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Symptoms and treatments of stress

Stress can affect our emotions and bodies. What is the most stressful event in
your life? Stress is a part of our life. And there is a lot of stressor in our daily life. Some
stressor can be small. So we can manage it easily than long term stressor. In other
hand if you are stressed for a long time, it will be difficult to get over. According to
research by Dig-in in 2020, 20% of students already have mental issue and need
support before they start university, 42.3% of students had experienced psychological
issue for which they felt they needed professional help. Also increased responsibility,
studying for exams, relationships are the most common experience of stress.
Experiencing stress for long periods of time can have negative effects on our mental
and physical health.

Small amounts of stress for short periods of time can be healthy, as good stress
can help us motivate ourselves to prepare for exams or make positive changes in our
lives. However, stress becomes harmful when it occurs for too long or is chronic—when
our bodies don’t have a clear indication of when to return to normal functioning. Chronic
high stress has several negative effects on our bodies and brains. It can interfere with
studying or class attendance, interfere with cognitive processes such as attention and
concentration, contribute to major health issues such as heart disease, high blood
pressure, diabetes, depression, and anxiety.

Becoming freshmen are not easy as people think. After graduating high school
and entering University they have to be more independent. High school and university
have really big differences such as exams, mid-terms and finals are more in academic
level. However, freshmen are not used to these exams, so they get stressed easily.
Also some students work part time jobs while studying. And that becomes one of the
main stressors of students. According to our survey, when freshmen are get stressed
their mental health get affected first. Such as they feel lonely, angry and annoyed, get
depressed, blaming themselves, get insecure and anxious. These symptoms show how
they react when they get stressed. During our interview, 66,6% of students get stressed
every day, while the rest of the people are not that easily stressed. Most of the daily
stressors are traffic jam, school tasks, friends and relationships. So, we advise
freshman to plan their everyday tasks and meditate. Because it helps to

Another symptom of stress is physical symptom. We asked students about their

physical symptoms on how they react when they feel stressed. Everyone had different
answers such as headache, heartache, sweaty palms, sleeplessness, nausea, stomach
ache and shortness of breath. Between these symptoms 50% of the students are said
to have experienced headache. According to our interview, freshman students to cope
with stress, they listen to music, walk, clean the house, talk with someone, watch
something, play with cats, sing a song and play some games. Although, their most
effective way to cope with stress is to talk with someone and watch something, we think
freshmen can avoid these problems if they exercise daily. If the physical and mental
problems get worse, we advise students to meet professional therapist.
In conclusion, we experience stress in two ways: mental and physical symptoms.
First year of university can be hard for freshmen because they have to deal with a lot of
things. To prevent students from stressing universities and colleges should have
psychologists, because feeling stressed for a long time could have negative effects both
on our bodies and mind.


College students, 2022. retrieved from

Managing college stress, 2022. retrieved from

Team members:
Uuganzaya S.
Mandukhai G.
Anarchimeg A.

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