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Hand Tools - refer to any type of tool that can be used by hand. Hand tools are very essential for day-to-day
jobs. They have been used by humans since ancient times to complete various useful tasks. Hand tools are of
different types and can be used for any kind of work. Some tools are versatile and some of them are specifically
used for a specific job.
Brief History of Tools
Tool use among humans goes as far back as 2.6 million years when
the earliest stone tools known as the Oldowan were made in Gona,
Ethiopia. These stone tools were only as big as a fist and were primarily
used for pounding and cutting through tough animal hide to consume the
meat and marrow. For nearly a million years, the hominids made such
stone tools whenever the need arose but dropped them behind after using
them. Such tools were also useful in allowing our distant ancestors to be
more adaptable to a wide variety of habitats. The tools and our species
evolved roughly 1.8 million years ago with the era of the Homo erectus.
They used rudiment hand axes and cleavers and carried the tools around
with them instead of just dropping them behind. We have come a long way
since then but we’re still as reliant (or even more so) on a wide variety of
tools to get us through the day. Even the most basic and simplest of tools
have helped push our civilization forward.
Task Identification of Hand Tools
There are hand tools, power tools, and bench-mounted tools for tightening, cutting, drilling, and trimming.
Other tools are used for fastening, striking, holding, sharpening, and finishing. When you enter the field of
electronics, learning the theory is not enough. You must put it into practice and learn from the actual application.
In electronics, you will have to engage in projects regularly. And to do practical experimentation or even
prototyping, you must be prepared with the right tools. But there are a lot of tools and equipment you can use for
your electronics projects. Just choose the most essential ones for you.
Electronic hand tools play a big role in the hobbyist, repair, and small-batch manufacturing sector. As
smarter technology gets incorporated into their design, the options they offer users has increased. With electronic
devices getting more complex, the hand tools used for repairing and fixing them as well as for troubleshooting
are also evolving by incorporating newer technologies. These hand tools have not only become sophisticated
but also smarter. Using the right tool for a particular task ensures that the job gets done faster and more easily.
The right choice of tool usually also improves the quality of the finished product.
If you want the best results for your work, it is very important to know their construction and proper usage.
Lack of knowledge or negligence may lead to several mistakes and injuries. Proper use and precision are more
important than speed of work while using hand tools. Based on the type of work that needs to be done, an
electronic technician must choose the right kind of tools. He must be aware of the right tool for the job. Otherwise,
the quality and efficiency of work will suffer.
The Benefits of Equipping Yourself with the Right Tools
Providing the right tools to get the job done is essential to success. No matter what the job entails, having
the right tools is a key part of getting it done. There are so many tools out there, but they’re not all made equal,
and it’s incredibly important to provide yourself with the right tools for the job. Here are just a few of those benefits:
1. The right tools increase efficiency - When you don’t have the tools you need, it forces you to get creative
and use what you have to the best of your ability. This can greatly hurt productivity in your workplace.
When you provide yourself with the proper tools, on the other hand, you don’t have to get creative, and it
allows you to focus on getting the job done as efficiently as possible rather than on how to get the job done
with the wrong tool.
2. The right tools make the workplace safer - Currently, workplace safety is vitally important. Workplace
injuries are a huge expense not just for yourself but also to the people around you. An injury can take the
efficiency you need to get the job done out of the equation (even if it’s just temporarily), which can hurt
3. The right tools help you save money - An injury can also mean that you will provide additional expenses
for your medicine. Every technician can benefit from creating a safer workplace, and the right tools can
help. Even if you’re able to keep productivity up, an injury could lead to lower quality services or products
for your customers, and that could hurt your reputation. You will lose more costumers if that happens.
It is also very important that electronic technicians are properly trained to use the tools and that they are
supplied with appropriate information relating to the safe operation of any tools. They must also be provided with
any necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). You must ensure that the PPE does not interfere with use
of the tools. In the trade, tools get dirty. Building sites are usually covered in dust which can cause problems for
the tools that you depend on for your livelihood. To maximize the lifespan of your tools, it is important to follow a
basic level of routine maintenance. Investing in high-quality tool storage and toolboxes protects your valuable
tools from dust and dirt and provides the best way to keep your tools organized and protected. Take the time to
clean your toolboxes and other tool storage regularly, this will save you a lot of time, effort, and expense in the
long run. Using the right tools in the right ways will reduce fatigue and increase productivity in the workforce. It
will also improve the quality of work being produced along with reducing the risk of injuries or accidents.

Selection of Tools for Task

Electronic products assembly and servicing industry is so broad,
and it can also be said that technology is making a huge impact on the field.
Tools used years ago have either disappeared from the market or have
been replaced by sophisticated ones. It’s, therefore, important to know
exactly what type of tool you want for the task at hand. However, this may
sometimes prove to be a daunting task, especially if you’re not that handy,
or it’s your first time doing any home DIY projects.

Here are 5 tips to selecting the right tools for a job.

1. Tool Types and Features
One of the most important things to consider are the features that the tool has to offer. With this,
you must consider the materials the tool is made from, whether it has a protective casing or pouch,
whether it allows easy portability, storage, the power source (battery vs electric vs manual), and so on
and so forth. These are just but some of the few highly important features to consider when picking a
great tool. Additionally, the features to look out for may vary depending on the tool type and the purpose
it is made for.
2. Size
Tools come in all shapes and sizes. There are smaller pliers and larger ones, short screwdrivers,
and long screwdrivers. It all depends on the purpose of the tool and the workload. Before you go on to
selecting any tool, it’s important to ensure that you have all your work mapped out. This is especially
important if you are working in a place where hardware is inaccessible, or you’ll be further from the
toolbox. You want to ensure that you’ve carried the right tool for the job in terms of size before starting
your work.
3. Expertise in Handling
Our ancestors used stone tools to accomplish their daily projects. It can be said that they were good at it
from the archaeological evidence in historical sites. It goes without saying, that they knew how to handle
their tools. Before selecting your tools, it’s important to ensure that you have at least the basic knowledge
required in handling the specific tool. This helps reduce injuries as much as it helps perfect your work. It
may not take much to handle a screwdriver, but it surely requires some learning to drive in a screw.
4. Consider Effectiveness and Efficiency
When selecting your tool, it’s important to pick one that will help you accomplish the task at hand
effectively and efficiently. This means that the tool in question should be strong, have a great tool-handle
interface, and feature an ergonomic design that allows it to make your work easier.
5. Conformance
It is of paramount necessity to ensure that the tool’s performance meets the set quality standards. Better
yet, it needs to surpass them. Many are times when most generic tools fall into the acceptable category
of tolerance. It’s important to always consider the tool’s specifications before picking one from the
There is much more to tools for electronics than just screwdrivers and pliers. While most of the common
tools can be found at a local hardware, many are unique to the electronics industry. These specialized tools have
evolved over many years, in some cases starting out as modified versions of common hardware store types, and
in other cases designed from the outset to fulfill a specific need. A good set of tools can make all the difference
between success and failure but knowing how to use them and gaining experience is the other key ingredient.
These are the basic hand tools used in constructing, troubleshooting, and repairing electronic circuits or devices.

Driving Tools - designed to insert and tighten, or to loosen and remove screws.

Slotted Screwdriver –
also known as negative/flathead screwdriver, used to drive negative slotted screws.

Phillips Screwdriver –
also called positive/crosshead screwdriver, used to drive positive slotted screws.

Hex – also called Allen wrench, it is used to drive hexagonal screws

Precision Screwdriver Set

also known as jeweler’s screwdriver set
it is a set of small screwdrivers.
It is used to drive small screws.

Soldering Tools - used to join electronic components to the Printed Circuit Board

Soldering Iron
Use to melt solder in attaching two metal parts.
It is used to solder components to the PCB.

Soldering Tool Stand - Use to hold the soldering iron to keep

them away from flammable materials.

Desoldering Sucker/Pump
Use to remove excess solder
and components from a circuit for troubleshooting.

Splicing Tools - used to connect or join wires.

Long Nose Pliers -

is used for holding, bending, and stretching
the lead of electronic component or wire.

Side Cutting Pliers - is a wire-cutting plier which is used to cut wire.

Wire Stripper - A tool with center notch that is use to remove

the insulator of wire.
Boring Tools - used to bore and shape chassis and PCB

12V Mini-Drill
Used to bore or drill hole in the Printed Circuit Board.

Portable Electric Drill - is used for boring hole/s in the plastics

chassis or metal chassis with the used of drill bits.

Metal File it is a tool used to shape metals by grinding.

Flat Files - they are parallel in width and tapered in thickness. They are used for flat surfaces and edges.

Half Round Files - they are tapers in width and thickness, coming to a point, and are narrower than a standard
half round which are used for filing inside of rings.

Round Files - they are also called rat-tail files gradually tapered and are used for many tasks that require a round
tool, such as enlarging round holes.

Cutting Tools - used for cutting various crafts and materials

Utility Knife - is a tool use to cut the Printed Circuit Board.

Hacksaw - It is a tool use for cutting metals.

Auxiliary Tools - used as supplementary or support tools

Magnifying Glass
A tool use to magnify texts especially in small components and circuits.

Paint Brush - use for cleaning dirty parts of a circuit or an


A tool used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled
with the human fingers like electronic components in large circuit boards.
Name: ___________________________________________ Grade& Section: __________________
Date: __________________________ Score: ___________________________

I. Direction: Identify the word/words being asked on each statement below. (10 pts)

__________________1. Refer to any type of tool that can be used by hand.

__________________2. The earliest tool used by humans way back 2.6 million years ago.
__________________3. It increases when you provide yourself with the proper tools.
__________________4. When this happens in your workplace, it means that you will
provide additional expenses for your medicine.
__________________5. Aside from properly trained and supplied with proper information,
every electronic technician must also be provided with this
__________________6. With this, you must consider the materials the tool is made from.
__________________7. Before starting your work, you want to ensure that you’ve carried
the right tool for the job in terms of this.
__________________8. This helps reduce injuries as much as it helps perfect your work.
__________________9. When selecting your tool, it’s important to pick one that will help
you accomplish the task at hand
__________________10. It is of paramount necessity to ensure that the tool’s performance
meets the set quality standards.

II. Direction: Fill out the table using correct information on hand tools. (10 pts)

Name of Tool Classification Function

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