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Assessing English Language Learners

Ms. Kimat
Number: 718- Hello to everyone,
555-15432 I am here now to discuss some multiple assessment strategies that we
Personalemploy all through the academic calendar. I feel communicating is extremely
essential and I would like to be capable of keeping parents informed as well
Cell: 214-as I could whenever it pertains to assisting with evaluating and educating your
children. The first evaluation with which we are going to commence with is
888-2154called the Diagnostic Assessment. The second assessment that we will going
to concentrate on is called the Formative Assessment. The final evaluation
that we will considering going through is the Summative Assessment. I will
utilize that one at the end of the learning process in a format of an exam to
determine how well the students did.

The diagnostic evaluation is employed to collect the student's data to

determine what the student is capable of doing and comprehending.

The instructor will be able to plot out the curriculum with a visual
In validating the exam, there must
be a significant congruence
Story Subline
between the ELP evaluations
administered by a state and the ELP
designer's help or by conducting a pre-test (Stenger, 2015).
criteria administered nationally. The
For this side panel, include a few
essential components of the state
highlights for another story or
Formative evaluation is performed at various points in the teaching examination are required to be
some type of event you want to
derived from the state ELP
highlight. Highlight a teacher of
and education process. This evaluation offers a variety of chances, requirements, and the information
the week/month, or a
and abilities referred to as content
student/athlete of the
not only for the instructor but also for the student. At any point, criteria are what schools are
required to teach their students.
formative evaluations may be carried out (Ferlazzo & Hull Sypnieski,
Share with the audience what
else is further in the document.
Are there school events coming
up? Is there a band concert or
The final evaluation of the pupils' educational progress is sporting event that the audience
should know about?
the summative assessment. The summative evaluation may occur
You can start a story here and
once per week, twice per week, once per month, etcetera. continue it on another page in
the newsletter if it pushes longer
than this space allows.
As per the description provided by the Arizona State
Department of Education for ELLs testing The information gleaned from the evaluations will
accommodations: be utilized to:

 Institutions have the option of extending the · Devise individualized plans for assistance
testing period for English Language Learners in teaching

 Schools should also offer assessment · Come up with teaching plans for each day
conditions andmethods
equipmentto effectively convey prompt and relevantof
that are conducive the weekto(Ferlazzo
feedback & Hull Sypnieski,
pupils and
their families, particularly
to learning for kids who speak ELLmethods for learners to reflect on 2012).
their learning.
(Ferlazzo & Hull Sypnieski, 2012).
 Try to be as descriptive as you can. · Establish specific objectives for both the
 Upon the English Language Arts learners and the instructors.
 Let the student know as soon as
examinations given to students in grades 3-8 possible rather than waiting till later
and the Regents Comprehensive · Keep track of both the students' and the
 Discuss the progress that the learners have made toward teachers'
Examination in English, examiners are
a goal progress.
 Betomindful
read the auditory
while text tothe
delivering ELLscritique (Stenger, 2015).
three times. · Identify any loopholes in your professional
advancement (University, 2022).
 Include students in the process as much as possible.
 English Language Learners are entitled to
important and anticipated testing
 Journaling
accommodations in the form of multilingual
lexicons (Stenger,in
 Engaging 2015).
some kind of writing practice (University, 2022).
Another You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by
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Headline Home tab. On the Insert tab, the galleries include that are designed to
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to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document
Ferlazzo, L., & Hull Sypnieski, K. (2012). Assessment & Reflection With ELLs—And All Students
(Opinion). Retrieved 5 September 2022, from

Stenger, M. (2015). 5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback.
Retrieved 5 September 2022, from

University, C. (2022). How to assess departments and programs - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon
University. Retrieved 5 September 2022, from

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