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“Will it work for me?”

You are already manifesting the exact life you live right now, 24/7.

It is already "working" for you.

The exact life you live right now is the physical embodiment of every belief you have and every choiceyou’ve ever made.

Your subconscious mind has created every break up you’ve ever had, every dollar in your bank account, your physical
appearance, your entire identity, hopes, dreams, beliefs & more.

Manifestation is actually quite simple. Humans just love to overcomplicate things.

This is the formula & why:

01 clear intention (subconscious mind)

02 intense emotion (heart)
03 cosmic energy (spirit)

Let’s break this down simply…

01 clear intention (subconscious mind)

Our subconscious minds are programmed from the time we’re born to continually create “safety.” Around the age of 8, our concept of
the world becomes more concrete. We have learned how to speak, what our favorite foods are, what we’re afraid of, etc. and as time goes
on we continue building our concept of the world through experience.

Your subconscious mind is constantly creating the exact life you live right now, every dollar in your bank account, every break up you’ve
ever had, your friendships, your personality, your cravings, what you like and dislike, etc.

We all operate out of automatic programs generated by the subconscious mind, so the trick is to change the program by getting through
to your subconscious mind.

Let me explain this program a little bit further. Let’s say two people are in a room & a dog runs in. The 1st person gets excited & pets the
dog. The 2nd person is shaking, hiding & terrified. Where does this behavior come from? The 1st person grew up with dogs and their
subconscious mind has associated dogs to love. The 2nd person was bit by a dog when they were 9 years old so their subconscious mind
created a reflex of going into fight or flight when a dog is around. Their subconscious mind has associated dogs to danger. These people
do not think about their reaction, they just happen. This is part of their automatic program.
Now, let’s say you’re an artist. But your whole life, your mom has told you how lucky you’ll be in the future to get a college education and
land a safe job. So now, you’re here in this present moment with a college education in business, aiming for a safe job.
But is that really what you wanted? Or is that a seed that was planted in your mind that has come into fruition because you were
programmed. Deep down, you truly desire a life where you make a living from your art, but because your mother doubted you and
society says odds aren’t in your favor, you doubt yourself, too. Millions of people have made the life of an artist possible, why can’t you?
Because you’ve been programmed. Your subconscious has associated going for your dreams and living that life as unsafe. Manifestation is
how to take your power back. You plant your own seeds.

Maybe you just want to manifest money, but you watched your parents struggle with money your whole life so your subconscious mind
has associated money to struggle and a constant lack of. When really, money in & of itself is energy. To be “rich” is simply a mindset. You
can have money flow to you, it is all simply energy. It comes and goes in waves, why do you think the economy goes into a recession every
ten years? Why do you think that you go through time periods where you’re stressed about money and time periods where you have more
than usual? Everyone has the ability to draw a flow of money to them, but it is our subconscious minds that limit this flow.

This is where the hypnosis download will help you the most. Hypnosis is the fastest way to reprogram your subconscious mind. The
most effective way to plant the seed of your manifestation. Stanford medicine conducted brains scans of people under hypnosis & these
were the results:

The dorsal anterior cingulate was less active (part of the monkey mind, primitive thinking was turned off). A connection between the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (working memory) & the insula (the part of the brain that provides emotional input in decision making).
Lastly, a disconnect between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (working memory) & the medial prefrontal cortex (maintaining emotional
information with memory) & the posterior cingulate cortex (where we store memories & concepts of our sense of “self” ).

02 intense emotions (heart)

I don’t know how many times I’ll have to say this for people to understand, but your emotions and your heart are the most important
part. If manifestation was a car, your heart is the engine. Your heart has its own electromagnetic field and it is the strongest
electromagnetic field in the entire body, 60 times the electrical activity in the brain and 100 times the magnetic field than that of the
brain, the Heart Math Institute measured that it extends 3 feet out of your body in all directions. This is where your power comes from.
I’m an extremely emotional person, this is why my manifestations happen so quickly, because in self-hypnosis I can access the greatest
extent of my emotions. The hypnosis download is designed to amplify your emotions and the electromagnetic field of your heart.

03 cosmic energy (spirit)

This where your personal beliefs come in. Some manifest to God, some manifest to The Universe, some to source, etc. please choose
whatever you feel most comfortable with.
This is a we-respect-all-forms-of-belief-and-love-everyone-unconditionally-no-matter-what zone.
One of the many things that religions have in common, is that the connection to God Source Universe Creator exists within you. We are
all divine beings deep down, this can be referred to as our inner essence, or spirit, or the Judeo-Christian Soul, or the Buddhist Ātman,
etc. It is with this deep connection to yourself that you have the power to create. Hypnosis has been made into a science but in ancient
times, it has always been a spiritual practice. A practice of connecting to the spirit.
This may seem like a lot of information, but this is why I’ve made it simple for you in the hypnosis download. Hypnosis combines the
power of intention in the subconscious mind, the power of amplified intense emotions of the heart, and the divine connection to your
inner essence.

The more you listen to this, the more you align yourself with pure infinite consciousness and clearly visualize your
manifestation, the faster it will come. The more you listen to the download, the deeper you will go into hypnosis every time.
There is a very specific purpose for every single word, sound, pause, tone and note in this guided hypnosis. I poured my
heart and soul into this download for you. I waited until the full moon to record this and poured all of my energy into it.
The intention is that my energy plus yours will help your manifestation come faster.

This guided hypnosis download and instruction guide mean so much to me. If I had this during earlier in life, I can’t even count how
many terrible and traumatic situations I could have avoided. To me, the accumulated knowledge of thousands of books & videos &
studying, the years of experience & the energy I put into this is priceless. But this was created with the intention of helping others, so I
wanted it to be affordable and available to everyone. The price is $4.44 but after one week (on 3/11) I will be raising the price to $111. I
trust that the universe will bring this to whoever needs this the most but cannot afford $111 within the first week.

1. Get clear on your manifestation first. As clear as possible actually. What exactly is it that you want?
2. This is optional, but why not do it if it helps? Write down your manifestation in this format:

“I am so gratef ul (or whatever emotion you will feel)

and my chest is so warm (or wherever you will PHYSICALLY FEEL the emotion)
now that I have 1 new ideal client for my business.” (get as clear as possible with what exactly you’re trying to manifest)

You can write this once or as many times as you want. I write my manifestations multiple times because I like to remind myself & realign
with the energy of the manifestation. If you’re writing it multiple times out of desperation, understand that you don’t NEED to and just
trust that it's already on its way.

1. Before you play the download, find a comfortable position sitting or laying (avoid your bed so you don’t fall asleep). Take your
glasses off, gum out of your mouth, and enjoy. You don’t have to do anything but focus on the sound of my voice and relax.
2. Listen every night before you fall asleep, you can also listen to it in the morning but its designed for that time period before


DONT get trapped in worrying about the “how” or “why” or “do i deserve it” or any of that overthinking. OVERTHINKING TAINTS
THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR MANIFESTATION. It will only come if you fully believe it. If you fully believe it’s already on the way,
then why would you ever worry about the how?

DONT ignore your intuition. You will receive intuitive feelings to take action. Little gut feelings that are pushing you on your path to
manifestation, maybe you’ll feel like going to a certain coffee shop that day & you end up next to your soulmate in line. Maybe you’ll have
a weird urge to reconnect with a friend & then they tell you they know someone who’s looking for someone to fill the exact business
opportunity you’re looking for.

DONT doubt the possibility of it. Reality is ever changing. There are infinite realities. Everything that does not exist in the physical realm
at this very moment in time, exists in a field of potentiality. You can draw from this field of potentiality through the subconscious mind.
That is what we are doing. This is the essence of “reality shifting.”

DON’T share your manifestation with people that you know have limiting beliefs. If you know someone doesn’t support what you want,
do not share with them. This can also taint your manifestation.

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