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Apllication of mensuration

Mensuration -: Mensuration is the branch of mathematics that studies the

measurement ot the 2D and 3D figures on parameters like length, volume, shape,
surface area, etc. In other words , it is the process of measurement based on
algebraic equations and mathematical formulas . Let us learn more about the
concept of mensuration , the formulas and solve a few examples to understand it
better .

Introduction to mensuration important terms

What is the 2D shape with formulas -:

A 2D diagram is a shape laid down on a plane by three oe more straight lines or a
closed segment . Such forms do not have width ansd height ; they have two
dimensions – length and breadth and are therefore called 2D shapes or figures . Of
2D forms ,area (A) and perimeter (P) is to the determined .

Square :
Area -: ( side )2 sq . units.
Perimeter -: (4 × sides ) units.
Diagonal-: √2 × sides unit.
Area-: (length × breadth) sq.unit.
Perimitere-: 2(length ×bredth) units.
Length of diagonal -: a√2 units.
Equilateral Triangle :
Area of equilateral triangle -: × (side )2
Area of triangle -: ½ base × height
Parameter of triangle -: a+b+c (sum of 3 sides)
Area of right angled triangle -: ½ ×( the product of sides forming right angled
circle :
Diameter of circle -: 2r
Perimeter of circle -: 2πr

What is the 3D shape with formulas

A 3D shape is a strcture surrounded by a variety of surfaces or planes. These are
also considered robust types. Unlike 2D shapes , these shapes have height or depth;
they have three-dimensional length ,breadth and height are thus called as 3D

Cube :
Volume of cub -: side3 cu. unit
surface area of cube -: 6a2
diagonal of cube -: √3a
Cuboid :
Volume of cuboid -:(length + width+ hight)
Surface area of cuboid -: 2( LB +BH + HL)

 Application of mensuration in daily life

Some of the applications are -:
 Amount of paint required to cover a certain surface area .
 Amount of carpet required for a particular room .
 Fencing needed for the perimeter of a garden .
 Pavement tessellation of a pathway .
 Volume of soil needed to fill in a ditch .
 The distance around a circular race track .
 Travel and roadmap reading .
 Amount of fuel needed for a given journey .
 Gift wrapping
 Finding capacities of containers , tanks etc.

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