader that the dandelion

plant is well resilient and that it should be embraced. The analysis of this visual text was very

important since it showed readers a deep analysis of the photographs meaning. Other visual texts

will also contain the same complexities—if not more—so it is imperative that the analysis of

visual texts, such as the breakdown of the Instagram post by learningherbs, be performed to

ensure a deep understanding of graphic works. More and more visual texts will be, and should

be, analyzed in the future.

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Figure 1. Instagram post by

learningherbs. Instagram,
December 31, 2021.
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Work Cited

Instagram post from learningherbs. Instagram, December 31, 2021.



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