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Roles and Responsibilities for Head Boy and Head Girl


 You will lead and represent the student body at school wide functions, such as Open
Evenings and Parents’ Evenings, meeting with and talking to adults and students.
 You will be expected to lead school wide tours for visitors and to answer questions as well as
share the schools vision with visitors.
 You will be required to chair one of the new sub-committees of the student council,
expected to lead on meetings within this committee and liaise with the relevant members of
SLT to discuss the ideas presented.
 You will be expected to speak in front of parents and members of SLT, discussing your
experiences and sharing the ideas of students in a formal manner.
 To lead Y11 Prefects and Year Group Ambassadors during school wide functions and events.
 To effectively perform this role, you will need to have good organisational and
communications skills, as well as a mature, thoughtful and reflective outlook.

Main Duties

 To organise and plan regular meetings within your committees, to liaise meeting times with
Mr Clarke (prior to SLT Meetings/Presentations) and to organise meetings with relevant SLT
over committee dealings.
 To chair committee meetings and identify projects for the committee to work on, on a
termly basis, directing the vision for that committee within the schools vision.
 To represent and speak for all students in school, on issues that are important to the student
body, to SLT when given the opportunity. This can be committee related, or it may be
separate to the committees.
 To meet with Deputy Head Boys and Deputy Head Girls, developing a YLT vision and vision
for the school council, presenting this to the student body and SLT.
 To be internal and external ambassadors for Kingsbury School, leading Y11 Prefects and Year
Group Ambassadors at school wide events, and school visitor tours. Ensuring that roles and
responsibilities are delegated to and that students are aware of what they need to do.
 To greet important visitors to the school and to help support their visit to the school.
 To plan and present at least 3 assemblies on the Young Leadership Team and Student
Council work to year groups in school.
 To report to SLT when required.

Additional Duties

 Organisation of Y11 hoodies in line with the PL for Y11.

 To help support ideas for the Y11 Prom, presenting student voice ideas alongside Y11
Prefects to the PL for Y11.
 To help set up and support charity fundraising events within school, and to support
charitable events and projects in school.
 To give key presentations about the school, to prospective parents and students in Y6, to
support with transition from Y6 to Y7 and to go into primary schools and work closely with
the member of staff with responsibilities for Y7 Transition.
 Any other duties that you may be reasonably called upon to undertake by Senior Members
of staff.
Personal Qualities

 Leadership
 Work well in a team
 Time-management and very good organizational skills
 Ability to talk confidently and appropriately to parents and staff
 Ability to talk confidently and appropriately to students
 Willingness to get to know the students in the lower years
 Politeness
 Maturity
 Clear judgement
 Responsibility
 Reliability


 All current Y10 into Y11 students


If you wish to apply for Head Boy/Girl, you must:

Write a letter of no more than 2 sides, outlining:

 your ideas/hopes and aims for this role

 what you have achieved so far in your time at Kingsbury School
 why you would be good in this role

Once completed, return to Mr Cameron preferably, via email, before Wednesday 9th September at
the end of the day, 4pm.

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