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Name: Cristian Eric Ped

Section: 12- St. Michael de Archangel

Topic: Is global warming a problem and if so, what can we do about it?

Almost everyone is aware with the concept of global warming. However, most of us are still
unsure of what it means. Therefore, global warming is the progressive increase in the
temperature of the Earth's atmosphere as a whole. There are numerous activities going on,
which have been gradually raising the temperature. Our ice glaciers are melting quickly due
to global warming. Both the earth and people will suffer greatly as a result of this. Controlling
global warming is very difficult, but it is not impossible. Environmental changes brought on
by global warming may have a negative influence on human health. Additionally, it can result
in an increase in sea level, which poses a threat to biodiversity, a change in precipitation
patterns, an increase in the likelihood of droughts and floods, and the loss of coastal land.
Scientists and academics are becoming increasingly concerned about global warming because
they think it is a severe issue for our world. The worries and findings have also been labeled
myths and have been brought into question. These changes in weather patterns have an impact
on millions of individuals, who are worried about the future. Both sides of the debate have
fervent activists who aren't hesitant to disparage one another in any manner they can.

One side argues that the current global warming is caused by human factors while the other
side insists it is occurring because of natural forces. In the latter argument, two natural causes
that dominate the conversation are solar changes and changes to the Earth's orbit. Global
warming is the gradual warming of the Earth's surface that has been seen since the pre-
industrial era (between 1850 and 1900), and is attributed to human activity, particularly the
burning of fossil fuels, which raises the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. This phrase should not be used in place of "climate change." The greenhouse
effect is the main cause of global warming. It is a natural phenomenon that contributes to
maintaining the average temperature of the earth's surface. Global warming merely refers to
the planet's surface temperature increasing, whereas climate change also refers to the "side
effects" of warming, such as glaciers melting, more intense storms, or frequent droughts. Or,
to put it another way, global warming is a symptom of the much more serious issue of climate
change brought on by humans.
Global warming is an aspect of climate change, referring to the long-term rise of the
planet's temperatures. It is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere, mainly from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, and
farming. The progressive rise in Earth's atmosphere temperature is a worrisome sign
of global warming and needs to be stopped right away. This condition has been
greatly exacerbated by increasing pollution, which is a result of a number of factors
including deforestation, industrialization, and others. Carbon dioxide, ozone, sulfur
oxides, and other chemicals are the ones primarily to blame for global warming. In
addition to having a negative impact on Earth's climate, global warming is also to
blame for the thinning of the ozone layer. Global warming will be considerably
impacted by reducing the burning of coal and petroleum and by limiting the discharge
of hazardous gases. Instead of using petroleum, we could choose environmentally
friendly substitutes like compressed natural gas. To reduce the rising supply of
dangerous gases that fuel global warming, industrial coal emissions should be reduced
or stopped. Therefore, enhancing energy efficiency and fuel economy in vehicles are
important ways to combat global warming.

Small adjustments will make a big difference and aid in the fight against global
warming. For instance, we can help by switching to LED bulbs and CFLs from
regular light bulbs and bulbs. We can raise awareness about the emissions of various
greenhouse gases from household and industrial appliances. Before being discharged
into the atmosphere, these glasses need to be treated. We may also promise to use
environmentally friendly items, which demonstrates a great deal of concern for the
problems facing our planet. We can also stop deforestation and play our bit by
planting more trees. Limiting the usage of fossil fuels is necessary, and we must look
for alternate renewable energy sources. Our way of living needs to be more earth-
friendly and considerate of Mother Earth. The time to take action and alert everyone
is now. To protect our world, start small and grow it by involving everyone you know.
We are a part of a vast, healthy ecosystem. If man-made calamities like global
warming continue to upset the ecosystem's equilibrium, there won't be any possibility
for it to survive. It is time to respond appropriately and take action to avert this

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