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The concept of the hydraulic jump when the hydraulic drop that occurs at a
sudden drop in the bottom of a channel, and the free surface flow around obstructions like
bridge piers. A hydraulic jump forms when a supercritical flow changes into a subcritical
flow. The change in the flow regime occurs with a sudden rise in water surface.
Considerable turbulence, energy loss and air entrainment are produced in the hydraulic
jump. A hydraulic is used for mixing chemicals in water supply systems, for dissipating
energy below artificial channel controls, and as an aeration device to increase the
dissolved oxygen in water.
In a hydraulic jump there occurs a sudden change in liquid depth from less-
thancritical to greater-than-critical depth. The velocity of the flow changes from
supercritical to subcritical as a result of the jump. This transition takes place over a
relatively short distance, usually less than 5 times the depth of flow after the jump, over
which the height of the liquid increase rapidly, incurring a considerable loss of energy. An
example of a hydraulic jump can be observed when a jet of water from a faucet strikes the
horizontal surface of the kitchen sink. The water flows rapidly outward and a circular
jump occurs.
We shall restrict the derivation of the basic equation of the hydraulic jump to
rectangular horizontal channels. First, we shall determine the downstream depth of the
jump by using the momentum and continuity equations for one-dimensional flow. Then
the energy loss due to the jump will be evaluated, using the energy equation.

To investigate the characteristic a standing wave (the hydraulic jump) produced when
waters beneath an undershot weir and to observe the flow patterns obtained.

When water flowing rapidly changes to slower tranquil flow, a hydraulic jump or
standing wave is produced. This phenomenon can be seen where water shooting under a
sluice gate mixes with deeper water downstream. It occurs when a depth less than critical
changes to a depth which is greater than critical and must be accompanied by loss of
energy. An undular jump occurs when the change in depth is small. The surface of the
water undulates in a series of oscillations, which gradually decay to a region of smooth
tranquil flow. A direct jump occurs when the change in depth is great. The large amount
of energy loss produces a zone of extremely turbulent water before it settles to smooth
tranquil flow.

By considering the forces acting with the fluid on either side of a hydraulic jump of unit
width it can be shown that :
2 2
va da vb
H = d a + 2g - ¿ + 2g )

Where ΔH is the total head loss across jump (energy dissipated) (m). v a is the mean
velocity before jump (m/s), d a is the depth of flow before hydraulic jump (m). vb is the
mean velocity after hydraulic jump (m) and d b is the depth of flow after hhydraulic jump
(m). Because the working section is short, d a ≈ db and db ≈ d3. Therefore, simplifying the
above equation,
H  ( d a - d 1 )^3 / 4 d 1 d 3 .

1) Self- contained Glass Sided Tilting Flume.

2) Adjustable Undershot Weir Tilting Flume.

3) Instrument Carrier.

Figure 3: Control Panel

4) Hook and point gauge.

1. Ensure the flume is level, with the downstream tilting overshot weir, E at the bottom of
its travel. Measure and record the actual breadth b (m) of the undershot weir. Install the
undershot weir towards the inlet end of the flume and ensure that it is securely clamped in
2. Adjust the undershot weir to position the sharp edge of the weir 20mm above the bed of
the channel. Increase the height of the tilting overshot weir until the downstream level
just stars to rise.
3. Gradually open the flow control valve and adjust the flow until an undular jump is
created with small ripple decaying towards the discharge end of the working section.
Observe and sketch the flow pattern.
4. Increase the height of water upstream of the undershot weir by increasing the flow rate
and increase the height of the titling overshot weir to create a hydraulic jump in the centre
of the working section. Observe and sketch the flow pattern.
5. Measure and record the values of d1, d3, dg, and q. repeat this for other flow rates q
(upstream head) and heights of the gate dg

1. Calculate v 1 and plot d g against v 1

2. Calculate H/ d 1 and plot H/ d 1 against d 3 / d 1

3. Calculate dc and verify d 1 < d c < d 3

Weir breadth, b = 0.300 m

Weir Upstream Flow Depth Flow depth
opening, flow above jump, below jump, ∆H d3
Flow rate
depth, do ΔH V1 d1 d1
dg d1 d3 (m3/s)
(m) (m) (m) (m)
0.021 0.3520 0.0106 0.0814 0.012 0.1028 1.904 9.698 7.68
0.024 0.3252 0.0146 0.0913 0.012 0.0846 1.667 5.795 6.25
0.027 0.2545 0.0158 0.0969 0.012 0.0871 1.481 5.512 6.13
0.030 0.2474 0.0164 0.0995 0.012 0.0879 1.333 1.43 6.07
0.033 0.1964 0.0188 0.1052 0.012 0.0815 1.212 4.34 5.60
0.036 0.1735 0.0196 0.1100 0.012 0.0857 1.111 4.37 5.61

Calculation for opening weir, dg = 0.021m

H = (0.0814 – 0.0106) ^3 / 4(0.0106) (0.0814)

= 0.1028

Calculation for v 1 , Q = AV
V = Q/A

A = dg x b
= 0.021 x 0.300
= 0.0063 m

V = 0.012 / 0.0063
= 1.904 m/s

dc = √3 q2 /g
q =Q/b
= (0.012/ 0.300)
= 0.04 m /s

d c = √3 ( 0.04 )2 / g

= 0.055 m

The weir opening,

dg d1 < dc < d3
21 0.0106 < 0.055 < 0.0814
24 0.0146 < 0.055 < 0.0913
27 1.158 < 0.055 < 0.0969
30 0.0164 < 0.055 < 0.0995

33 0.0188 < 0.055 < 0.1052

36 0.0196 < 0.055 < 0.1100


1. Verify the force of the stream on either side of the jump is the same and that the
specific energy curve predicts a loss equal to ΔH / dc.

Fbefore = Fafter

2. Suggest application where the loss of energy in hydraulic jump would be

desirable. How is the energy dissipated?
The hydraulic jump flow process can be illustrated by use of the specific energy
concept. Equation loss energy can be written in term of the specific energy:

E = do + V2/ 2g

Where do and E are feet. Because of the head loss across the jump, the upstream values of
E are different. About the graph, (1) to state (2) the fluid does not proceed along the
specific energy curve and pass through the critical condition. The energy dissipates when
water flow at weir opening and the energy became 0 because d0 and d3 has are force from
adverse. Same like the equation,
Fbefore = Fafter.

Practical applications of hydraulic jump are:

1. To dissipate energy in water flowing over hydraulic structures as dams, weirs, and others
and prevent scouring downstream structures.
2. To raise water level on the downstream side for irrigation or other water distribution
3. To increase weight on an apron and reduce uplift pressure under a structure by raising the
water depth on the apron.
4. To indicate special flow conditions such as the existence of supercritical flow or the
presence of a control section so that a gaging station maybe located.
5. To mix chemicals used for water purification.
6. To aerate water for city water supplies.
7. To remove air pockets from water supply lines and prevent air locking.

The conclusion from the experiment, we can investigate the characteristic a standing
wave (the hydraulic jump) produced when waters beneath an undershot weir and to
observe the flow patterns obtained. From the experiment, we can get the force at weir
opening, ∆H. In the water channel, water flowing rapidly changes to slower tranquil flow
a hydraulic jump or standing wave is produced. This phenomenon can be seen where
water shooting under a sluice gate mixes with deeper water downstream. It occurs when a
depth less than critical changes to a depth which are greater than critical and must be
accompanied by loss of energy.
From the result, we get the inverse line from graph g d1 against v1 and curve line from
graph Δ H/d1 against d3/d1. Both graphs are sloping downward. Final result we can get the
value of dc between d1 and d3. So the objective achieved and the experiments are success.
Reason the experiment perform because almost drain are open channel. From the
experiment, we know about water flowing.

i. John J.E.A. 1988. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, pp 330-342. Prentice Hall, Inc.
ii. Chaudhry, M. H. 1993. Open Channel Flow, pp 302-408. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
iii. Simon, A. L.1997. Hydraulics, pp 283-312. Prentice Hall, Inc
iv. (serve on 19/11/2011)


The Sluice gate is a device used to control the passage of water in an open channel.
When properly calibrated it may also serve as a means of flow measurement. As the
lower edge of the gate opening is flush with the floor of the channel, contraction of the
bottom surface of the issuing stream is entirely suppressed. Side contraction will of
course depend on the extent to which the opening spans the width of the channel.

A variety of gate-type structure is available for flow rate control at the crest of an
overflow spillway, or at the entrance of an irrigation canal or river from a lake. Three
typical types are vertical gate, radial gate and drum gate. The flow under a gate is said
to be free outflow when the fluid issues as a jet of supercritical flow with a free surface
open to the atmosphere.

In certain situation, the depth downstream of the gate is controlled by some

downstream obstacle and the jet of water issuing from under the gate is overlaid by a
mass of water that is
quite turbulent.

Picture 1: Drowned outflow from a sluice gate.

To determine the relationship between upstream head and trust on a sluice gate (undershot
weir) for water flowing under the sluice gate.


At the end of the course, students should be able to apply the knowledge and skill they
have learned to:
a) Understand the basic terms and concept of a sluice gate.
b) Understand on the characteristics of the force on a sluice gate.
It can be shown that the resultant force on the gate is given by the equation :

1 d1
Fg = pg d 1 ^2 ( d 0 ^2 / d 1 ^2-1 ) – pg / b d 1 (1-
2 d0 )

The gate thrust for hydrostatic pressure distribution is given by the equation :

FH = ½ pg ( d 0 - d g )^2

where Fg is the resultant gate thrust (N), FH is the resultant hydrostatic thrust (N), q is
volume flowrate (m/s), ρ is density of fluid (kg/m3), g is the gravitational constant
(9.81m/s2), b is breadth of gate (m), dg is height of upstream opening (m), d0 is upstream
depth of flow (m) and d1 is downstream depth of flow (m).


1. Self-contained Glass Sided Tilting Flume

2. Adjustable Undershot Weir
3. Instrument Carrier
4. Hook and Point Gauge
1. Ensure the flume is level, with the downstream tilting overshot weir at the bottom of its
travel its travel. The actual breadth b (m) of the undershot weir are measured and
2. The undershot weir adjusted to set its bottom edge 20mm above the bed of the channel.
3. Introduce water into the flume until do = 200mm. with do at this position, the readings
for q and d1 are taken. Raise the undershot weir in increments of 10mm, maintaining
constant do by varying q. At each level of the weir, record the values of dg, d1 and q.
4. The procedure with a constant flow q, allowing do to vary are repeated and the value of
do and d1 are recorded.


Weir breadth, b = 300 m

Weir Upstream Downstream

opening, Flow Hydrostatic
flow Flow Depth, Gate Thrust
depth, do Rate q Thrust, FH Fg/ FH dg /do
dg d1 Fg (N)
(m) (m3/s) (N)
(m) (m)
0.021 0.3853 0.0100 0.012 -3.16 x106 650.96 -4854.37 0.055
0.024 0.3230 0.0147 0.012 -2.12 x 106 438.51 -4834.55 0..074
0.027 0.2618 0.0156 0.012 -1.97 x 106 270.42 -7284.96 0.103
0.030 0.2348 0.0166 0.012 -0.58 x 106 205.73 -2819.22 0.128
0.033 0.1876 0.0185 0.012 1.59 x 106 117.24 13561.92 0.176
0.036 0.1740 0.0195 0.012 1.49 x 106 93.41 15951.18 0.207


Calculation for weir opening 0.021m.
Gate Thrust, Fg (N)
1 d1
Fg = pg d 1 ^2 ( d 0 ^2 / d 1 ^2-1 ) – pg / b d 1 (1-
2 d0 )

= -3.16x 10 N

Hydrostatic Thrust, FH (N)

FH = ½ pg ( d 0 - d g ) ^2

= 650.96 N


1. Plot graph of the ratio Fg / FH against the ratio dg / do. (Refer graph)

2. Comment of the graph obtained.

Based on the graph, the pattern of the graph is linear line and an increased. When the
value of dg /do are increased , the value of Fg / FH also increased.
3. Compared your calculated values for Fg and FH and comment on any differences.
Fg = ½ ρgd12 [ (d02 / d12 ) - 1 ] – ρg / bd1 [ 1 – (d1 / d0 )], we get the value are in negative (-
ve) and when we calculated FH with FH = ½ ρg ( d0 - dg )2 , we get the value in positive
(+ve). Fg is resultant gate thrust (N) and FH is resultant hydrostatic thrust (N). We can
conclude that before the water is flow to the sluice gate, the force are F H are in positive
(+ve) because is follow the direction of the water flow. The force are happened after
sluice gate are Fg in negative (-ve) because the resultant force of the flow is opposite the

4. What is the effect of flow rate on the result obtained?

From the result, the more flow rate will give the less thrust for both of the gate and the
hydrostatic. This is because of the decreasing pressure at both of them.

Floodgates are adjustable gates used to control water flow in reservoir, river, stream, or
levee systems. They may be designed to set spillway crest heights in dams, to adjust flow rates in
sluices and canals, or they may be designed to stop water flow entirely as part of a levee or storm
surge system.
Since most of these devices operate by controlling the water surface elevation being
stored or routed, they are also known as crest gates. In the case of flood bypass systems,
floodgates sometimes are also used to lower the water levels in a main river or canal channels by
allowing more water to flow into a flood bypass or detention basin when the main river or canal
is approaching a flood stage.


The flow through a channel in which a gate partially obstructs the flow will be used for
this measurement of total force. This obstruction is called a sluice gate (see Figure 1). The flow is
from left to right and enters at a velocity Vo. The fluid in the upstream section builds up against
the gate to a level y0, and exits the upstream section under the gate of height b. The fluid attains a
higher velocity V1 as it passes under the gate and a shallower free surface height y1 downstream.
Three assumptions will be made in this derivation of the equation for horizontal force on a sluice
1) The viscous force at the bottom of the channel and the energy dissipation at the gate
are negligible.
2) The flow is steady and has a uniform velocity distribution at the inlet and outlet
3) Flow at upstream and downstream sections is uniform and the effect of the side-
walls is negligible.

Figure 1. Flow
under a vertical
sluice gate.


1. John J.E.A. 1988. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, pp 330-342. Prentice Hall, Inc.
2. Chaudhry, M. H. 1993. Open Channel Flow, pp 302-408. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
3. Chow, V. T. 1959. Open Channel Hydraulics, pp 608-710. McGraw-Hill, Inc.

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