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Earthquakes are vibrations in the earth's crust. They occur along all plate boundaries but are
more destructive usually at destructive plate boundaries

Structure of Earthquakes

How Earthquakes occur

Earthquakes occur from the slow build up of pressure within crustal rocks. If this pressure is
suddenly released, then parts of the crustal rocks may experience vibrations. The point at which
this pressure is released within the crust is known as the focus. The point directly above the
focus on the surface experiences the worst shocks and is known as the epicenter. From the
focus, vibrations move towards the surface as body waves and they move from the epicenter
outwards as surface waves.

How are they measured

The magnitude or size of an earthquake can be measured by an instrument called seismometer
and are shown on a seismograph. The earthquakes are measured on the Richter scale from a
value of 1 to 10. Each level of magnitude is 10 times more powerful than the previous.
Therefore a level 7 is 100 time more powerful than a level 5.

The Distribution of Earthquakes

Earthquakes are mostly concentrated along plate tectonic boundaries. They are concentrated
along the western coasts of north and South America where the north and South American
plates are colliding with the pacific plate. They also stretch along the southern coastal lands of
Asia and North Africa where the Eurasian plate is colliding with the African plate and the
Australian plate. This region stretches into the coastal areas of eastern Asia affecting the island
areas of Philippines and Japan where the Eurasian plate is colliding with the plate. Earthquakes
are also concentrated along the mid oceanic ridges in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean where the
plates are moving apart. In Africa they occur along the east African rift valley where crustal
rocks are tension because of the movement of plates underneath. They are more destructive
along destructive boundaries where the plates are moving towards each other. Earthquakes

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occur along plate boundaries because the movement of plates causes the slow build up of
pressure in these areas which is later released to cause earthquakes.

Causes of earthquakes / Why do earthquakes occur?

1. Most earthquakes occur when there is a movement along the plate boundaries and over
90% of all earthquakes take place at boundaries where there are converging plates. At a
plate boundary the plates move as a result of the convection currents but any
movement is not steady or smooth. At times the plates become stuck just like teeth in a
zip. As the pressure builds up one plate will jerk past the other creating a sudden
movement or earthquake.
2. Building large dams which impose a weight that was not there and leads to the build up
of stresses within the earth’s crust. As the earth adjusts to accommodate this new
weight, tremors are felt. This is the major cause of tremors in southern Africa especially
Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Sometimes they occur after long droughts which reduce
the weight of water substantially and the earth has to adjust to the lesser weight.
3. Extensive mining activities as in South Africa provide weak points for the release of
stresses within the earth. This causes earth tremors.
4. Volcanism will also cause earthquakes. As large masses of magma force their way into
the earth’s crust, tremors are felt.

The effects of Earthquakes

An earthquake causes both primary and secondary effects;

Primary effects (the immediate damage)

1. Collapsing bridges and buildings
2. Cracked and twisted roads & other transport links
3. Death and injuries to individuals

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4. Panic and shock of the people affected

Secondary effects (the after affects of an earthquake)

1. Fires caused by broken gas mains and electrical cables. Fires develop due to the lack of
water from broken pipes
2. Tidal waves or Tsunamis often result from an earthquake such as the boxing day
Tsunami in 2004.
3. Landslides in steep sided valleys where the rocks are often weak
4. Disease and famine due to lack of clean water and medical facilities
5. Death caused by the cold of winter such as in the Kashmir quake of 2005
6. Economic impacts - ie Many tourists were put off from visiting areas that had suffered
due to the Boxing Day Tsunami

Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others?

1. Some earthquakes take place in rural areas where few people live and little is damaged
2. If they occur near large urban areas with many people, transport services, large
buildings and services such as gas and electricity - there can be a great amount of deaths
and damage
3. In Poor countries - LEDC's they have poorly built buildings, few emergency facilities, and
the equipment to help rescue people - a good term to use is that they have a poor
4. In rich countries - MEDC's such as the USA they prepare for an earthquake with drills
and have a great deal of trained emergency personnel and equipment to go to help the
injured. They also try to build to withstand earthquake damage - ie The Transamerica
5. The time of day can be important - If the earthquake hits when it is the rush hour or
when there is a large number of people located in a certain area - this can cause a great
loss of life
6. Obviously if they occur near to coasts then Tsunamis can cause a great deal of damage
and deaths such as the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami

What can be done to reduce the impacts of Earthquakes?

Despite much research it is not yet possible to predict earthquakes accurately - The best
advanced knowledge is 9 seconds which is too short to do anything. Therefore most efforts
have been put into preparing for them. Below are some of the ways:
1. Earthquake Resistant Buildings - These are built with deep foundations with rubber
shock absorbers and concrete reinforced with steel. They are designed to twist and
sway, have sprinkler systems and gas cut off valves
2. Emergency Plans - These are drawn up, and supplies such as bottled water, medicines,
tinned food etc are stockpiled by individuals or the local area
3. Earthquake Drills - These are held to practice what to do in the event of an earthquake
taking place such as the one held in Japan on Sept 1st every year.
4. Tsunami Warnings - As Tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean there are data collecting
devices to give warnings of such an event. They are also being built in the Indian Ocean.

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