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T.A 2022-2023

Nurse : Alviana NurLaili

Patient : Agnes Dellavia Kusuma Putri
Class : Reguler 1

Nurse : Hai, Good morning. My name is Ana and I'm gonna be your Nurse today.
What's your name? And How can I address you?
Patient : Good morning, Nurse Ana. I'm Agnes Dellavia Kusuma Putri. You can address
me with Agnes or Mrs. Agnes.
Nurse : How old are you Mrs. Agnes?
Patient : I'm 30 years old
Nurse : Where do you live?
Patient : I live Sigura-gura street No. 31A Malang
Nurse : Do you have a mobile phone number Mrs. Agnes?
Patient : Oh yes, Nurse Ana.
Nurse : May I note your phone number?
Patient : Sure, Nurse My phone number is 082212345678.
Nurse : Okay, Thankyou Mrs. Agnes. Do you have any health insurance?
Patient : Yes, Nurse Ana. All my Family registered health insurance.
Nurse : I'm glad to hear that. Good Job, Mrs. Agnes. Is he your husband?
Patient : Yes, Nurse. He is Husband. His name is Massimo.
Nurse : How old is your husband?
Patient : He is 32 years old
Nurse : Okay. So your next of kin is your husband?
Patient : Yes, That's right Nurse Ana.
Nurse : What is your occupation? Do you have any academic titles?
Patient : I'm a lecturer. I am teaching at a University Brawijaya. I choose Bachelor of
Arts (BA) and Master of Arts (MA)
Nurse : Waw. So what makes you come to this hospital Mrs. Agnes?
Patient : I want to routine pregnancy checks
Nurse : Oh okay Mrs. How long have you been pregnant?
Patient : It’s been 24 weeks. I’m in my second trimester now.
Nurse : Well Mrs. Agnes. I'm gonna tell the doctor and I will call you in a moment.
Patient : Okay thank you, Nurse.
Nurse : Your welcome, Mrs. Agnes.

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