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Wow Yesterday I posted a very old post I made and I never saw that much comments in a post.

phone doesn’t stop with notifications. The SP interest is huge lol

But I have to tell you that it will not be easy for all of you. Especially those who have a craving/victim
attitude or state of mind. So my advice is that you understand that your goal number one is THE
Not you thinking of how you love the other. The difference is important. Imagine yourself highly

You have to understand that you don’t become loved by needing pr wanting someone but by feeling
loved, great and amazing. At least enough but always go beyond that.

Spend time adoring yourself, in imagination and in real life. Spend time doing things for you. Honor

The most important again, is you feeling loved and needed. Build a strong conviction about that.

I tried this many times and I have no doubt on the method but you have to understand strongly that the
30 day game is not about you fantasize about your ex or sp but you using them as a mental image to
feel loved YOURESELF.

Ps: imagination is less important than feelings so don’t worry about you not being to visualize

Am I clear enough?
Hey allismind. I love all your post. So let me just make sure I am getting this right.

Right now in this present moment... Feel Loved, Cherished, Amazing, Wanted, and On a pedestal? Just
feel those feelings? And any time I think of my SP Just remind myself that thats my reality? That I am
super loved like a God and my sp is so grateful to even be with me?

And also I dont need to really try right? Like just feel those feelings and go about my day? Anytime I
think of my sp I know she adores me. But also I adore me lol.

Am I right?

This one is a hardcore basic but I think it is never enough to say it again.
If you struggle, if you try to achieve something, if you are forcing, if you are manifesting really hard
please stop it. Maybe you are trying so hard to have more money by looking for more and more jobs,
maybe you are trying your best to be the perfect mate, you are trying to change every little detail to be
loved, maybe you are seeking the best diet to be fit, maybe you are searching for the best doctor or the
best remedy for this or that, maybe you are looking for new ways of self growth or a new technique,
The 'methods' have nothing to do with effort in terms of forcing, seeking or searching or even
manipulating the world. Give up on that and be focused on BEING. BE IN THE STATE WHERE YOU

This means that if you visualize, or if you affirm or if you try to feel, its not about visualizing/feeling

For money it means you are already in a state of feeling blessed for being able to spend and give so
much. So you don't imagine getting it but already having so much and spending it.
For love it means you are looking at the situation from a place of feeling blessed because you have
nothing more to fix. In that state there is nothing to fix.
For health it means you are so grateful and blessed to be perfectly fit or healthy that you no longer seek
ways to heal, because you already are. Even if you take medications, you take them from a place of
confirming your perfect health and not to get healthy. It would be like a beautiful person who takes
beauty products not to be more beautiful but to confirm it. (Yes beautiful people take much more care
of their skin and appearence in general but it comes from a place of gratitude and wholness)
You see, be AHEAD OF TIME.

You are already in a perfect relationship so what are you doing with your life now. No, you're not
thinking of the relationship anymore. You are thinking of other ways of expanding your life.

You are already in perfect heath. So what are you doing with it? Be in that state. Cultivate it. You are
not thinking of fixing it anymore and you are probably not even thinking of health now because healthy
people don't think of it.

You already have all you money you need and much more. Be in that state. Imagine/feel how it feels to
have so much, to give so much, to share so much. Feel it. Do not try to seek it. You already have so
much!! Be in that state.

You are already glorious and blessed you have no reason to seek new authors, books, ways, methods.
Feel your glory and wholeness.

Do you feel the shift?



When I started reading Neville Goddard more than a decade ago I was very excited to know that it is
possible to imagine something and manifest it. But for some reason every time I tried I became very
frustrated about visualizing scenes. The simple practice of trying to make a scene in my mind was
killing all my "vibes". Instead of being peaceful and relaxed it made me angry and I felt really bad. For
me visualizing scenes is not really something I do naturally...

This post will help all of you who are like me. If visualization and scenes are not natural for you then
don't force it. Remember the main goal of scenes and visualization is to get the feeling of the wish
fulfilled or in another words the feeling of KNOWING that what you want is yours. Often mental
images will come by themselves.
Think about something you have or something you are, something you consider as YOU naturally. Let's
say you're healthy. When you think of your health you don't visualize anything yet you're healthy
because you manifest it and you manifest nothing against it. You're healthy because you believe you
So how do you go in that state of knowing?
This is one way of doing it:
sense of knowing. Your job is not to change anything in the physical world; this is the job of the Law.
Your job is to create and generate a state of mind.
- Lay down on your bed or a relaxing chair or go for a walk
- You can do it with music. A music that makes you feel accomplished and blessed.
- Then think of a belief (a state of mind, an idea, an "end") you want to be real. Let's take the example
- You tell yourself: I live the perfect love. Then you go more and more into the meaning of those words.
It's not about repeating words mindlessly, its about going into the meaning, thinking from it, and letting
it change you. You can repeat it and say alternate versions of the same sentence but go into the state of
that affirmation instead of focusing on repetition.
- The more you go deeper, the more you associate with that affirmation, the more you will see a change
of your perspective, feelings, expectations and even mental pictures. This is "living in the end" or
thinking from a desirable state of mind.
- Then you live your life fully without overthinking this, and when you think of the subject associated
with love you remind yourself this state and you re-generate it instead of letting the old reality or the
present conditions rule the game. THIS IS TRUST.
- TRUE MASTERY IS TRUST. Not control. Trust is the king. And when you apply what is said here
you will see that you live in trust, there is no overthinking or trying to control anything or anyone.
Because to "control" is the work of a King's servants, the work is on them, the King (Queen) is free. I
will make a post on this because many of you have the wrong understanding of "mastery" because you
associate it with being a "control freak" which is fear and hell.

A POWERFUL THING: all your problems could be destroyed NOW by only one simple belief: "All
my problems are resolved now. I am free." If you accepted this and rejected all the nonsense
overthinking, questioning, worrying, fighting... TRUST IS KING.

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