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1. Research and present Austin Craig’s work about the Rizal family tree.
○ Austin Craig was one of the first to write about Rizal’s biography which is
The Lineage, Life and Labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine Patriot: A Study of
the Growth of Free Ideas in the Trans Pacific American Territory. Based on
his work this is Rizal’s family tree.

2. Even though Jose Rizal belongs to a rich family, what are the factors that made
him concerned for the plight of our country.
○ Jose Rizal wants to reveal the evils of the colonial rule that enveloped the
Philippine society of the period and to find a solution for that evil in the
future. He also wants to reveal the inhabitants of the Philippines, gasping
under the oppression of the colonialists, the history of their pre-conquest
past, of which the colonialists had kept them in the darkness, and to
summon in them pride in their traditional culture and a sense of solidarity
as a nation.
3. Identify the most relevant events in the different aspects of the life of Jose Rizal
in our discussion.
○ Jose Rizal’s family was highly esteemed and respected. They participated
in all social and religious activities in the community.
○ Jose Rizal has artistic talents and he discovered the power of the pen.
○ Jose Rizal was a devoted son of church.
○ The story of the moth that made the profoundest impression on Jose
○ Jose Rizal was the best student in school.
4. Discuss why these choices made by your group are in line with the formation of
the mind and heart of Jose Rizal?
○ These are the choices that we made because these are the main things
that sculpted Jose Rizal to what he is now, our country’s hero.

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