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Name of groups :

1. Dimas Hanif P 2102101225

2. Yeni Rahmawati 2102101220

3. Enggi Okta S 2102101235

Resume TEYL

Video 1 (Get Young Learners Talking)

Video 1 explains that if you want students to speak English more, they must be comfortable and
confident first. Otherwise, it will be difficult to encourage them to speak English. The key is to create
a fun, interesting and motivating classroom atmosphere. For very easy lessons under the age of 7,
you can use a simple song game to encourage them to practice speaking. As they get older, you also
have to help them become confident in using English.

Here's how teachers promote English to their students:

1. Not correcting mistakes explicitly because it can embarrass students and is not effective for
teaching more talking in class. Taecher must create a comfortable atmosphere to encourage
students to talk.

2. Teach students useful parts of the language they use frequently in class. Teachers can create
posters with the expressions you want them to use. When situations arise in class, you can hover
over the posters.

Video 2 ( Teaching Speaking)

Video 2 explains teaching speaking using the feedback technique, the teacher has a very important
role here, as the leader of the feedback activity so that the focus is heard and seen by students, the
teacher must pay attention to a number of things that he wants to show as feedback, These are
some learning models that can be used in speaking teaching.

• such as writing sentences on the blackboard then discuss with students about the topics
written on the blackboard then students are invited to talk about the results they wrote,

• there is also by giving a picture that is an example of a picture of a person then the teacher
asks students to describe what is used by the person who is drawn for example wearing clothes what
color, wearing trousers, using shoes and others, of course, accompanied by the teacher as the
feedback leader.

• and can also describe your friends about the clothes they wear so that speaking activities
can be fun and the class can be active.

The teacher leads the feedback but the teacher should not keep talking but also listen to the
students because here the teacher's role is as a feedback leader so that students are provoked and
express their opinions so that speaking learning can proceed according to its purpose to teach
students to speak and dare to express their opinions.

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