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Colores De Vida


Lucas: He’s an intelligent boy who is inquisitive and well

behaved. He doesn’t recognize that he has sin and that he needs
God’s forgiveness.

Camila: She’s the youngest one; she’s innocent, naive, and a little

Nico: He’s a troublemaker, he likes to antagonize other people and

get them upset. But he has a sincere heart.

Don Fermin: He’s the artist a person who is tired of the same
routine, he’s lost interest. He’s a Christian, but he’s forgotten God.
First he recognizes his mistakes, and afterwards he invites Lucas
and the Audience to accept Christ.

Amarillo(Y),Negro(B), Rojo (R),Blanco (W),Verde (G):

They are the 5 colors of the wordless book. Each one represents a
biblical truth about Salvation.


The play happens in an Artist Workshop. The kids walk in the

place to explore and they find themselves with Don Fermin and his
colors, which will tell them the Message of Salvation. The colors
are hiding inside containers, and they are out of sight, until it’s
their time. The place is messy and a little dirty. There are different
size brushes and an empty canvas ready to be painted on.

(The curtains are opened. Don Fermin is getting ready his

workshop. He seems tired.)

DF: All right! The day is done. It was pretty long and there wasn’t
a lot to do. Every day is the same thing always the same routine,
get up, get dressed, and then start working. I have to wash the
brushes, prepare the canvas… get the paints ready to create some
work of art. To think that I give life trough these drawings, and I
use colors…Right, always the same thing. I don’t know why I
waste my time if tomorrow everything will be the same. I better go
to sleep. Tomorrow will be another day (He lies down in a corner.
In the distance you hear the voice of the children. The scene can
take place in the audience or off stage).
L: Here we are! Lets go in this is the Workshop that I was telling
you about.
C: (With a fearful shaky voice) No we better not! I’m scared and
Mr., Mr., Mr... What’s his name? He’s going to catch us!
N: Hey! It’s not Mr. What’s His Name?! , It’s Mr. Old Man.
C: Don’t call him that, that is not nice! Poor Old Guy.
L: Ok! That’s enough, we got here and now we need to go in.
C: What? Go in? NO WAY! I am not going in.
N: Yes, we are all going in, so be quiet SHHH!! , you’re going
L: No!!! I am going first. Come here Cami, take my hand.
C: Ok, but don’t make a lot of noise.
N: (Shouting) Oh sure! Don’t make any noise, because MR..
(Lucas interrupts)
L: Shhh! They’re going to hear us. (They walk on stage).
N: All this fuss for this?!
C: What do you mean for this? It’s great I can draw a little house,
a rainbow and use lots of colors. And also I would like to put
flowers, a tree full of leaves with yellow dots and a little road.
N: (Mocking) Yellow dots on a tree! A little house with a road.
C: Oh yeah, just like that.
N: Yeah, and then on that little road Power Rangers can come by
and have a big battle and after that…
L: And then NOTHING!! .That’s enough, STOP IT!
C: (Play of words BASTA-PASTA)
L: Stop it!! I said Stop it!
N: (He was looking around, and he finds a huge paint brush) Look
at this! I found something we can fight with, here Lucas you go
here (He puts Lucas in the middle and starts to fight. Camila is
looking around; you can hear the artist snoring)
C: What’s that noise? (She finds Don Fermin, makes fun of him
and touches his foot, etc)
DF: (Waking up) Who’s tickling me?
ALL 3 OF THEM: (The 3 kids) (Scared) and WHO ARE YOU?


DF: Ok, can you please tell me who you are, because I am the
owner of this house.
C: No, umm I’m sorry; we didn’t mean to wake you up.
L: We were just exploring and looking for something different,
but we were just leaving.
DF: Something different here? Here everything is the same,
paint, paint brushes. There’s nothing new or interesting here,
nothing at all although...
COLORS: (The colors jump out and scare the kids) US!!!
N: You scared me; I’m going to smack you!
L: Yeah, Let’s go!!(When Nico was about to smack the Colors,
the colors start to sing)


(After the song, the colors start talking all at once)
DF: Stop, Stop. But of course it’s been a long time since I’ve
heard these colors talk. Let’s do them in order. You first
L: What do you have to say to us?


A: And God made this place for us because He loves us very

much, Did you know that? It’s a very beautiful place, where no
one cries, there is no sadness or sickness. And like I sang to you
in the song, there are streets made out of gold.
C: Then it must be very nice, right?
L: (Thinking) Ahh, God must be there too.
A: Of course, and Jesus is there too.
C: Then we can all go!!
NE: (Then comes color black scaring the kids with his gestures)


N: (Nico gets excited and starts to dance. The other guys get
scared and hide behind the color yellow)
C: Black is scary!! I don’t like that color.
L: I really don’t like it either.
N: I better not tell you what I am thinking.
NE: Yes, your face makes it clear.
C: He always fights with us and smacks us.
N: What are you talking about? You do bad things too, you lie,
and sometimes say bad words, and you don’t listen to your
L: (Interrupting) Not Me!!! I never do bad things, everything I
do is good.
NE: Nobody here can say that! You know what? The Bible says
that everybody sins, and that we are separated from God,
because He can’t even think about sin.
L: But then since we all got sin we can’t go?!
C: To HEAVEN? Then nobody can go!


L: Can you explain it to me I don’t get it.

R: God loves us so much that He sent Jesus His only Son to die
for us on a cross to clean us from our sin. If we believe that He
died for us and ask for forgiveness, He will forgive us for all the
bad things that we’ve done.
C: So, does that mean that I can ask Him for forgiveness?
N: I would be asking for forgiveness a whole day for all of my
sins, and I don’t know if He will forgive me. (Meanwhile Lucas
looks around pretending that the topic does not involve him).
R: Yes, Nico. God can forgive you too, cause the Bible, which
is the Book that He left us (pointing up to Heaven) says: That if
we ask forgiveness and we tell Him we want to change, He
erases all of our sins.
N: I want to ask forgiveness right now.
C: I want to do it too. But how?
R: Praying, that means talking with Him.
C: But, can God hear me?
R: Of course. He is everywhere; He can listen to everything we
tell Him. We can talk with God, like we are talking with each
other right now.
N: Just like that? Is it really that simple?
C: Are you sure it’s that easy?
R: It sure is, and if you want me to I can help you. We fold our
hands, and close our eyes so were not distracted.
C: Like this? (She gets into a prayer position)
R: Yes! , like that, but hold on a second. (Red gets closer to
Lucas).How about you Lucas? Wouldn’t you like to ask
forgiveness from God? (Black makes gestures to Lucas to say
L: No! I’m Ok, because really I don’t need to ask forgiveness
from God. I’m a really good kid, I have all A’s at school and I
never lie.
C & N: Yeah Right!
R: Well, you two do want to pray, right?
C & N: Yes!!!(The kids pray and after that Nico sings a song
with Camila)


N: Now that I asked forgiveness from God, I feel really good.

C: Yeah, me too. I feel at peace. But what did God do with my


B: Like my song says, God forgave your sins, and never more
will He remember them. And also starting right now you are
Children of God.
C & N: His Children? We?
B: Yes!! Cause the Bible says: That everyone who believes in
the Lord Jesus shall be called Children of God.
DF: The truth is with the passing of time I have forgotten about
all of this. When I was young I also asked forgiveness from God
and I accepted Jesus as my Savior, in the same way that you
kids did it today. When the years go by and you get older,
sometimes we think that everything that has to do with God is
for children. How wrong I was to think that just being good was
enough. It’s been a while that I don’t talk to God and tell Him
about me. And it’s been a long time since I read my Bible, and
telling others that God can help them? It’s been a long time
since I’ve spoken to others about Jesus. I’m going to ask for
forgiveness from God for being so wrong for so long.
L: Well, maybe I do have a couple of sins, because even though
I’m usually pretty good I’ve never read the Bible or talked with
God. And if I start to think, sometimes I’m kind of selfish and
always want to be the best. (The other kids agree and nod).
That’s why I think I should also ask forgiveness from God, and
let Him clean me from all of my sins, and from the bad things
that are in my heart. But what happens to the rest of the people?
(Pointing to the Audience)
DF: God wants everyone to go to Heaven and be with Him
(Points to the public. And then takes a Bible and opens it to
John 3:16).The Bible ,this Book that God left for us, so that we
can know Him and know how to live says, in the Gospel of
John, chapter 3, verse 16: “God so loved the world…..”
What do you think if we pray right now Lucas?
L: Yeah, Let’s pray!
DF: (Addressing the Audience) And you? All big or small can
also ask forgiveness from God for all the bad things that we do,
and let Him clean us.
Ok Children, Parents, Lucas, if you want to you can repeat this
prayer after me.
C: That’s great! Now we are all Children of God.
N: But what’s the Green Color?


V: And this doesn’t end here. What happened here is too

wonderful for you to keep it to yourself. We have to tell all our
friends and neighbors that Jesus also died for them, because He
loves them.
N: YEAH!! I’ll never forget what these 5 Colors mean. Yellow,
Black, Red, I hope to remember all of them.
A: Don’t worry Nico. Right here I have a book with all five
colors so you can tell your friends about Jesus.
N: Thank you very much, Mr. Yellow.
DF: I thought today was going to be like the rest, but thank God
He changed our lives and I don’t want to leave Him ever again.
(All sing final song)


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