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This course focuses on the concepts of disaster risks, hazards, vulnerability, capacity,

and application of scientific knowledge and the solution or practical problems in a

physical environment. It is designed to bridge the gap between theoretical science and
daily living.

Learning Outcomes
• Identify various potential earthquake hazards.
• Present the natural signs of an impending tsunami.
• Analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards
• Apply precautionary and safety measures before, during, and
after an earthquake.


This lesson will give insights about the various potential earthquake
hazards. As we all know, earthquake is a natural occurring phenomenon
in our country. We experience constant quake each day from the mildest
ones with no significant effect to the most disastrous one with higher

In this lesson you will have activities that will broaden your
understanding about earthquake hazards and help you analyze the
effects of the earthquake hazards. Enjoy and keep reading!

Understanding Disaster Risk:

Based on the given map, describe the seismic activity of the
Philippines. (20 pts)

Give reasons why we should mainstream earthquake preparedness in the
Philippines. (20 pts)


An earthquake is a feeble shaking to violent trembling of the ground

produced by the sudden displacement of rocks or rock materials below
the earth’s surface.

1. Focus (of an earthquake) or Hypocenter – The point at which the

rupture occurs; (It marks the origin of the kinetic waves of an earthquake).

2. Epicenter – The point of the earth’s surface directly above the focus or
hypocenter of an earthquake.
3. Fault – A fracture plane in the earth’s crust across which relative
displacement has occurred. (Location of slippage between the earth’s

4. Fault Zones – The zone surrounding a major fault, consisting of

numerous interlacing small faults.

5. Aftershock – One of a series of smaller quakes following the main

shock of the earthquake.

6. Magnitude - A measure of earthquake size which describes the

amount of energy released.

7. Intensity - A subjective measure of the force of an earthquake at a

particular place as determined by its effects on persons, structures, and
earth materials. Intensity is a measure of energy.

8. Seismicity - The worldwide or local distribution of earthquakes in

space and time; a general term for the number of earthquakes in a unit of
time, or for relative earthquake activity.

9. Seismograph - A device, which writes or tapes a permanent,

continuous record of earth motion, a seismogram.

10. Isoseismals - Map contours drawn to define limits of estimated

intensity of shaking for a given earthquake.


1. Ground Motion

Shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves, especially

surface waves, near the epicenter of the earthquake are responsible for
the most damage during an earthquake.

The intensity of ground shaking depends on:

▪ Local geologic conditions in the area. In general, loose

unconsolidated sediment is subject to more intense shaking than
solid bedrock.

▪ Size of the Earthquake. In general, the larger the earthquake, the

more intense is the shaking and the duration of the shaking.

▪ Distance from the Epicenter. Shaking is most severe near the

epicenter and drops off away from the epicenter. The distance
factor depends on the type of material underlying the area.

▪ Damage to structures from shaking depends on the type of

construction. Concrete and masonry structures are brittle and
thus more susceptible to damage wood and steel structures are
more flexible and thus less susceptible to damage.
2. Faulting and Ground Rupture

Ground rupture generally occurs only along the fault zone that moves
during the earthquake. Thus, structures that are built across fault zones
may collapse, whereas structures built adjacent to, but not crossing the
fault may survive.

3. Aftershocks

These are usually smaller earthquakes that occur after a main earthquake,
and in most cases, there are many of these (1260 were measured after the
1964 Alaskan Earthquake). Aftershocks occur because the main
earthquake changes the stress pattern in areas around the epicenter, and
the crust must adjust to these changes. Aftershocks are very dangerous
because they cause further collapse of structures damaged by the main

4. Liquefaction

Liquefaction is a process that occurs in water-saturated unconsolidated

sediment due to shaking. In areas underlain by such material, the ground
shaking causes the grains to lose grain to grain contact, and thus the
material tends to flow.
5. Tsunami

Tsunamis are giant ocean waves that can rapidly travel across oceans, as
will be discussed in more detail later. Earthquakes that occur beneath sea
level and along coastal areas can generate tsunamis, which can cause
damage thousands of kilometers away on the other side of the ocean.



Earthquakes cause tsunami by causing a disturbance of the seafloor. Thus,

earthquakes that occur along coastlines or anywhere beneath the oceans can
generate tsunami.

The size of the tsunami is usually related to the size of the earthquake, with larger
tsunami generated by larger earthquakes. But the sense of displacement is also
important. Tsunami is generally only formed when an earthquake causes vertical
displacement of the seafloor.
Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanoes that occur along coastal zones, like in Japan and island arcs
throughout the world, can cause several effects that might generate a tsunami.

Explosive eruptions can rapidly emplace pyroclastic flows into the water,
landslides and debris avalanches produced by eruptions can rapidly move into
water, and collapse of volcanoes to form calderas can suddenly displace the


Landslides moving into oceans, bays, or lakes can also generate tsunami. Most
such landslides are generated by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. As
previously mentioned, a large landslide or debris avalanche fell into Lituya Bay,
Alaska in 1958 causing a wave with a run-up of about 60 m as measured by a
zone completely stripped of vegetation.

Explain how early warning system for earthquake

hazards works. (20 pts)


Answer the quiz uploaded in the LMS.

-nothing follows-

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