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1. What is Mechanics
Statics, dynamics, kinematics and
2. Space, Time and Mass
Cartesian and polar coordinate
3. Motion and Rest.
Reference frame and observer,
position vector, velocity and
acceleration, Relative motion.
4. Translation and Rotation Motion.
5. Particle and Rigid-Body.

1. What is Mechanics? collectively known as terrestrial bodies constitute

area of Mechanics. Principles of Mechanics can also
The first scientific observation the man had were be extended to some degree of accuracy to describe
indeed the objects surrounding him and their motion of atoms and molecules in innate structure
motion relative to him and relative to objects of materials.
themselves and paved the path for systematic study Mechanics is defined as the study of nature and
of such phenomena. Over a period of several conditions of rest or motion of material bodies.
centuries, a course of historical developments Here the word nature means the way motion
followed by sequence of several discoveries ulti- occurs and the word conditions refer to the causa-
mately culminated into a branch of physics now tive interactions – Forces and Energy that are resp-
known as mechanics. The term mechanics was onsible in one way or other for every kind of motion
employed first by Newton in its true sense, the of material bodies.
science of machines and making them. Mechanics is studied, taught and practiced in two
Motion of planets, stars and other bodies in the different ways. First one is based on historical
outer space collectively known as celestial bodies, developments from the ages of Archimedes through
motion of animals, vehicles or bodies on the earth Galileo to Newton and Lagrange. In it, force acting
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.1

between one body and another is introduced as the Description of kinematics seeks of how fast and
cause of motion and motion is described in terms of on what path an object moves and relates the
concepts of space, time and mass. These four position, velocity, acceleration, and time without
concepts space, time, mass and force are related by any reference to mass, force and energy. In other
three laws known as Newton’s Laws of Motion. This words, it is study of geometry of motion.
methodology is known as Newtonian Mechanics.
The second way is based on concepts of space, Dynamics. Force is considered as cause of motion.
time, mass and energy. In it, concepts of space and Dynamics investigates action of force.
time have purely mathematical character while Action of force is recognized in two ways either to
mass and energy are introduced as physical entit- compel rest by preventing motion or to cause a
ies. Energy is conceived as determined by position change in state of motion. Accordingly, the science
and motion of material bodies. The four concepts of of Dynamics is further subdivided into two cate-
space, time, mass and energy are related by goryies – Statics and Kinetics.
Hamilton's principle.
In every introductory course of mechanics and Statics. It is the study of conditions and nature of
hence in this book too, the first way i.e. Newtonian rest or equilibrium. In fact, Statics investigates
Mechanics is dealt with. Since its principles are how several forces operating on or within any
more close to human intuition and understanding.1 system balance them and maintain state of rest or
Mechanics is divided into two areas − mechanics equilibrium.
of particle and rigid bodies and mechanics of
deformable bodies. Mechanics of particles and rigid Kinetics. It is the study of conditions of motion and
bodies deals with translation and rotation motion explains the motion described by kinematics with
whereas mechanics of deformable bodies include due reference to force and energy. Kinematics being
study of elasticity and fluid mechanics etc. By the a geometrical description of motion does not involve
term mechanics, we generally refer to study of any of the laws of mechanics whereas Kinetics deals
translation and rotation motion to which this with laws of mechanics and seeks to describe how
volume is devoted. Different authors suggest slight- mutual interaction between bodies affects their
ly different classifications of this branch of motion.
mechanics but all of them culminate into three MECHANICS
major subdivisions namely Statics, Kinematics and
Kinetics. Old classification suggested by Lord Kelv- STATICS DYNAMICS
in and P. G. Tait in their famous work "Elements of
Natural Philosophy" is shown in Fig. 1.1 (a). KINEMATICS KINETICS

MECHANICS Fig. 1.1 (b)

KINEMATICS DYNAMICS In new approach of classification, the science of

Mechanics is divided into Statics and Dynamics and
STATICS KINETICS Dynamics is further divided into Kinematics and
Fig. 1.1 (a)
Kinetics as shown in Fig. 1.1 (b). Here Statics deals
with rest or equilibrium and Dynamics deals with
Kinematics. It is the study of nature of motion motion. Kinematics is concerned with study of
without taking consideration of any causative nature of motion and Kinetics is concerned with
interactions involved. It deals with the changing study of motion with due reference to cause
locations of objects with time and encompasses affecting motion.
concept of spaces and time. The only characteristic
of matter, which is used in describing kinematics, is 2. Space, Time and Mass.
its continuous existence in space with time. Developments in mechanics started back in the era
of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and Archimedes (287-212

1. "This is the path on which great army of students travel and

are introduced into the mysteries of mechanics." –Henerich
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.2

B.C.) but the subject remained primarily of z

philosophical interest. It was Sir Isaac Newton
(1642-1727), who first satisfactorily formulated the
fundamental principles of the subject and made
them available for use analytically in practices.
The basic reason for this delay was that until O
Newton the fundamental concepts used in mech-
anics - space, time, and mass were not defined pro-
perly as physical quantity. These concepts were
defined because of our intuition and long
experience. x

Fig. 1.2 (a)

2.1. Space.
The absolute space may be conceived as what In Fig. 1.2(a) x-y plane (z = 0), y-z plane (x = 0),
remains if all the material bodies were removed. It and z-x plane (y = 0) are shown in dark-grey, light-
remains always similar to itself and immovable. grey and white colours respectively. The line of
One part of space cannot be distinguished from intersection of x-z plane and x-y plane, the line of
another. In fact, we identify a part of space with the inter-section of x-y and y-z plane, and the line of
material bodies present there or in some other part. intersection of x-z plane and y-z plane are called x-
Therefore, our knowledge of space is essentially axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively. The point of
relative. intersection of the three planes or the three axes is
The concept of mathematical space is associated called the origin (O).
with the idea of specifying position of a point with z
respect to some other point. This is accomplished by
measuring some distances in terms of either length y
or angle in a coordinate system. These lengths and
angles are known as coordinates of the point under
consideration. z = z1 y
In this book, Cartesian2 coordinate system is O
mostly used to define space in three-dimensions and
Cartesian or polar coordinate system to define space x = x1
in two-dimensions.

Space in Three-Dimensions. Fig. 1.2 (b)

A space in three dimensions is a region occupying a A point P (x1, y1, z1) in Cartesian coordinate
volume. It can be represented by Cartesian, cyli- system is the intersection of three planes x = x1, y =
ndrical or spherical coordinate systems. Here we y1 and z = z1 as shown in the Fig. 1.2(b). Here x1, y1
discuss only Cartesian coordinate system. A three- and z1 are known as coordinates of the point P and
dimensional Cartesian coordinate system is a set of represents distance of P from the y-z, x-z and x-y
three mutually perpendicular planes intersecting planes.
each other at a point. This point is known as the
origin. These planes are called x-y plane, y-z plane Space in Two-Dimensions.
and x-z plane and lines of their intersection are A space in two-dimensions is a plane surface. It can
called the coordinate axes. be represented by a two-dimensional Cartesian co-
ordinate system or two-dimensional polar co-
ordinate system.

2. Named after French philosopher and mathematician René

Descartes (1596 – 1650).
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.3

Two-dimensional Cartesian Coordinate system. 2.2. Time.

The plane under consideration is divided into four The notion of time helps us to recognize the
parts called quadrants by set of two mutually sequence of events and duration between them. We
perpendicular lines called axes. The point where distinguish one portion of space with another by the
these axes intersect each other is known as the material bodies present there similarly we
origin. distinguish on portion of time with another by the
y events which occur in them. Similar to space, time
x = x1
is also relative. Therefore, to decide when an event
y = y1
occurs we have to choose time of some other event
P (x1, y1) as reference. Furthermore, in Newtonian Mecha-
nics or classical physics it is assumed that time
elapses at constant rate, its flow does not depend on
the duration between events, which decide it. We
O x
are aware of inequality of length of days in a year
Fig. 1.3 (a)
but it in no way affects duration of 24 hours but it
In Fig. 1.3(a) a two-dimensional sp-ace is represent- can only affect duration between event of sunrise
ed by x-y plane, where x and y-axes with the origin and next sunrise.
O are shown. A point P (x1, y1) is located at the inter- In classical physics time is absolute i.e. it is not
section of two lines x = x1, and y = y1. Here x1 and y1 relative. It is independent of motion of material
are the coordinates of the point P and represents bodies under study. Two observers who have once
distance of P from the x and y-axes. synchronized their clocks will always agree about
time of an event irrespective of their motion. Fur-
Polar Coordinate System. Location of a point P in thermore, there is no limit in accuracy with which
a plane is completely defined, if its distance from a time can be measured.3
fixed-point O and direction of a line OP is known. In In Newtonian mechanics to describe an event
polar coordinate system, we know the point O as completely only specifications of its location is not
origin and the line OP as axis or reference direction. sufficient but the time of the event must also be
In the Fig. 1.3(b), a point P is shown at distance r specified.
form the origin at an angle  form the axis. The In all systems of units, time is expressed in
terms r and  are known as coordinates of the point seconds abbreviated as ‘s’. In dimensional analysis,
P. the symbol T is used for time.
P (r, )
r 2.3. Mass.
In common usage, the term mass of a body refers to
 quantity of matter in that body. In mechanics, we
O Reference direction are not concerned at all with quantity of matter in
Fig. 1.3 (b) a material body but with other aspect that is related
to change in its motion by the application of force.
In all types of coordinate systems, distances are To understand it, consider the following hypo-
measured in meter (m), centimetre (cm) and foot (ft) thetical experiment.
respectively in SI system, CGS system and FPS Let a butterfly and a stone both are traveling
systems of units. In dimensional analysis, the towards you with the same speed and you have no
symbol L is used for length. These units bear the alternative but to be hit by any one of them. With
following relation. which one would you like to be hit? You obviously
1 m = 100 cm = 3.281 ft answer the butterfly. Can you answer why chose
In all system of units, angles are measured in the butterfly rather than the stone? Both have the
either degrees or radians. Angle is a dimensionless same speed; it is the quantity of matter that makes
quantity. the difference. This idea led the Parisian physicist

3. These assumptions have been modified in quantum mechanics

and in special theory of relativity.
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.4

Jean Buridan (ca. 1300-1385) to combine the one, but the question needs some more investi-
concept of quantity of matter with motion to explain gations.
the answer. Consider another similar
Before Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), it was a situation of Fig.-1.3, where
common belief that the sustained motion of an two boats A and B in sea A
object requires sustained action of a force and every near an island are shown.
matter has a natural tendency to be in rest. You can observe that the
Challenging this Galileo suggested that an object boat A is stationary and the
once set into motion will continue its motion forever boat B is moving toward
until an external force acts on it, and conceived the boat A with a velocity v. v
inertia as a fundamental property of matter due to A person either on the boat
which every matter opposes any change in its state A or B cannot say which
of motion or rest. Thus, to stop the stone and the one is moving without
butterfly both having the same velocity, greater looking at the island, he B
effort is required with the stone. can only say that the other
Buridan’s observation well explained by Galileo’s boat is approaching his
idea of inertia indicates that the quantity of matter, boat with velocity v. Fig. 1.3
which was known as mass from ages, can be used as However, when he looks at
a measure of inertia. In fact, it the property of a the island then the other boat he can say which one
material body with which mechanics is concerned. is moving. We generally conceive a landmass to be
Mass of a body is the quantity of matter and is at rest, therefore referring to the island, if the
used as a measure of inertia to translational motion. person is in the boat A he will say that his boat is
Mass is measured in kilogram (kg), gram (g), and stationary, the boat B is approaching him, and if he
pound (lb) in SI, CGS, and FPS systems of units is the boat A, he will say that his boat is approach-
respectively. In dimensional analysis, the symbol M ing the boat B.
is used for mass. These units bear the following We can conclude that, if two bodies are moving
relation. with constant relative velocity, it is impossible in
principle to decide without referring a third body
1 kg = 1000 g = 2.205 lb
that which one of them is at rest and which one is
moving. This statement is of fundamental import-
3. Motion and Rest. ance and is known as principle of relativity in
Motion of a body can only be detected by comparing
classical physics.
its position with respect to some other body.
Everyone easily distinguish bodies, which are 3.1. Reference Frame and Observer.
moving from other bodies which are at rest, and can Motion of a material body can only be observed if it
estimate qualitatively but not quantitatively in changes its position with respect to some other
what direction and how fast they are moving. body. The idea of motion has a relative sense. For a
Mechanics, which deals with study of motion and motion to be observed there must be a body which
rest, demands specific and quantitative definitions is moving, another body relative to which motion is
of ideas of motion and rest. In this section, we deal to be investigated and a person who investigates the
with the concepts of motion and rest, reference motion. The person investigating the motion is
frame, observer, position-vector, and velocity. known as observer. The person for investigation has
Remember one of your train journeys, when to choose a zero of time scale of its own, a point in
yours and some other train both were at rest at a the space attached with the second body as origin
station and suddenly the other train starts moving. and a set of coordinate axes. These two things the
Surprisingly looking at the other train, you feel that time scale and the coordinate system are
it your train, which starts moving. At once for collectively known as reference frame. In this way,
confirmation, you look aside on the platform and motion of the moving body is expressed in terms of
then you realize the fact that it is the other train its changing position coordinates with time.
that starts moving. Which one of your two Furthermore, it is not necessary that the observer
observations is correct? Certainly, you say the latter be a part of the reference frame. He may be
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.5

anywhere either moving with respect to the selected z

reference frame or stationary with respect to it. B

3.2. Motion and Rest. r

Once a frame of reference is selected all the bodies
which do not change their position relative to the O 
x A y
reference frame are said to be in the stat of rest and
those who change their position are said to be in the Fig. 1.4 (a)
state of motion. The idea of motion or rest has a
relative sense. Consider a passenger train moving Displacement and distance travelled. Refer a sit-
past a railway platform. If the platform is selected uation described in Fig. 1.4 (b), where a particle is
as the reference frame all the passenger sitting in moving on a curvilinear path AB.
the train along with the train are said to be in state z
Q (t + t)
of motion, while all the persons standing on the B
platform in the state of rest. In addition, if the train s
r + δr δr
is selected as the reference-frame all the persons
r P (t)
sitting in the train are in the state of rest and all
the persons standing on the platform are in the s
O 
state of motion. y
A reference frame is space attached with the body A
Fig. 1.4 (b)
with respect to which motion is being investigated
and a portion of space is only distinguished by the Let at the instant t = 0 , the particle was at point A
bodies present in it. There is nothing to which we and at an arbitrary instant t it reaches a point P
can attribute with absolute space and hence it is specified by position vector r . After a small time-
unscientific to define an absolute frame of reference interval t, the particle reaches another point Q
and an absolute rest or absolute motion. The specified by position vector r + δr . During the time
absolute space does not exist, however we conceive interval t the particle follows the arc PQ. The
it an all-pervading space in which the whole distance travelled s during the time t equals to arc
universe or whatever exists beyond it moves. length AP and in interval t it equals to the arc
length s. In the time interval t displacement  r
3.3. Position Vector, Velocity and Acceleration.
equals to directed chord PQ.
For the sake of simplicity, let us assume a material
body of negligibly small size. Such an ideal material
Average Velocity and average speed. Average ve-
body is known as particle and is represented by a
locity vav and average speed cav of the particle in the
mathematical point. In doing so, we get rid of the
relative motion between different parts of the body time interval t are given by the following equation.
and motion of any part of the body will represent δr δs
vav = and cav = [0.1]
the motion of the whole. δt δt

Position-Vector. A vector drawn from the origin of

Instantaneous Velocity and speed. Instantaneous
the coordinate system representing the reference
speed tells us that how fast a particle is moving at
frame to the location of the particle under
an instant and instantaneous velocity tells us that
consideration is known as position vector of the
with what speed and in which direction a particle is
particle. Consider a particle P moving in space on a
moving at an instant of time.
path AB. The path is also known as trajectory.
If we assume the time interval t to be
Position of the particle is a continuous function of
infinitesimally small i.e. δt → 0 , the point Q appro-
time. At any instant, position of the particle can be
aches the point P making the chord PQ to coincide
represented by its position vector r as shown in the
with the arc PQ, we can express the instantaneous
Fig. 1.4(a).
velocity v and instantaneous speed c by the follo-
wing equations.
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.6

δr dr δs ds z B
v = lim = and c = lim = [0.2] a
δt →0 δt dt δt → 0 δt dt
a P
Instantaneous velocity of a particle equals to the an
time rate of change in its position vector r and
instantaneous speed equals to the time rate of O
change in distance travelled or path length covered. x A y

z Fig. 1.4 (d)

In the Fig. 1.4(d) the instantaneous acceleration a
, the tangential acceleration a and the normal
P (t)
r acceleration an of a particle P moving on curvilin-
s ear path AB are shown. The normal acceleration an
O 
x y always points inside the curvilinear trajectory
Fig. 1.4 (c) towards the center of curvature and the tangential
acceleration in the direction of the velocity vector, if
In limiting condition δt → 0 , we have dr = ds . speed is increasing and opposite to the velocity
Thus, instantaneous velocity becomes equal to the vector, if the speed is decreasing.
instantaneous speed in magnitude and points along
the tangent to the path as shown in the Fig. 1.4 (c).
4. Translation and Rotation Motion.
c= v [0.3] For a non-deformable material body of finite size, it
If a particle is moving with varying velocity, its may happen that none of its particles is moving
instantaneous velocity equals to the displacement relative to any of its other particle or some of the
in a unit time interval with a uniform velocity that particles of the body are in relative motion with
is equal to instantaneous velocity. In similar each other. The first kind of motion, the body is said
fashion, instantaneous speed of a particle moving to be in translation motion and in the second kind,
with varying speed equals to distance travelled in a the body is said to be in rotation motion.
unit time interval with a uniform speed that is
equal to the instantaneous speed. 4.1. Translation Motion.
Usually the term “instantaneous” is dropped and
If all the particles of a non-deformable material
in practice and we simply use velocity and accele-
body have same velocity and acceleration at every
ration instead of instantaneous velocity and insta-
instant of time, however these set of values may
ntaneous speed.
change from instant to instant, the body is said to
be in translation motion or simply in translation.
Acceleration. Instantaneous acceleration a of a
A careful observation reveals that all particles
particle tells as that how fast and in what direction
forming a body that is in translation motion trace
velocity of a body changes with time. It equals to the
parallel trajectories. If these trajectories are
time rate of change in velocity vector v .
straight line the motion is known as rectilinear
dv translation and if the paths are curves, the motion
a= [0.4]
dt is known as curvilinear translation.
A vector quantity changes, if either its magnitude a2
or direction or both change. Accordingly, accele- a1 A
ration vector has two components. One of them
A v1
responsible for change in magnitude of velocity is a2
known as tangential component of acceleration and a1
the other one responsible for change in direction is v1
known as normal component of acceleration. B
Fig. 1.5 (a)

A body shown in Fig. 1.5 (a) is in rectilinear

translation. At an instant of time, all of its particles
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.7

have the same velocity and acceleration say v1 and A relative to B. A careful thought on the definition
a1 respectively and at later instant the value may of the translation motion reveals that the vector
change but again all of its particles have the same rA B must be constant. Thus, its derivative is a null
velocity and acceleration say v2 and a2. Further-
vector and we have
more, if the body is in rectilinear translation the
acceleration vector and velocity vector must be vA = vB [0.7]
collinear. Differentiating eq. [0.7] further with time, we have
a2 a A = aB [0.8]
A v2
a1 Here a A and aB are the accelerations of the points
A a2
v1 A and B respectively.
B v2
Eq. [0.7] and [0.8] reveal that there is no relative
B motion between any pair of particles on a rigid body
v1 which is in translation motion.
Fig. 1.5 (b)
4.2. Rotation Motion.
The body shown in Fig. 1.5 (b) is in curvilinear
A body in rotation motion changed its orientation in
translation. At an instant of time all of its particles
space. If during motion, a line AB drawn or
have the same velocity and acceleration say v1 and assumed on the body described in Fig 1.6 changes
a1 respectively and at later instant the value may its angles with at least one of the coordinate axes,
change but again all of its particles have the same
we say that the body is in rotation motion.
velocity and acceleration say v2 and a2. Here, the
Consider a body in Fig. 1.7, shown at two
acceleration vector and velocity vector must not be
different instants of time. Due to rotation, it chan-
collinear. ges its orientation and the line AB changes its dire-
z ction. Since the body is a non-deformable the length
of the line AB remains unchanged but its direction
changes, hence the vector rA/B . Therefore, vA B is not
rA B
rA a null vector and we can say that the point A and B
B move relative to each other.
The eq. [0.6] yields
O y
Fig. 1.6

Consider a body in translation motion on which two rA B rA B

arbitrary points A and B with position vectors rA rA
and rB are marked as shown in the Fig.-1.6. The
rB rB
vector rA B is the position vector of the point A with
respect to the point B. Following triangle law of
vector addition, we have Fig. 1.7: A rigid body is in rotation motion changes its
rA = rB + rA/B [0.5] orientation

By differentiating the above equation with respect vA = vB + vA/B [0.9]

to time we obtain-
Further differentiation with time yields
drA drB d
= + rA/B [0.6] aA = aB + aA/B [0.10]
dt dt dt
Eq. [0.9] and [0.10] reveal all the particles of a
The time derivatives of rA and rB represent,
rigid body in rotation motion move with different
respectively, the velocities of the points A and B and velocities and accelerations at nay instant of time.
the derivative of rA B represents the velocity vA B of
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.8

The above analysis suggests the vector rA B assume a line on the body. If during motion, the
orientation of the line with respect to the coordinate
though does not change its magnitude yet changes
axes does not changes the body will be in
its direction known as orientation of the body. Thus,
translation motion and if the orientation of the line
a body in rotation motion changes its orientation in
changes, the body will not be in rotation motion.
space. This fact suggests a simple way to identify
Kinematics of rotation motion we will discuss in
whether a body is in translation motion or in any
detail in chapter 7.
kind of rotation motion. For the purpose draw or

Example 1.1. Identify the type of motion of the plate suspend from the ceiling by two rods each
pivoted at one end on the plate and at the other end on the ceiling and the plate in given a side-
push to oscillate in the vertical plane containing the plate as shown in the Fig. Ex-1.1.
Solution. You may verify by assuming a line AB and following the same analysis as we have done
for translation or plane motion. A line AB drawn on the plate keeps its orientation always
unchanged. Therefore, vA = vB and aA = aB at every instant of time.
This suggests that the plate is in curvilinear translation. Ans.
Fig. Ex. 1.1

Example 1.2. The plate rigidly welded at one end a rod that is pivoted at the ceiling is given a
side push to oscillate in its plane. Identify the type of motion.
Solution. You may verify again by assuming a line AB and following the same analysis as we
have done for translation or plane motion. A line AB drawn on the plate keeps its orientation
changing. Therefore, vA  vB and aA  aB at every instant of time.
This suggests that the plate is in plane translation or rotating about a fixed axis passing
through the pivot and perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Ans. Fig. Ex. 1.2

5. Particle and Rigid-Body. distances under investigation, the relative motion

In usual sense, a material body of infinitely small between its particles and hence rotation of the body
size is conceived as a particle in contrast to bodies is neglected and only its translation motion is taken
of finite size. To represent a material body of finite into account. To analyse motion of planets around
size a diagram resembling the body in shape is the sun both the sun and the planet is represented
drawn to some definite scale. A material particle is as particles and their rotation is neglected.
represented in diagrams by a mathematical point. A material body whether large or small can be
In mechanics, not only the above usual represented as a particle to analyse its translation
considerations but the nature of their motion motion.
(translation or rotation) is also considered to decide Thus, when we use term particle kinematics or
whether a body should be represented as particle or particle kinetics or particle dynamics, we mean
not. study of translation motion of a particle or a rigid
A body however large it may be, if is in translation Rigid Body.
motion; all of its particles have the same velocity A rigid body is defined as an assemblage of a large
and the same acceleration and move on identical number of material particles, which do not change
trajectories. Therefore, kinematics of motion of the their mutual distances under any circumstance or
body is completely described by any one of its in other words, they are not deformed under any
particles. To describe effect of forces on the circumstance. Actual material bodies are never
translation motion of the body it is the center of perfectly rigid and are deformed under action of
mass of the body which is taken into account. external or internal forces. If these deformations
In another situation, the body may be rotating are small enough so that any change in separation
but its size is negligibly small as compared to the
Arvind Tiwari Introduction 1.9

between particles forming the body can be Deformations produced in a body on application
neglected, the body is assumed a rigid body. of forces are taken into consideration in another
To analyse rotation of a body relative motion branch of physics that is known as mechanics of
between its particles cannot be neglected and size of materials or deformable bodies. The scope of the
the body becomes a considerable factor. This is why, book is confined to study of mechanics of rigid
study of rotation motion is also known as mechanics bodies and point particles only.
of rigid bodies.

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