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Topic 1: Some people say that we do not need printed newspapers anymore.

To what
extent do you agree? (50/50)
It is universally accepted that traditional newspapers are gradually losing their vital role
because of the dramatically increase of digital versions. To a certain extent, I agree that e-
news is becoming more essential in daily life, however, I also believe that conventional
materials will not disappear for these following reasons.
It is understandable that why many people prefer reading news on the Internet. The most
important reason is the convenience of e-newspapers. Since e-news is always available, it
allows people to read it whenever and wherever they want. Unlike traditional versions,
readers do not need to spend time lining up at newsstands to purchase a newspaper.
Moreover, Internet-based newspapers include videos and other visual materials that help
people to improve their experience levels. Another reason that should be mentioned here
is the most part of online news have free of charge. People only need to pay for Internet-
based devices and do not need to pay for any other charges to read news. Because most of
e-news websites gain profits from advertisements, it is unnecessary to get money from
Notwithstanding the aforementioned benefits of online newspapers, I am of the opinion
that there are several compelling reasons as to why printed materials are also essential to
maintain. Firstly, reading news on paper is better for the elderly and those people who
have poor failing eyesight rather than reading on technology devices. Blue light from
smartphones and laptops will make their eyes even worse. Secondly, the content on
conventional versions is always checked thoroughly. Each newspaper has its own
publishers that will assess all the contents before publishing. Whereas, almost news on
digital versions does not have the assessment.
In conclusion, despite undeniable perks of e-news, I am convinced that published
publications always have an irreplaceable role and can not be disappeared permanently.
Topic 2:  Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and
emergencies rather than a positive development. Some people think it is harmful to
individuals and to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100%)
News on media these days is usually covered by issues and emergencies instead of
helpful improvement. While some people believe that this trend brings a host of benefits,
others claim that it results in several drawbacks. In my perspective, I personally agree
that its negative impacts on personal and society are more serious.
The spread widely of bad news causes personal mentally affected. That kind of news
might make people pessimistic and depressed. For example, people tend to avoid travel
by plane after the disappearance of the flight MH370, because they are worried that the
same situation might happen with other flights. Furthermore, people also become afraid
of the challenges of trying new things. Since there are several information of risks that
every one can find easily on the media, the fear of doing new things is unavoidable.
A focus on negative information on media’s reports also leads to a variety of downsides
for society. The most essential reason that should be mentioned is the far-reaching effects
on the economy. Enterprises might feel unsecured to invest in countries with wars,
political crises such as Syria and Afghanistan. Without investors, unemployment will be a
serious problem. Moreover, the authorities can not be able to gain profits from taxes of
enterprises. Another reason that also important is the lack of labour force and brain-
drain. This is an unsolvable issue in countries such as Vietnam, where the bad news of
the government is widespread. That disadvantage news leads to a trend that citizens will
try to find other countries where have better living conditions and higher paid-job to
In conclusion, while negative news reports do help us become more alert to ongoing
problems and affairs, I am convinced that the down-sides of those news worthy of

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