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My model in life

I think everyone should have a model in life, a point around you

are building day by day life. From we are children, the parents are
the main model and they teach you all the bassist things, education
starts from home. As much as we grow up, we realize that the
parent’s model it’s not enough for our dreaming goals and we start
to search for a model at school, through friends, on TV or on the
Personally, one of my principle models in life is Christopher
Bumstead, a Canadian professional bodybuilder. He won the title of
“Mr. Olympia” in 2019, 2020 and 2021. All his motivation started
from hating the way he looked, so in high school he played football,
baseball, basketball and hockey. He was lifting weights from the age
of 14, and after seeing his sister’s boyfriend, also a professional
bodybuilder, he never stopped.
I appreciate him especially for his consistency in this way, in
bodybuilding you are not always just motivated, you need to work
through bad days. I love bodybuilding in general for the fact that you
can’t steal that success, the way your body looks is the mirror is the
result of your habits and self-esteem.

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