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1 C.\.).).

is correct.
(k) -8+3i _2+3i
f =t-Xt- Xt -2-4i l+2i
- -8+3i -.1-2i
=-1x-lxi 2+3i ..-2(l-2i\
JGTTj t-,- r+zi n a671,

* -8+ t6i+3i-6i2 -4+gi *6i+t2i2

---- --7GI-- -
1 _ -2+L9i +t6- 2i
(c) -1 14 t7
- -10 ' -10'
__7 _t7 ;
(e) 1 5 r0'
(a) (3 + 5i) + (7 - 2i) = 10 + 3i
* €t#) =( 2(r(s : -2i9i"xl,XF+i+2itil

(b) (4 + 7i) - (-2 + 9i) = 4 + 7i + 2 - 9i

=6-2i =(
5+ 1toi-+!9i7-

(c) (s + 2i)(3 4i) = 15 - zli + 6i - 8i2
= 15 * l4i+8
=f ro /
/-ta + ts;\'

=23 - L4i _t69-494i-36L

(d) (7 + 3i)(7 * 3i) = 4e - erz
__I92 _494;
=49 +9 100 100'
=59 48 247.
(e) (2- 5i)2=4*20i-25 50 50'
=-21-20i la) (2, - zr)z = (3 +i- 2+ 3i)2

(f) i" =(i2)8 xi = (t + 4i)2

= (-1)8 x i
-i =-15+8f
(b) Zr x 2z= (3 - i)(2 + 3i)
=6+9i -2i +3
=3 - 4i2 =9 +7i
=3 +4
(c) zrzr= (3 + i)(2 - 3i)
,,2-3i _ 2- 3i
bt *T " 2-3i 4+, =9 *7i
2_3, zrzr=9 *7i
= 13 13'
,u, zr- zz _ 3+i-2+3i
rlJt zJ z2- T+7-+-r4
fi)ffi*ffi= 32+ 24i + 20i +15i2
16+9 _l+4i _.5+2i
t7 44. 5-2i " 5+2i
- 25' 25' 5+2i+20i-8
$t#s"#.*s"H 29'
3 .22.

, 4+toi
_6i-15i2 ---29--
- 29 9 (a) 2z-!=(4-02
15+4+6i+l0i =16-8i-1
19 . 16.
'29' 29'
2z= - 8i

Chapter 1 Gomplex numbers

(b);=l+i and: y=+
, _2=i Answer:
z 13 @) l-Q-2i)z+(1-s4=s
z=2i ,=(z-zDtJ?lif *q,$-n
11 (a) (x + ty)' = -8 - 6i _(E-ztt.JiwGfii
Equate coefficients: _(
l-f=-a tll _3-2i+t
2xY =-6 =--z- or T
" ,x v---
=2-i or l-i
Substitute fory in equation [t]: bl *-z+(4+2i)=s
i _(_1\' =_a
\xl -_ t+,[:47nn
f -g=-ai
Reject I = 9.
_ 1t\fJs*&
So: l=L Let (x + iy)z = -t5 - Bi.
x= *I, I f - )? +2ixy--1s - 8i
x=l,l=-3 gives: l-3i Equate coefficients:
x=-I,y=3gives: -1+3i f-f=-ts tll
Answer: t(l * 3r) 2xY=-g
(b) (x + ,y)' = -l6i .. y---

f - f +2ixy=-16; Substitute for y inequation [t]:

Equate coefficients:
i-f=o i
... xn - !6=-l5i
... x=g xa+tlf-16=o
and: 2xy=-16 (l+rc)(f-1)=o
:' xY=-g Reject t + 16=0.
y: f =-A
If x= (not possible) So: f-t=O
Ifx=-f: -f =*A x=*l
:'Y=t2Ji Whenx= 1: Y =-4
Answer: 2A -zJVi, +z"lVi andwhen x=-l /=4
(c) (x+ ry)'= 12 + 5i
So: t\tr15-d =+O- 4i)
i*)?+2ixy=12+5i Therefore: 2= 1t@r&
Equate coefficients: 2
*-f=r, ttl becomes: 4i
2xY= 5 = I _2i,2i
...y=*5 (d I - (2 + 2i)z + (-t + 2i) = 0
Substitute fory in-equation
, _ + zi) t tl ez
[l]: (z - - zi)2 +(-t + zi)
*, -\xr
I 5_\'
+* -zs=48f _(z+zDxJ+@=+++-aD
+x4-da*-25=o )
_ 2+2i!2
(2*+DQl-25)=s 2
Reject 2i + L=0. _ 4+2i nf 2i
So: zt -zs=O =2*i or i
and: *=t$

New senior Mathematics Extension 2toryear I2 student worked solutions

(b) 4- ,r= *r+ i!r- (xr- iyr)
(c) zr+ zr= xt*iyr+ xr+iY,

= (r, * xr)+(/r+ yr)i

= (r, * xr) - $4+ yr)i
* xl tyr+ xr- iy,
Let (r + iY)z = tgi.
f -f +2ixY=1gi -.1 -7
-T t .2
Equate coefficients: J/r= xr+ iYr- xr- i/,
i-f=o (dl 4
:, l=l =(xr_ xr)+(h_ /r)i
:. x=U = (x, x) (h_ yz)i
_ _
and: 2xY=19 - xr iyr- (xr- iyr)
:' xY=) _;o2
If x=y: f =g -;
- 'l
:'Y=13 (e) LHS = zp,
If x=-/: -f =g (not Possible)
=(x,+ iyl@J iy)
So: t..m', =t(3+3i)
= (xrx, - lrl ) + (xzh + xry r)i
rnererore: r=3+it-JLgi = (xfiz- /J) - @ryr+ xgr)i
becomes: ,==fff,yGf, RHS= rr"%
= (xr- yri)(xr* yri)
= x.fiz- f/z'xgri * xgri
15 (a) zr+ 4 = rr * iYr+ xr- iY, = (x{z- /fl2) - @ryr+ xyr)i
_ a^, = LHS
- L*l
= 2 x Re(zr)

{gl z+w=-L-3i
(h) -w=3+4i
(il z-w=5+5i
ttl *=@+t)2 i

=3+4i i

(k) Re(z) = Z

(l) Im(z) = 1
3 D is correct.
If: z=2
then: z=x*Oi
so: arg(z) =0 or n
(al z=2 + i A Incorrect; this answer has not included the
possibility of x being a positive number.
B Incorrect (see working above).
(cl zZ = (2 + i)(2 - i)
=$ C Incorrect; this answer has not included the
possibitity of .r being a negative number'
D Correct (see working above).
(e) -22 = -4 - 2i

o:=*"* s (d +(cos
1, o) s[*' (-f) .,'* (-f)] = r * * s *-+i
5' _+
= 4J2 - 4Jzi

Ghapter I Complex numbers

r"r u[r*' (f1 .,.* (?)1 +, (e) (.6 * i)n =[r(.*+ * irirffl-
_r_:f ,.;:
or,[*'(-?; .,'*(-?)] =,,* *r*-$,
=-t -.6;
= 16x | *rc"+
= -a - s.6l
7 (a) LHS=I/
=E*Y' ei.rf= [ro'i'("Jf
nus =lzl =#[.*(+)-',..(#)]
=lx _ iyl
=E* i =h"+*fu"|i
= LHS ----.8-
2048 2048'
(b) LHS = zZ
(g) (-a - +Jlilu = (-4[1*.,6])-'
- (x+ iy)(x- ry)
RHs =lrl,
{--[,.,' (f)]]-'
=(J7 .;1' =** [*
*' ?n)+$; 'i" r-"1]
=l +f 1

= LHS 5t2
l,l2 (h) (1- i)3(z+rt=1J1.*(+)]' x 16(1+r)a
(c) LHS ="+T
=z,tl,i,(*) ",0 [o .* (f)].
=z+Z =r"tl ro(*) x64cistc
= RHS = t2sJl
rY * DaJz
= 128 + l28i
[r(.*if +,sinif)] = az(.o,f# +,sin#)
=zz(cos{+isin+) (D V,*i\'
= -32i
li:#= (a,*+)-
zJl ris!
= 16[cos(6n) + isin(6n)]
=16 =*,*ff.4
(c) (.6 + Du -
* ;,i"f)]' =*[.*(+).,,.(?)]
= 64(cosn+ lsin z)
=-64 =$*+.+"*'
1 1.
(d) (1 - 0' =
*,'*#)] 2n

++JI"*, (.6+i)u (r,*t)'

"+ (1 -
=-4+ 4i ')' [r"oBI
64 cis n
16 cis (1n)
= 4cis3n
4 : -ri
New Senior Mathematics Extension 2lorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions
z - r(cos0+isinO)
7 + r' 12 (cos20 + istnz?)+ 12
(cos 0+ isin 0)-'=
- r' cos' or(cos0+isin0) (cos0 + isin0)'
12 - +i x 2sinocoso1 + 1)
1 . cosn? -i stnn9
cos0 + isin0
-- r(2cos' 0 + i x2 sin dcos0) cosn9 - istnn9
=;7 nel;;S *
=6 cos0 + i sin0

= cosn9- isinn9
= T*$ (which is real) = cos (-n 0) - isin (-20) (as required)

13 (a) Given: z=cos0+ isin0

15 lal l+(2)"=l*@
Prove: {=cosn9+isinn9 =ZFte(l)
When n = 1: L]f1S= zt = z
+ Jlil'o=
{r[.* (9*, (ar)]'o
RHS=cos1x0+isin1x0 (b) (1 ,i,
=cos0+ isinO=z
LHS (statement is true fot n= l)
Assume truefot
Prove this is true for n = k + l. =2'o["o, (+)+isinffi]
When n=k+L: So: (1 +.60'o + (1-16r"
**t =(cosg+ isin0)ft*1
* (cos g+ isin 0)ft(cos 0+ isin g)
= 2 x Re
{r" [.* (+)+
i sin (#)]]
= (cosk04 isinkO)(cos 0+ isin 0)
= (cosk0cos 0- sinkOsin 0) =2x}to cosftzt\
+ i(sink0 cos 0+ cosk0sin 0) \
= cos(k0+ 0) + isin(k0+ 0) = -1024
= cos([k + 1]0) + sin([k+ 1]0)
(as required)

r (al eT=cosf + isn$=***, 3 C is correct.

4 Make cos2f the subject of the given equation.

(bl eA = cos$ + i sn$ =o+i=i
(cle6 -.o.f; +isinff=-**L,
ldl e4 =gosff+isnt=#*h,
cos'f =+#=+#"#=+
("),* = *'(-f) +,sin(-f)= *'(f)
-,'*(-f)= o*Li=-i
sin2f =1-6s52./r'
a,4 = *.(-?) + isin(*+)= *'(?) -r-', -Ji+z
-,.'(?)= -+-+,
, ltt
(g) e ''-l =eX€ 2
=,(*'(-t).,'r(-f )) =2-J'
lt i)=-ei
= r( ro,Jtt

\ \;,2 )-,""(f))=e(o*
=,'(*'t* iti"f)
(h) e 5
=e'Xt e3

=r(+-f,) !(J z.Tz . il;:A)='l;f .'W

="osf +,si"f
Ghapter 1 Complex numbers
=*(*.(T).,'*(1,)) :
@) z ='b * E z(+ * r,)= 2(cost+,sin*) $T
i=(o)-,* =+,ry

=2r* =o-*i=-li
(a) cos3g + isin3O
(b) lil zz =22eT =4r* =+(cosf +,sint) ""t = gsing
(r'')' = (coso + isino)3 = cos'o+ 3icos2
3,ti +3i2 cosgsin2 e +i3 sin3 0
(ii) z3 =z'e# =8r* =a(corf +isn$)=tt
= cos' 0 + 3icos' 0sin0 - 3cosgsin2 0 - isin3 0
(iii) za =2n e* =l6e* = ro(.or? +,sin+) = cos' 0 - 3cosOsin2 0 +(3.os' 0si, e - s# e)i
= -g + grEi (b) Equate the real parts.

cos 30 = cos' 0 * 3cosgsin2 0

=1.37 +0.37i = cos'g - 3cos g (t - cos2 g)

z-'=i,, u =i(."r(-f).,'i"(-f)) = 4cos3 0 - 3cos 0
(c) Equate the imaginary Parts.
=*-+, sin 39 = 3sin 0 cosz A - sin3 g
-r 1 r,)
(a) z=-r-i=Jzl-7-fr,) = 3sin 0 (1 - sin2 0) - sin3 0

=3sin A-4sin3 0
= J1(-rrrfr- ;sinf;)
11 (.,6 - ;)(-.6 + ;) = -3 * zJTi -
Cosine and sine are both negative in the third
= Ji(-,o,ff - i,nf;)=o (*'(-3) .,'*(-*)) =4[
' L )

=Jlr* =+(-.o,f *iti"f)

= &(-,orff -,'i"+)= O(*'f -,'*?) Cosine is negative and sine is positive in the
second quadrant.
=Ji,* For -zr<
g ( ru, use g = o -1=4.
(b) Hence find the following in both polar form
(..6 - ;)(-S + ;) = +(-.o'f + ;'i"f)
and Cartesian form.

1i7 z'=(Jl)' ,-* =zr1 =+(co"!+isk+)

Since ezoi = cos2lc + isin2rc =1, +rT
7= 2r-4*T = z"* = z(ror5+ i rirrf ) r=4, e=+
in , _iqt itt
=0+2i=2i _ix _ilt
13 (al zrxzn=2eT xle-z =s+-7 =r- t
1ii) i ,-T =2.{2r-T#3 =z'f2e4
zrand ztx
z4are each at 45o to the real
axis and zr lies on the negative part of the
= zJz(."'(-f * ;'i,,(- fr))= z - zt
) imaginary axis.

liii) za =(Ji1r r# ={s-3itt -4e-3i1t+4i't

= 4eio = 4(cosn + isinzr)= -+ + Oi=-4

| -lix
(i9 Jz =lJz)'ze
-. I -

= @(*'(-f; ) + i'*(-+)) = r.* - 1.10i

$ r=h,* =#(*'ff*i'nff)
,.I a.. ,.:i

e -.,*
:!:. tliliit:l*l*
New Senior Mathematics Extension ZlorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions
5i1t Sirt ilt 3in

z2xz3=3e6 xe 3 =3e.6 t =3e6

-in -

= leT (=zi)
z, (150o) is 30o above the negative real axis and
z, (-60") is at 60" to the real axis and 30o to the
negative imaginary arts. zrx zris 3 units on the
positive part of the imaginary axis.

et ^+ ix ix 3in
(e) _ Z€*_ =4eT- z =4eT
24 !-"-t
zris at 45" to the real axis and zn lies the
negative part of the imaginary oir. (135o) is
(c) zr'xzn=z'eff x|e
l0in '*
2- =g.T
2- 45o above the negative real axis and 45" left of
o -5tr the positive imaginary axis.
=i., u

z, (150o) is 30o above the negative real axis and

zn lies on the negative part of the imaginary
axis. (-60') is at 60o to the real axis and 30o to
the negative imaginary axis. zr2 xzn is 4.5 units
(-150") at 30o to the negative real axis and 60"
to the negative imaginary axis.

zin 5t t
x z^a_ 22eT x3eT
.3 _in =l2eA'-E-'T
- l2eT
irc ,7in L0in

z, is at 45o to the real axis, zr(150") is 30o above

the negative real axis and z, (*60") is at 60o to
the real axis and 30o to the negative imaginary
,rtr.'r' z3x ", is also -60o and so is in the same
(d) ?=4=3rT*+
t3 =3ery =3r-* line as zubtfi12 units from the origin.
z, (150") is 30o above the negative real axis and
z, (*60") is at 600 to the real axis and 30o to the
negative imaginary *tt.? is 4.5 units (-150')

at 30o to the negative r."fiO, and 60o to the

negative imaginary axis.

Chapter 1 Complex numbers

zris at45o to the real axis, zr(150") is 30'
@1 ,{znxz,=#rf *zrT =Jieo(=,1i1 above the negative real axis, z, (-60o) is at
e, is at 45o to the real axis and zn lies on the 60o to the real axis and 30o to the negative
negative part of the imaginary axts. imaginary axis and zn lies on the negative part
is JZ (about 1.4) units from the origin on the of the imaginaryaxis. it:"r'z4
(-15") lies 15o
positive real axis.
below the positive real axis.

15 z=r(as0+i sin0)
itt Sin ic,Silt l3ilt z" -*(r(cos?+isin0))'
4xzz - ZeT x3e a - 6e +- a
, Y ry ilt . ilt , -in ilt -lZeT
'3n'4 I o-T-Z -sitc =(rr,t)"
-e-T xle-T 2
n niO
12 ' a =t2e 23in _iE
t2 -l2e rz
- rn ,i(no)

= r" (cosn9 + isnn9)

Itt*zi), o,l$-zi),

1 (a) (cos 0+ isin g)a = cos40+ isin4.? tll 4tan0 - 4tan3 0

Also: 8-8secz0+sec'0secz0
(cos 0+ lsin 0)a 4hne-41an3 0
=cosn o+4icos3 osino 8 - 8 - 8tan2 0 + (l + tan2 0)2
- 6cos2 ?sinz 4i cos gsin3 0+ sina g
= cosu 6cosz o (1 - cos2 o) + sina g
+ i(4cos3 0sin 0- 4cos 0sin3 0)
=6 4tan0 - 4tarr3 0

= cosn o- 6cos2 o+ 6 cosa o+ (1 - cos' o) =

4hI,e - 4l;rn3 0
x (1 - cos'0; + i(4cos3 0sin g- 4cosOsin3 g) e- 6t,ot'zo+l
=7 cosa o -6cos2 g+ I - 2cos2 g+ cosa g (c)(D }xa-Bl+1=o
+ i(4 cos3 Osin 0 - 4 cos0sin3 0) Letr= cos0.
= 8 cosa o- 8 cos2
g+ 1 + i(4cos3 osino 8cosa0-8cos2g+ 1 =o
- 4cosgsin3 0) 12) cos40= 0 (using the result from
(i) Equating the real parts from equations [1] part (a))
and [2]:
cos40= 8cosa0- 8cos20+ 1
(ii) Equating the imaginary parts from k=0: Q- 7C

equations [1] and [2]:
sin4 0= 4cos3 0sin g- 4cos gsin3 0 k= l: e- 3tt8
(b) tan4 ,=t!# k=-I: Q= -lc

0sing- 4cos0 0 k=2: Q- 5tt

=m'4^4cos3 sin3 cos'g 8

8ffi New Senior Mathematics Extension 2 for Year 12 Student Worked Solutions
k=-2: ,=# . 4tan0
- 4tan3 O
k=3: e=+ L = tart4 0
n 5n -3n,-T-,...
;. +A=2, -7n
k=-3: ,=* 4, 4
k=-4: e=-f -1d
^ lt 5tt -3r -7 n
"- 16' 16' 16' 16 '"'
x=cos0 Using tan(-0) = -tan 0:
and: cos (-0) = cos 0 #, r**, -t^nff , -ru'#
* = t*
cos (n* 0) = -cos 0
(a) (i) Show { + z'=2cosn9.
So: r=tcorf,tcosf; LHS= *+zn
(ii) 15xa-l6i*1=0 = cosn9+ isinn?+ cos(*n0)
+ isin(*n0)
Letr= cos0. = cosn 0+ cosr0+ isinnO* isinn0
' = 2cosn9
',^ =RHS
Gives: cos40= i, (iilshow{*zn=2isinn9
ag=+$+Zkn k is an integer LHS=/-2"
= cosr0+ isinn0- cos(-20)
k=o: e=#,,#
- isin(-m0)
k=L: ,=#,# = - cos n0+ isinn?+ isinn9

k=*l: ,=-#,# =2isinn9

k=2: t=!#,!# (b) Show (, - z')' = (l - z 3)' l(z- ;t).
k=-2: r=#,# LHS=
=f -zixzr +3zx{2 -{3
r=cos0 =l -32+3zr *23
So: x=+ror#,tcosff =(t*23)*z(z-zt)
(given that cos
{f ='cos#, er..) ^l
(c) Show sin' 0= sin 0- sin30)
(iii) 16ra-t6i*3=0 |(f
Frompart(a) (ii): { - z " =2isinna
:.|xa-8i+t=Il2 So: z-zr=Zisin?
Letx=cosg. and from part (b):
gcosao-gcos2g+ t=+ (, - z t)' = (t - z 3) - s(z - z t)
So: (2isin 943 = 1z- z r)3
Gives: ,or+0=* =(f-;3)-z(z-zt)
+e=!T +2kn k is an integer =2isin30 * 3(2isin 0)
.'. -8lsin3 0 = 2i sin30- 6isin 0
k= o: ,=t,-* 4sin3 0= -sin30+ 3 sin 0
sin3 o= .lt: ra g- sin39)
k=Lz ,=+,t
k=-t: t=+,+ 5 0= 4cos3 0- 3 cos 0
cos20= 2cos20-L
k=2: t=+,+ 4cos3g-3cos0= zcotA-t
4cos3 0* 2 cosz 0 -3cos 0+ 1 = o
So: ,=t ort,l.cos! +f - zl - 3x + 1 = 0 where r = cos 0
cos30= cos20
(given that cosf; = -cosg, etc') 30=20+2krc or 30=*20+2ktt
0=2kn or 50=2kn
*=4,** o Zktt
_ "--=-
w - 5
(iv) xa +# *al *lx+ 1=0 Cubic equation, so there are onlythree roots:
* -si +l=4x-4x3 ,= ^2n4n
cos-, cos5
.L=;4 4x- 4x3
-6i +l 2n 4tt
1.e. .r= r, cos-:r cosS
Let x= tan 4 and using the result that

4tan0 - 4tan3 e By division, the equation becomes:
tarf0-6tan20+L (x-DUt +2x-t)=$
Chapter 1 ComPlex numbens
*- -ztJ20 -1+.6 , or: Q-...+,+,t,T,o,...
2n -11.,6
cos'= 4 So: f =tanO =r*Y =tafiN= ...
7 (a) cos5 0= coss 0- 10cos3 gsin2 0+ 5cos gsina0
sin5 g= 5 cosa 0 sin 0- 10cos2 0 sin3 0+ sin5 g

(b) tan50=
5cosa gsind - locos2 osins o + sins o t=tan{=t*4=.
cost g 1ocos3 0 stn2 0+ g
- 5 cosOsin4
t=Art45 =an+=
---- 5 ...
5tan0-10tan3 O+tans 0
ffi t=tnT=r*r-4=...
tu -tot3 +5t t(t4-rcf+5)=g
stn -tot\t So the roots of f - tof + 5 = 0 are:
(c) tan50= 0
gives: 5 0=2ktc or n+2kn t=tffit,rur+,tan!,tanff
Hence: e=?y or ,=t *?* and: t=0
Product of roots four at a time:
o_ n 2x 4n r'..
v-.., -4r, -2n,",
5 5 5, 5 tu"! t*rff tan! tanff= s

1 (a) P(0 --i-2i+3i=0 7 (al P(z)=21-4/ +32-r

.'. By the factor theorem, (z - i) is a factor of =(z-D(21-22+r)
P(z). (b) &(z) = Ql -22+ 1) has complex roots
(b) P(3) =9-t5+3i+ 6-3i=0 =2(r'-r*l
-"\- -, 2l
.'. By the factor theorem, (z - 3) is a factor of
Completing the square:
(c) P(-2
= 2(3
- 4i)(-2 + i) + 3(3 -*9i4i)
,J,' -, *
f. +] = rl, - +)' - (r']
-(-t2+i)-t7 =,(, _ +. i)(, _+_')
= 2(-2+ tli) + 9 - lzi + 12 - i - 17 - 9i= 0
.'. By the factor theorem, (z + 2 - i) is a factor P(z) = 2(z - t)(z - F - +. i)(, - + - t)
of P(z).
(a) P(z)=l+l-e
(d) P(3 - Jlil LetA= l.
= 2(7 - aliil' - - JIilQ - alli)
t2(3 P(z)=A2+A-6
+23(7 - 6JiD - 18 + eJli+ tt = (A - 2)(A+3)
= 2(-23 - s4JiD - r2(s - 2sJri) + 154 =(l-D€+z)
- B2Jli (b) P(z) = (* - D€ + 3)

= -46 - r6sJii- 108 + 3ooJii+ 1s4 * BzJri =(z*JT@-J:)€+t)

-0 (c) P(z) - (z + J\@ - Jb€ + t)
.'. By the factor theor em, (z - I + O;) it u '(z+ Jb@- Ji)@+ J-ti)@- Jli)
factor of P(z).
11 (a) P(z) = t +I (difference of two cubes)
3 P(z)=zo-2t+az-9 =(z*D€-22+4)
pO + Jri) = 1t + Jii)4 - z0 + Jri)3 + a0 + Jiil - g
(b) P(z) -(z+D€-22+4)
-0 - (z + 2)(lz - tl2 + 3)
a0 + Jli)- 6(1 + Jiil =s - (z + 2)(z - r + J\DQ - 1 -.6,)
.'. a=6
13 (a) P(z) = zu - |
5 P(1 - a(L'
- i) = (1 - i)' i)2+6(1 - i) + &=0+0i =(l-D€+l+t)
2ai+b+4-8i=0*01 =(l-D(*+z*+t-l)
.', a=4,b=-4 =(* -Dgl +Ll'- l)
= (z- L)(z+ l(* + z+ l(l - z+ I)
New Senior Mathematics Extension ZlorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions
(b) P(e) - (z+ t)(z- D€ - z+ t)(t + z+ t) 15 P(z)=+l-il-42+i
= t(qz- i) - t@z- i)
l)(z- ,,[k-]l'.r([,.+l.1) =(* -D@z- i)
= (z+ =(z-I)(z+D@z-i)
= (z+ l)(z- D(,-i.+')(,-r-+') n P(z)=Zl -l* + 102- 8
=(z-DQl -32+ 4)
*(,* +.+,)(".+-+,) =2(z-r)[, i)'. #)
= 2(z _ r,,(, _
i. +)(" _

1 (a) By the conjugate root theorem, (z + 2 + i) is a (b) zu-t6l*64=o

factor. (l-s)2=o
P(z)=za+41+3/-82*10 (z-D'z(*+22+4)2=o
- (z+2+ i)(z+z- ile *2) - 2)2(z + t - J\il'@ + t + ",6i;2 = s
- J\@-"lllti + 4z+ 5)
(z+ z=2,-l + Jai
(bl P(z) = 1z + Jl)@ - Jbfi + 4z + 5) 13 P(ai) = an +2a3i -7az - 4ai + 10 = 0
= k + Jr)@ - J\@ + 2 - i)(z + 2 + i) =263 -4a=2a(az -2) =0
(a) t+*+32-5=0 a=tJ2
k-DG +22+5)=Q 15 (a) S-*+2=O
z=l @+D(l *22+2)=Q
(b) (z- t)(lz+ 112 + +) = I (z + r)(z + t + i)(z + 1 - i) = Q
(z- l)(z+ I +Zi)(z+ I -2i) =Q z=-L, l* i
z=-lX2i,l (b) P(0 = i3 - i2 +2
_aJ- 2
B is correct. -

17 (a) P(z)= zn +41 +St + 4z+ 4

o-,x,!iii;::,1=3 P(z)=+l+tZ/+l0z+4
The factors of 4 are +1, !2, +4.If z > 0 then
(z - z)(z -r)(, +
*- +,)(,. *. t,) =o
P(z) > 0.
P(-1) = 2, P (-2) = 0, P (-4) = -100
Roots are z=2,1,-i**, Hence z= -2 is the double real root
(z+D(z!;ti;:;;=Z 4c= 4, c= I
P(z)=(z+D'z(* +bz+l)
(z + z)(z -1)(, + - . *
+ +,)(, | $,) =
o (*++z++)€ +bz+l)=l +4t +51 +42+4
4z+ 4bz= 4z gives b =0
z= !,-2,-***, P(z)=(z+12(/ +t)
(*-zz+il€+z+3)=Q -21 * 6z+ 5
(b) P(z) = za + 2i
(z - | + zi)(z - | - 2i). (, - *. +,) The common factors of 5 and 6 are *1
P(t; = 0, P(-t1 = -g
*("*+.*,)=o Hence z= t is the double real root
z= I !.rr,-+**, L_J

P(z)=(z-D'?(i +bz+5)
11 (a) (t -zz+ D(l +bz+ 5)=l +21 -zi -az+5
,,- rrr,liti;:;i=3 -l0z+ bz=-62 gives b = 4
(z - t) (z + 4) (, . . * P(z)=(z-D'z(* +42+5)
+ - +,)(, | $,)=
z=1, z= 4t.,lt6-20 =*2*i
z= t,-4,-i**, 2

Chapter I Complex numbers

t @lJa ^-z --18 ^,-

(x + iY)z=2i
f -f +2xyi=0+2i *=*,y=+.*=-$,y=- 5J' 2
i -f =0,2xY=2
(* + y')' = (t - y')' + 4tf =0+ 22 -- 4 G8;T#=*.**-*- 5J' 1
i+f=2 J-z-+i
l-f=o tel
(x+ iY)z =-3 - 4i
2i =2
f =1, /=* f -)? +Zxyi=-3-4i
f - )? =-3,2xY=-4
X=1,!=L X=-1,/=-l (iaa + y')' = (i - f)' + 4if = 32 + 142 = 25
JTi=l+i or -1-i t+y'-5
(b) \6+4'' I -f =-z
(x+ iY)z =3 + 4i 2l =2
i-)?+2xyi=3+4i ^) y=-;
* - )? = 3,2xY= 4 X=1,!=-2. X=-1,/=2
€a1 + f)' = (l - f)' + 4tf = 32 + 42 = 25
J4-4t =l*2i or -l+2i
l*f=, 0.'ffi
2l =8
"", f =i
y"=4, f-)?+2xyi=l*i
x=2,/=1. X=-2,/=-l f -)? =l,ZxY=l
G + f)' = (l - y')' + 4tf = rz + !2 = 2
1TA =2+i or _Z_i i +y'=.11
@) 6-tx
2x2 =JT+!
f-f=5,2xY=-12 **, _z(Ji+t) n,:A
- 4 ''r-2x
G f)' = + 1x2 - f)2 + 4if = 52 + !22 = t69 r-";-'-=-'---a

l+f=13 4->
a) 2

2l=18 v=i,*
I =9, y=-* z(Ji+r)
x=3,1=-2. x=-3,!=2
,[i-ta=z-zi or -3+2i
(O'.f +1sr z(Jl+t)
(x+ry)' =-8+ 15f
i-)?=-8,2xY=15 z(Ji+t) z(Jl-t\
(* + y')' = (i - f)' + 4tf = 82 + !52 =289 2
2i =9
(a) (r-3Xx- r-i)(x-1+0
=(r- 3)(i-2x+2)

New Senior Mathematics Extension 2lorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions

1 D is correct.
This is the same as multiPlYing aby:

which gives:

Incorrect; the complex number ahas been
multiplied by{, which is not what was asked.
Incorrect; a has been rotated anticlockwise
by andthe length is not halved.
Incorrect; ahas been rotated anticloclaarise
by+but the length has not been halved' OQ; = @ rotated 60o anticlocli:r'vise
Correct (see given working)'
= (1+;)cis(aJ

=(1+ r(+.*)
Oq=@ rotated 300o anticlockurise

=(,+ r(+_*,)
(a) C is the midpoint of. AB, where A represents wz
ffi =il,rotated 90o anticlockwise and B represents wz.
= (3 + 4i)i a= )(wz+ wz)
So: G=G,+fr =Lr{w+ w)z
=-2+i-4+3i =lxzke(w)z
=-6+ 4i
i.e. .B represents *6 + 4i. =rorff)n,
fr, =fr rotated 90o anticlockwise _1
= (-4+ 3i)i
=-3 - 4i 'lz
So: 6e =G+fr, --J',
=-2+ i-3 - 4i (b) Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other,
=-5-3i so C is also the midPoint of OD.
i.e. C represents -5 -
fr =fr, rotated 90" anticlockwise _^t
= (_3 _ 4i)i =zxtz
=4-3i _ _\l t;-
So: =ofr, +ffi D representt -Jlr.
-', -

i.e. D repres eruts 2 * 2i.

Ghapter I Complex numbers

(d @ = D rotated 90" antidoclrwise, where P 13 (a) OC=z*w
represents z and Q rePresents w. EA=z-w
So: w= iz Im
# =-l
E represents the-midPoint of d.
.'. E represen ts l@ + iz)
11 Let A represent z, and B tePresent zr. (b) (i) lzl= lrvl

4+ z,i.e, OC = zr+ zz
Let C represent :. OA= OB
Then: BA=4-zz :. OACB is a rhombus.
zr*zz _", .'. The diagonals are perpendicular.
zr- zz
2r+ ir=2i(zt- zz) ik'i'e'
#is PurelY imaginarY'
& =zEA (ii) lz+ wl=lz-wl
6e =2x BI and &, tfr :. OC= BA
.'. Diagonals are equal, so OACB is a
:. t- = ik, i.e. 2 is purely imaginary.

15 (a) 4=-^ll + Jri

=2(.o. T*,'t+)
(al OACB is a rhombus (diagonals are =2(.o, [*i'n[)
perpendicular) Im R
:. OA= OB
(bl IAOB= a
ZAOC= (the diagonal OCbisects ZAOB)
IIL,AOM: ,*+ =ffi

(b) oP=oQ=PR=RQ
;oc So: OPRQ is a rhombus.
OC (c) arg(zt* ,r) =llarz@r) + arg(22))

=, (as required) ,
=114 *6)
-tlzn r_\

(c) z, + zr= 2i(2, - z2) = 2iz, - 2iz, lltt (as

zr(l +2i) = zr1-1* rr, =ff /

- --l+2i-
oz- l+2i "l
(d) zt+ zz= eJ, + JiD + (.6 + 0
, =Ji-Ji+(Ji+L)i
- -1+2i
=-l*, --l-zi r(orff + isin!#),
^ l-zi '1 But also: zt+ z2=
=__T_o, where r=OR
1 From these two equations:
= ie + 4i)zt . lln
sm-7- Jz +t
,orff Jt - Jz

. .- ,":.,
1..{1,.# New Senior Mathematics Extension 2 for Year 12 Student Worked Solutions
So: *,!#=#+"ffi zr= rr(cos 0, + isin 0r)
So: zrzr=rrrrlcos(4 + 0r) + isin(Q + 0r)
and: (r)'= rrz(cos19u+ lsin20r)
= G + Ji + Jz+ 2 (as required)
Given that zrzr= (zr)2:
17 (a) The point representing is the rrrrlcos(O, + 0r) + isin (Q + gr)l
midpoint of AC. = rtz(cos}At+ lsin2Q)
(b) If: a+ y= B+ 6 So: f ,rr= 7rz
It"*D=Lr{g+ ,.,
So themidpoint of AC is the same as the r, r, and r, are terms of a geometric
i.e. series
midpoint of BD. The midpoints of the two and: 0r* 0r=2Q,
diagonals coincide. The diagonals bisect each
other and so ABCD is a parallelogram.
,. l{er+ or) = o,

19 zrzr= (4)2 So: ary@) =llarz@r) + ary@r)l

Letzr= rr(cosQ + isinQ)' :. OZ.bisects ZZTOZ2 (as required)
zr= rr(cos0r+ isin0r)

B is correct. k=0: e=+

'"'-'"r"" 2 ' "-^'2)
16i=16[cos4*irir,4) k= rz e=+
0+ isin 0) be a root. _fr
Let z =r(cos
k=-1: e=-4
So: ra(cosLg+ isin+O) = ro(cosf +isinq)
k=2: e=5.{-=-+
r=2 and +g=5+\kn kisaninteger
The roots are 2 cisfr, 2 cis-ff , 2 cis!, z cisff .

k=o: ,r= z(rorf+;ri"f) (c) -t = cosz+ isinz

k= 1: ,r=z(rorF+,sinT) Let z= r(cos 0+ isin 0) be a root.
So: l(coss0+lsin50) =coslt+ isinrc
r -- | and 50= tt+ Zktt k is an integer
k=2: ,r= zlorT+,sin?) k=0: 0=g
k = -t: rn= z(rorff+,sin#) k= l: 0=+
The diagram that displays these points is B.
A Incorrect (see given working).
k=-1: e=t -d

k=2: 0= n
Incorrect (see given working).
k=-2: e=t_2,r

D Incorrect (see given working). The roots are -1-, cisf , cisf , cis!, cisff.
(a) 32=32(cos0 + isin0) (d) Let z= r(cos0+ isin 0) be a root.
Letz= r(cos 0+ isin 0) be a root. So: r6(cos60+ isin6g) = zt(os!+,sint)
So: l(cos50+ isin5g) = 32(cos0 + isin0) ,=Ji and 6e=g +Zkn k is an integer
r=2 and 50=0+Zktt kisaninteger
k=0: 0=0 k= 0: ,=#
k= L: e=+ k= I: e=#
k=-1: ,=+ k=-1: ,=-#
k=2: e=+ k=2: e=l#
k=-2: t=+ k=-2: ,=#
The roots arc 2, 2 cis!, z cisff , 2 cis ff , g=-# a
zcts_3-. k=-3: -7'7

(b) -16 = 16(cos n+ isintt) The roots are .,8 cis

ft , J5 cisff,.6 cis
Letz= r(cos 0+ isin 0) be a root.
So: fkosL?+ isin4} = 16(cosn+ isinzu) .6 cis
ff, .,6 cis :{{4, Jl cis -ff .

r-*2 and 40= n+2kn k is an integer

Chapter 1 Complex numbers

(a) w is a root, so t'Ys = 1.
5 The three roots of 1 are t, cisland cisf '
Then: Ot)' = ('')'= 1 (so f1s a root)
(a) Let: wr= cisT also: (rry ')'= (ru)-' = 1 (so w is a root)

and: wz=ds+ and: (*')t = (*u)-'-- 1 (so w 'is a root)

Given that rry is non-real root, thenw * l'
,r= ro,ff * *in! So w, #,w 1
and wu are all different roots'

=r*4-isnff (b) In the equation

eQual to -b
I- I = 0, the sum of roots is

= w2 tll 7.
So: vf +w+l+wr +w-'=0 (asrequired)
Also: wr' =cir*xcisff r4'
. -4n (c) Given that the sum of root' tqoak
= crsJ_
.2n o= 1 + ro+ + crs-ff + cis!+ cisff
= crsJ_ ^
o = 1 + ror! + isin! * rorff + isin{
=wr tzl
From equations [1] and [2]: * ro,
{ * i sin{ + ro,-ff + i

wr=S= 1ryrz (as required) Using: cos (-0) = cos 0

(b) The roots of - 1 = 0 are l, w, and w, since and: sin 0= -sin 0
these are the roots of 1. o= 1+ zcos!+zcosff
Using the rule that the sum of root. tqod' f,, But ror{='*tt
in ax3 + bl + cx + d= 0,a = 1 and b = 0'
So: | + wrl wr= 0 so: ror! - cos[=-l (as required)

wy* wr= -l (as required)

(d) Using: cos20=2cosz 0- L
(c) Using the rule that the product of roots equals Ztc ,2cos,4
cosl- = 2cos -| $
-d.*h"re a=landd=-lt
a' So: ,o"{-cos!=-l
lxwrXwr= 1
becomes: zcos'f, - t - cos[ =-l
wtwz= 1 (as required)
+cos'! -zcos[ - 1= o
From question 2(a):
1=cos0+isin0 r 2!.,14+16
cos5 = --- g-
Let z= r(cos 0+ isin 0) be a root.
So: f(coss0+ isin50) = coso + isino -"# (as required)
r=! and 50=0 +2kn kisaninteger
k= 0: 0=0 since o .T.1, cosf = +
k= l: 0=+ 9 (a) r.v is a root of z6 =|
k=-l: e=t -)r So:
k=2: e--+ b,l)3 -t=o
ol - r)l(w'z)' + (nt)+ 1l = s
k=-2: 0=+ b,f-t)(w4+tt+r)=o
The roots arc l, cisT, cis!-, cis !-, cis-llt' ;.rlf -t=o or wn+u?+1=o
But w is non-real.
They are evenly spaced around the circle with :. wn + tt +I =o (as required)
radius 1.
(b) Show wa=l+2w4+w8.

=wzxw6 (since w6=l)

4,, _w4
RHS= L+Zwa+wB
= l +2wa + (1, )(w6)
-0.5 u 0.5 =l+wa +wn +tt (since w6= 1)
=l+wz +wn +wn
=0 + wa (since wa + v? + I=0)
\.' =w
-l = LHS

t e rr Ne-w Senior Mathematics Extension 2lor Year 1 2 Student Worked Solutions
11 (a) Consider - | = 0.zu But: (-0) = cos 0
(z*l)(za+t+i+z+1)=0 and: sin 0= -sin 0
:. z=l or zn+t +*+z+t=0 So: zcos! +Zcosff=-t
Now z, = cos* + isnlis a non-real root of 2n 4n -1
t- | = 0 (see the reference to question 2(a) in
the answer for question 7 above). (d) Using: cos2g= 2cos2 0- 7

So itis a root ofi I t

+ + * +z+l=A
4n ^ z2tc
COS...- = ZCOS
wo ---=- * I
5 --v!

(b) The four roots are the non-real roots of 2n

4n -1
t * | = 0. Given that they are evenly spaced on 52
the Argand diagram theyare cis!,cis-!, becomes: rot{ +2cos2! - L =*,
.4n cts-3-.
clsJ-, 4n :. +cos'!+zcos!- 1=o

b +.
(c) The sum of roots is equal
^^^2n _-ztJ4+r6
cos5 = ---- g-
cis! * ritff + cisff + rirff sinceo.T.t, 1E
COS; = -1+.6
= -r 5

1 B is correct. {b)lzl<z
A Incorrect ary@) =
ff doesnot include
the origin.
B Correct;
lx+(2+ y)il=l@+z)+Ul
* +(z*y)'=(x+2)z +f
i *f +4y+4=i ++x+++f
x - y= 0 (which is the given equation)
Incorrect; this would match the equation (c) t<lzl<3

lz+zil=lz 2l
lx + (2+ y)il=lt* - z) +i/
i +(z+y)'=(x-2)2 +f
f =*x
x* y =0 (which is not the same as x - y =0)
(al lzl= a

5 l, - $+Jlrl=z
lt,-rl +U-Jltl=,
[: I Circle centre (1,\6); radius 2

-z -z -tP
t23 5


Chapter 1 Gomplex numbers

(e) -2+2il=3 lz-3#il _,
E+L4l -'
lz (i)
Circle centre (2,'2); radius 3 - 3)' + (y + 3)z = (x + 1)2 + (y - I)2
i -ex+9+f +6y+9=l +2x+t+f -zy+t
8Y =8x- 16

Y= x-2
7 Y=x'2
(f) lz +zl=t4 ta
(x+Z)z +l =i +f A(3,-3)
i +4x+4=i
5 (a) Im

(g) z-il=lz -z+il

lz +

(x + 2)z + tJ, - 1)2 = (x- z)z + Qt + l)2
I +4x+4+l -zy*t=l -4x+4+f +2y+l
/ =2x

(h) +zl>lz - +l
(x+2)2 +f >(x-+)2 +f




New Senior Mathematics Extension 2lorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions

whichgives: ,r# and ya _T;

lz+2-ail=zlz - a-il
(x + 2)2 + (y * 4)z = 4lk -
4)z + (y - t)21
=4(i-8x+ rc+l-2y+t)
i + +x + f - 8y + 20 = 4l - 32x + 4f - 87+ 68
o=3i -36x+zf ++t
20=i -tlx+36+f
(x- 6)' * Y2 =20
z 34s 6Re

(g) 2lzl= 7a2 * n

2JfuV =2x+ 4
t *f =l +4x+4
l, -2-zil'z -lz +2+il2 = tg
(x - 2)' + (y - 3)2 - (x+ z)' - (y+ 1)2 - 16
I *qx+++f *ay
Y=*'c- I
| 2 I 4 s 6 7Re

-l)-I z 34 5Re
ls -1zy'l>rc -2
l{x+iil'-(x- iy)'l>te -4
l*' y' +2iry - x' + y' +zixyl>rc
,{G*'yt ,- rc
rcif >zse
Chapter 1 Complex **O:*ffi
1 (a) 3z+w=3+6i-3-4i 5 (a) nF*T*,,*f;) =n,-$++xli
@ll=$+2i)2 =-zJi +zi
=l*4i-4 F) oo[cos
=-3 + 4i t+)]
(cl ww = (-3 - 4i)(-3 + 4i) =6J1*# * eJl*$i
=25 =4J, -ile i

-3+4i-6i-8 ,1= !€l_
-11_ 2. [."(#)]'
-25 -,25' J:H
(e) Let x+iy-J$a1. -
i -f *2ixY=-3'4i .i'
So: i-f=-, tll
and: 2xY=-4
:.y=1 12)

Substitute forl in equation [1]:

4 . l+r *.
_crs\ tn\
*.)_ 2--_, 5 2)
t+ll-4=o _ ^,^(zzr\
-"'\ ro /
.2 -3t\6+16
: ","1!o\
""\ 10/
Butxisreal,so: i=l and x=-1,1, 9 (a) Let z=rcis0.
Whenr= 1: y=-2 t =-l
When x=-l: l=2 = cislt
Answer: Ji =t(l-2i) ra cis40= cisn
r=L and 40=n+2kn kisaninteger
@+#=14 k=0: 40=tc
p+3qi-(1+ i)(2+i) 0=4+
=2+3i-I k= l: 40=3n
Equating real and imaginary parts: P = l, q= l o=*-
(b) (2-ip)(3+iq)=4a7i k=-l: 40=-n
6+2qi-3Pi+ Pq= 4+7i v- -lt
Equating real and imaginarY Parts:
k=2: 40=5n
6+Pq=4 tll o- 5n - -3x
v- 4- 4
and: 2q-3P=7
cis-{, cisff ,
:. 2q=3P +7 Answer: z = cis
t, "rt+
q=let+z) (b) Let z=rcis0.
Substitute for qinequation [1]:
= cis0
Px+QP +7) + 6= 4 16cis6 0= cis0
lpz+lp*12=8 r=l and 60=0+2kn kisaninteger
3P2+ZP*4=0 k=0: 0=0
k=l: e=+
:. p=-land,q=2 or p=-tand,q=1
k=-l: e=+
k=2; e=*
New Senior Mathematics Extension 2lorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions
k=-2: ,=+ @) lf I + zu ispurelyimaginary: cos3g= 0

k=3: 0=lc So: 3e=L,=L and ,=*,+

Answer: z= cis0, cisf , cisf , cis!, 13 @l 12 =i
cisff,cisn w is a root.
.'. wrz = i
(c) 1+ z+*+t+za=-t But: (-w)" =w"
.'. !+z+*+t +za+t=o -i
Consider: z6-l=0 So -try is also a root.
:. (z- D€ + zn + t + I + z+ L)=o
:.2=\ or l+*+l+i*z*L=o (bl/2=i
So, with the exception of z= 1, the roots of = ctsT
f - | = 0 will be the solutions to: So the roots of 212 =i are on the circumference
t+zn+l+/+z+l=o of a circle of radius 1.

or: L+z+l+t+zn=-l Nowlz, * is the distance

The roots of f - I = 0 are cisO, cisf, cis$, from-zrto"rl=lzr-(-Qlwhich
z, i.e. the distance between
.2n -2n
CISJ:' C$3:, CN7tr. two points on the circumference of a circle of
radius 1. Since zrandzzatetwo distinct roots,
Given that cis0 = cos0 + isin0 = 1, the
zrarrd-zzare not the endpoints of a diameter.
solutions to I + z + + + za = i I are: -f
as!, cis-!, cis!, cis-ff, cisn,+ rrl.2 (as required)

15 C is correct.
11 z= cos 0+;sin 0 (l - i)z= z- iz
So: lzl= t
(a) Show ar;g(i + za)=39.
z= cis0
t = cis20
za = cis40
Let A represent z on an Argand diagram, and
Iet B represent i
and C represent za.
OBCD is a rhombus, where OB = OC = l. A Incorrecti this is -z * iz= (-I + i)2.
The diagonal ODbisects ZBOC. B Incorrect (see working above).
atg(t)=arg(cis2|)=20 C Correct (see working above).
arg(t)=arg(cis4|)=40 D Incorrect (see working above).
So: ary(l + zn1=\20-= 39 (as required) 17 (a) ,+)=t
(b) Show * + zn = 2cos g(cos30+ isin3O).
x+ iy + fir=O
ln AOBD: OD=Zcos0
So: lr' + zul=2cosl ' x+ry**-i/
x+iy+-l-- x-ty =k+oi
and: ary(* + l)=30 x + iy + -T!-T - -J-;i = k + 0i
' x'+ y' x'+ y'
:. i + za =2cos0(cos39+ isin39)
Equating imaginary parts :

x +y r=o
So: /=0 or *+f=1

lb) lf y = 0, then z * ! =k becomes:

i *kx+l=0
This expression must have real roots so A ) 0.
i.e. kz - 4> o
.'. lkl > 2 (as required)

chapter I Complex numbers i|:1,:21

@l If I +f = 1, then:
lzl= t and
Using the triangle inequality:

l,. +l= t,t

So: lkl<z (as required)
le (a) ws - l=o
(w-l)(wa+t +tt+w+1)=g
w=l or #+#+#+w+1=0
But: w*l (c) LOMAis isosceles, so:
So: wn+rf+vf+w+1=o toMA=+t" -
(b) LHS = (1 - ?)(1 - '',t)(r - tf)(t - wn)
= (1 - w)(L * wal x 1t - #ltt - tt) I
= (1 - w - wn+ ws) x (t - tt # + ws1 u,s(l*,-")=f;+{ +e
= (2 - w - yf)(z- nt - *t) (since ws = 1)
=4-2tt -z\f -zw+uf +ul -Nf +w6 +d (exterior angle of triangle + argz)
= 4 - 2(w + u? + w' + wn1 + (w3 + wa + w6 + tf1
=4-2(w+'vt +# +wo)+(w3 +wn +w+w'1
(using w5 = l)
=4-2(w+u? +'vf +wn)+(w+w'+tf +wn1 23 (al *'(f)=+
= 4 - 2(-r)+ (-1) (using wu + rt + # + w =*!)
-5 .o,(z* #)=+
(cl zr+zz=N+u?+uf+wn

and: zrzr= (w + wn)(u? + v'f)

=nf +wn +w6 +tf
=tf +wn +w+u? *,(#) =*J;*
z, and z, are the roots of * +z- I = o. since$is acute: *r(rg) =J;f
So (a- zr)@ - zr) = }becomes:
* - @r+ zr)z+ zrzr=o (b) ,i"'(#)*.o,'(,{)= r

Substituting for zr+ zrand zrzrtJis becomes:
*+z-l=0 (asrequired)
21 @l OB=wz

g7y1= 4
AM =OM - OA ,-(#)
= )wz - z (as required)
Gince$is acute)
(b) From the solution to part (a), the question is
asking to prove that the length of AM is given.
In LAOM: (c)
' ')
[ 2 2
=r-A' =.".(f).;'i"(g)
AM=Jrt (as required)

New Senior Mathematics Extension 2lorYear 12 Student Worked Solutions

Solvel z ,l
@l t=(*-ry)'=5+12i
\z-r l =4. Equating real and imaginaryparts:
Let w= z-r-
-!1,where w
r cis 0. i-f=u
So: w4=-4 .'. N=3, l=2ix=-3,!=*2 are solutions
rncts4e=4asn ... Roots are z = + (3 + Zi).
,=Jl -and 40=n+2kn kisaninteger
v=v+-7- (b) z= -3+
fi -18 3r *3n
=v,z-,-{,'T- -3 *.,6 + 12,
So: *r=$ritff=I*i 2
,r=Jlrit*= 1- i =

wr= tt2
cisf; = -1 * i =i,-3-i
(a) P(x) - xn - +f +2e* - 44x+Bs
cis-f1 = -1 -i By conjugate root theorem, other zeros are
' z-,
(a-bi) and (a -zbi).
z=z+iz-i+l .'. P(r) =(x* a-bi)(x- a+bi)(x- a-2bi)
iz=-l + i x (r- a+zbi)
z=1*i = au + sa2b2 - 4ba + (laab2 + 4a31x
q + (6a2 + 5b1l- 4al + xa
f'OflY": '-:=L-l
" z-, Equating coefficients:
z=z-iz-i-l -4a=-4
iz=-l - i 6i +5b2 =26
z=-1+ i a=l,b=2
Fotw.: z
' z-,r=-1 +i (b) P(x) = [(x- | *zi)(x- t+2i)l[@- t -4i)
z=-z+ iz+ i- | (r- 1+4rI x
' z(2-i)=l+i =(l-2x+s)(i*2x+rT)
l+i 2+i
'- 2-i ^ 2+i
FOf *
W,2 '-----'-;
z-t = -L - I
'- -l+i..2-i
z+i ^ z-i
=- 5 3i

Ghapter 1 Complex numberc

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