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Liturgy of the Faithful[edit]

In the early Church, only baptized members who could receive Holy Communion were allowed to
attend this portion of the Liturgy. In common contemporary practice, with very few local exceptions
(e.g., Mount Athos), all may stay. However, in most places, catechumens are formally dismissed for
further study.

 First Litany of the Faithful

 Second Litany of the Faithful
 Cherubikon chanted as spiritual representatives (or icons) of the angels
o Replaced on Maundy Thursday with "Of Thy Mystical Supper..."
o Replaced on Holy Saturday with "Let all mortal flesh keep silence..."
 Great Entrance – procession taking the chalice and diskos (paten) from the Table of Oblation to
the altar
 Litany of Completion – "Let us complete our prayer to the Lord"
 The Kiss of Peace
 Symbol of Faith (the Nicene Creed)
 Anaphora (Eucharistic Prayer)
o Exclamation by the deacon: "Let us stand up[right..."
o Blessing by the priest and Sursum Corda ("Let us lift up our hearts..." (Greek: "Ἄνω σχῶμεν
τὰς καρδίας")
o The Epinikios Hymnos or Sanctus ("Holy, Holy, Holy…")
o The Eucharistic Canon, containing the Anamnesis (memorial of Christ's Incarnation, death,
and Resurrection, and the Words of Institution)
o Epiklesis The calling down of the Holy Spirit upon the Holy Gifts (bread and wine) to change
them into the Body and Blood of Christ
o Commemoration of Saints, interrupted by
 The Theotokion (hymn to the Theotokos), usually It is Truly Meet (Ἀξιόν ἐστιν) unless it
is the Liurgy of St. Basil, when "All of creation rejoices in thee..." is sung, or a feast,
Maundy Thursday or Holy Saturday, when the Irmos of Ode IX from the Canon at
Matins is sung.
o Commemoration the dead in general, and of the living, concluding with of bishop and civil
authorities – "Remember, O Lord…"
 Litany of Supplication – "Having called to remembrance all the saints…"
 Lord's Prayer
 Bowing of Heads
 "Holy Things are for the Holy"
 Communion Hymn, during which:
o Cutting the Lamb for the consumption by the clergy
o Communion of the priests and deacons
o Cutting the Lamb and putting the pieces into the chalice for the consumption by the
 Holy Communion of the faithful
 "We have seen the true light" (occasionally replaced with the troparion of the feast)
 "Let our mouths be filled with Thy praise, O Lord…" (occasionally replaced with the troparion of
the feast)
 Litany of Thanksgiving
 Prayer behind the Ambon
o Any special services (blessings, memorial services, etc.) are normally said here
 "Blessed be the name of the Lord..." (Psalm 112:2)
 Psalm 33
 Dismissal
o A sermon is given here if it was not given after the Gospel

Almost all texts are chanted throughout the Divine Liturgy, not only hymns but litanies, prayers,
creed confession and even readings from the Bible, depending on tradition. In ancient rubrics, and
contemporary Greek practice, the sermon, Nicene Creed and the Lord's Prayer are spoken/read,
rather than chanted. Slavic traditions chant or sing everything except the sermon. [10]

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