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ผลกระทบของ Internet ต่อการดาเนินชีวิต พฤติกรรม

(ECN64-161 Life and Economy in Digital Era)

1. What is internet?
2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
3. From 1G to 5G: A evolution of telephone and wireless networks
4. Distribution of 5G in cities and countries worldwide
5. Internet of Behavior (IoB) and its effects on your life and business
5.1 Internet of Things (IoT)
5.2 Internet of Behavior (IoB)
6. Cyber Securities
7. Cloud Computing
1. What is Internet?
Internet can be defined as the network where machines
like computers, severs, and smart devices are connected together
for communication and data exchange purposes.

1. What is Internet?
When you’re on the internet, your computer is connected to
others by networks of telephone wire, cable, and satellite. The Web,
e-mail, chat, and newsgroups are things you can do on the Internet.
Note: Where does the internet come from?

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
The internet was created to make sharing information easier, but over time it has become a
natural extension of the way we communicate with each other. Today, as our personal information
is continuously harvested and a pandemic forces even more of our working and social lives online,
understanding this global network is more important than ever.

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
1969, Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET) launches, creating the core of what will
become the internet. The project was the networks of four computers which at four difference places- University of
California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), Stanford Research Institute (SRI
International), and University of Utah.
On October 29, 1969, the first message on the internet was sent from the UCLA to supper computer of SRI
International which as “LOGIN”

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
1978, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, father of internet, expand ARPANET by integrating
other packet-switching networks into a unified “internetwork”. They develop the internet’s core
communications protocol suite, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol),
providing standards for error-free data transmission (TCP) and identifying network destinations (IP).

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
1990, Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at the European physics lab CERN, develop a prototype for the
World Wide Web. The result is a system for accessing resources online using Uniform Resource Locators
(web address URLs, HTTP, HTML), making the internet more accessible for users and application

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
1998, Google Inc. was lunched by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to market Google Search,
which has become the most used wed-based search engine.

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
2004, Facebook is created, signaling a new era of social media on the internet.
Note: History of Facebook

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
2007, Apple introduces the iPhone, which will quickly evolve into a dominant platform of
the mobile web. The transition to mobile creates more access, more apps, and more data. By 2020,
mobile web traffic will account for approximately half of all web activity worldwide.

2. Internet evolution: A timeline history of the network
Today, Building on the growth of blockchain protocols, advanced decentralized networks have the potential
to foster new, user-oriented service models that can replace surveillance capitalism and create a more resilient and
secure internet that redirects value and control to the public.
Note: What is a blockchain and how does it work?

3. From 1G to 5G: A evolution of telephone and wireless network
It all started in 1973…… 5G is made possible because of the world’s first, successful
mobile call in 1973 made by Martin Cooper on the Motorola DynaTAC prototype from
the US.

3. From 1G to 5G: A evolution of telephone and wireless network
2G, which lunched in Finland in 1990, did away with analog phones and brough the world into the
digital age. These new digital cell phones had data services, were significantly smaller, and were based
upon the GSM standard.
3G came in early 2000. it can provide voice, video call, and fast data.
4G is the fast commercial network which can provide data speed up to 100 Mbps. The first-release
Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard was commercially deployed in Oslo, Norway, and Stockholm,
Sweden in 2010.

3. From 1G to 5G: A evolution of telephone and wireless network
Note: What is 5G? CNBC explains

“Simply put, 5G is the

latest evolution of wireless
technology, and it’s going
to bring faster downloads
and lower lag times.”

3. From 1G to 5G: A evolution of telephone and wireless network

Group Discussion (1)
Advantages and disadvantages of 5G technology and network in daily life

4. Distribution of 5G in cities and countries worldwide
- Commercial 5G is now available in 1,336 cities in 61 countries across the
world, equal to an increase of 350% on 2021 data.
- 5G is nowadays present in 30% of world nations, with a equal distribution
across the 3 main world zones.

4. Distribution of 5G in cities and countries worldwide
- South Korea heads the table for 5G download speed but not this occasion
Taiwan skips to the top of the table for 5G upload speed.
- Japan is highly placed both for 5G download and in download with 5G
Note: How the future of 5G will shape Smart Cities

5. Internet of Behavior (IoB) and its effects on your life and business
- IoB or Internet of Behavior is the analysis of data collected by IoT (Internet
of Things) devices to influence user behavior.

5.1 Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that connects physical or virtual
objects to the internet. Each IoT has 5 components as follows:
- Sensors: connecting the physical object to different computer systems;
- Connectivity: Wifi, 5G
- Data: The main purpose
of IoT is to collect and
transmit data;
- Information: Translating data;
- Operating Applications:
Allowing you to control IoTs
Note: Internet of Things / What is IoT?
Kevin Ashton บิดาแห่ง Internet of Things (1999)
Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data: Understanding the
relationship between these two technologies
Today, Today, technological advances are gaining momentum in the lives of users, but also in
the world of business, health, industry, and the military. One of the most promising technologies
is the IOT, or Internet of Things, which will allow physical objects to connect to the Internet, thus
optimizing their functioning by generating data. However, in a world where data is becoming king,
it must be handled efficiently and the means of IT must allow to store an ever-increasing number
of data. This is where Big Data takes on its importance.

Big Data
Big Data refers to a massive set of data that no conventional data management tool can
handle. Big Data is therefore a concept that allows access to gigantic databases in real time.

Note: Big Data in 5 Minutes 24
What is the role of Big Data in IoT?
Big Data should enable real-time analysis of the data generated by
IOT and thus optimize the use of this technology. To do this, Big Data
proceeds in four steps:
1. Collecting data generated by IoT by following the three primary
principles of Big Data: speed, volume and variety;
2. Storing data in files within the Big Data database;
3. Data analysis by complex and efficient analytical systems;
4. The implementation of the report of the analyzed data.

Group Discussion (2)
จงนาเสนอผลิตภัณฑ์หรือการให้บริการที่นา Big Data และ Internet of
Things มาสร้างนวตกรรมให้กับสินค้าหรือการให้บริการ

Examples of use cases:

How to monetize LoT Data with Analytics

Smart Home
Smart Home has become the revolutionary ladder of success in the
residential spaces and it is predicted Smart homes will become as common
as smartphones.

Note: Life Simplified with Connected Devices 28
Connected Cars
The automotive digital technology has focused on optimizing vehicles internal functions.
But now, this attention is growing towards enhancing the in-car experience.
A connected car is a vehicle which is able to optimize it’s own operation, maintenance as
well as comfort of passengers using onboard sensors and internet connectivity.

Note: The connected car 29
Industrial Internet
Industrial Internet is the new buzz in the industrial sector, also termed as Industrial
Internet of Things ( IIoT ). It is empowering industrial engineering with sensors, software and big
data analytics to create brilliant machines.

Note: The industrial internet of things 30
IoT in Agriculture
With the continuous increase in world’s population, demand for food supply is extremely raised.
Governments are helping farmers to use advanced techniques and research to increase food
production. Smart farming is one of the fastest growing field in IoT.

Note: What is IoT and what does it mean for farmers? 31
IoT in Healthcare
Connected healthcare yet remains the sleeping giant of the Internet of Things
applications. The concept of connected healthcare system and smart medical devices bears
enormous potential not just for companies, but also for the well-being of people in general.

Note: Healthcare - The Internet of Things and Big Data 32
Group Discussion (3)
จงนาเสนอผลิตภัณฑ์หรือบริการที่เป็น Internet of Things ใน
ชีวิตประจาวันมา 2 ผลิตภัณฑ์/บริการ และระบุข้อดีและข้อเสียของ

5. Internet of Behavior (IoB) and its effects on your life and business
5.2 Internet of Behavior (IoB) is an area of research and development (R&D) that seeks to
understand how, when, and why humans use technology to make purchasing decisions.
An important goal of the IoB is to help marketers understand and monetize the massive
amount of data produced by network nodes in the Internet of Things

5. Internet of Behavior (IoB) and its effects on your life and business
IoB: The industrial use case
Regardless of its industry, every business is trying to target
and convert its audience with efficacious predictability. IoB allows
them to do so effortlessly by utilizing more personable data from the
users and performing big-data analytics over them.

5. Internet of Behavior (IoB) and its effects on your life and business

Digital Marketing
When marketing a product to a targeted audience, digital marketing companies create a
consumer persona, a virtual representation of their ideal customer base. They use this to run
their campaigns by choosing specific demographics for targeting and then creating content
around their deemed preferences.

Note: What is digital marketing? 37
If you’re into an insurance business, you know how difficult it can get to maintain a
balance between customer satisfaction and a profitable cost for your services. All the
conventional data an insurance company can collect can only tell the generic
information about the insured. At most times, this data isn’t enough. It doesn’t tell you the
behavioral tendencies of the insured, and more importantly, it cannot tell you the state of
mind of the insured in case an accident does happen.

Note: The future of innovative insurance 38
6. Cyber Security
Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile
devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also
known as information technology security or electronic information security. The
term applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing.
Note: What is Cyber Security? How You Can Protect Yourself from Cyber Attacks

7. Cloud Computing
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—
including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and
intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation,
flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically pay only for
cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs, run your
infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.


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