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Design of storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project

We hereby declare the content of this report is fully and accurately contains all the tasks that
we perform in our project time. We declare that all of the necessary contents and
requirements have been meet. This final report for internship program has been submitted to
department of Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering.

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Design of storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project

First of all we would like to thanks for God who helped from the beginning of our work up
to the final of our work. Surly, we cannot do anything if God not give the power to reach.
Next to this we would like to express our deepest thank to Ambo University Hachalu
Hundessa Campus department of hydraulics and water resource engineering lectures and
workers. My deepest thanks go to my Advisor Mr. Firaol for his valuable advice and

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Design of storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project

Designing of a storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project consists of legitimate work on
the irrigation scheme, to irrigate 80000ha command area, which is used to enhance amount
of sugarcane for Arjo sugar factory at the period of dry season by storing water. The report
consists of background information of the project area, such as soil, climate, crop water
demand assessment, the selection of crops, Hydrologic analysis, storage dam design, and
The 1st section describes that general information on the project area, i.e. statement of the
problems, objective of the project, and description of the project area, scope of the arjo
Dedessa irrigation project and all necessity of the project.
The second section shows overall irrigation water assessment, which is Selection and land
allocation of crops grown has been made by considering different factors like weather
condition how much water is losses through evaporation by crop, infiltration and other
similar causes which limit the crop production using appropriate techniques. Irrigation water
demand assessment for the selected crops has been computed being by the cropwatt8
software package. The software solves how much duty of water is needed during its base
period of crop. Maximum daily water demand in 24hrs watering of the crop is 0.4 l/se/ha,
Therefore to fulfill demand of water to supply 80000ha command area, it needs amount of
discharge 32m3/sec. Next hydrological analysis has been conducted based on 30years
maximum daily stream flow data, after unrecorded data is estimated and filled using linear
regression method to know amount of firm discharge, consistency of flow, probability of flood
occurrence , risk, reliability and other different parameters are solved. The frequency
analysis has been carried out by Log Pearson Type III distribution method due to Skewness
and kurtosis relation based and probability of occurrence in 1000return period peak flood
discharge is 1508m3/sec. From the comparison between demand of irrigation and
availability of firm discharge in the river, the firm flow is much smaller than the demand.
Based on the fact it is necessary to store water by providing Arjo Dedessa storage dam.
Finally, conclusion has been drawn has been made on the design and management system of
the project.

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DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... ii

EXCUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURE............................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................... viii

ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................... ix

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 General Background of the Project .............................................................................. 1

1.2 Statements of Problems ............................................................................................... 1

1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 2

1.3.1 General Objective ................................................................................................. 2

1.3.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................... 2

1.4 Description of the project area ..................................................................................... 2

1.4.1 Location of River Basin ........................................................................................ 2

1.4.2 Accessibility of the Project ................................................................................... 3

1.4.3 Topography of Project Site ................................................................................... 3

1.4.4 Climate conditions of the area ............................................................................... 3

1.5 Socio-Economic Condition .......................................................................................... 4

1.6 Scope of the project ..................................................................................................... 4

2. IRRIGATION WATER DEMAND ASSESSMENT ......................................................... 5

2.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 5

2.2 application of CROPWAT ........................................................................................... 5

2.3 determination of crop water requirement ..................................................................... 6

2.4 Climate /ETO .............................................................................................................. 6

2.5 Methods to determine evapotranspiration (ETO) ......................................................... 6

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2.5.1 FAO Penman-Montheith method .......................................................................... 7

2.5.2 Effective Rainfall .................................................................................................. 7

2.5.3 Coefficient Crop (Kc) at different stages ............................................................... 8

2.6 Crop Water Requirement ............................................................................................. 9

2.7 Crop irrigation requirement ....................................................................................... 11

2.7.1 Net Irrigation Requirement ................................................................................. 11

2.7.2 Gross Irrigation Requirement .............................................................................. 11

2.7.3 Scheduling of irrigation ...................................................................................... 11

2.8 Duty-Delta Relation ship ........................................................................................... 12

2.8.1 Duty of water (D) ............................................................................................... 12

2.8.2 Base period(B) .................................................................................................... 12

2.8.3 Delta(Δ) .............................................................................................................. 12

3 HYDROLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 13

3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 availability of hydrological data................................................................................. 13

3.2.1 Filling the Missing Data...................................................................................... 13

3.3 Data Consistency checking ........................................................................................ 14

3.4 Data Outlier Test ....................................................................................................... 14

3.4.1 Higher Outlier Test ............................................................................................. 14

3.5 Transpose data of data ............................................................................................... 15

3.6 Frequency Analysis ................................................................................................... 17

3.7Estimation of Design Flood ........................................................................................ 17

3.7.1 Method of Peak Flood Estimation ....................................................................... 17

3.7.2 Estimation of L-Moment Method ........................................................................ 18

3.8 Flow Duration Curve ................................................................................................. 20

3.8.1 Total Calendar- Year Method ............................................................................. 20

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3.8.2 Total Period Method ........................................................................................... 20

3.9 Design Period of the Project ...................................................................................... 21

3.9.1 Project Economical Life Time ............................................................................ 21

3.9.2 Projects Sub-Unit’s Life Time ............................................................................ 21

3.10 Selection of Return Period ....................................................................................... 21

3.10.1 Plotting Position ............................................................................................... 22

4. STORAGE DAM DESIGN ............................................................................................. 25

4.1 Necessity of Arjo Storage Dam.................................................................................. 25

4.2 Reservoir Planning .................................................................................................... 25

4.2.1 Reservoir Site Selection ...................................................................................... 25

4.2.2 Capacity of Reservoir Determination .................................................................. 27

4.2.3 Sediment load and demand level elevation .......................................................... 28

4.2.4 Reservoir Sedimentation Control ........................................................................ 28

4.3 Arjo Dam Layout ...................................................................................................... 29

4.3.1 Top width of the Dam ......................................................................................... 29

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 31

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 32

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Figure 1Location Map of Dedessa catchment (source from Dedessa hydropower project) ..... 2

Figure 3Dedessa River Topography (source Google earth sniping) ........................................ 3

Figure 4Higher outliers test ................................................................................................. 15

Figure 5Flow Duration Curve .............................................................................................. 21

Figure 6Probability Distribution graph ................................................................................ 23

Figure 7Area Elevation Curve ........................................................................................... 28

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Table 1ETO value at Arjo Dedessa........................................................................................ 7

Table 2Effective rainfall result .............................................................................................. 8

Table 3Kc value at different growing stage of sugarcane ....................................................... 9

Table 4Crop scheduling at different stage of sugarcane ....................................................... 10

Table 5Gross and net irrigation ........................................................................................... 12

Table 6Transposed inflow data to dam site .......................................................................... 16

Table 7L-Moment calculated sheet ...................................................................................... 19

Table 8Discharge at different point of exceedence............................................................... 20

Table 9General Guidelines to select return period ............................................................... 22

Table 10Risk and Reliability for different return and design period. .................................... 24

Table 11Upstream and downstream slope based on USBR Design standard ........................ 30

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AE Application efficiency
CWR crop water requirement
ETC evapotranspiration of crop
ETO evapotranspiration
DA drainage area
FAO food and agriculture organization
GIR gross irrigation requirement
NIR net irrigation requirement

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1.1 General Background of the Project
Global warming is the main issue of the world specially, in Africa; those are live under sub-
Saharan desert. Ethiopia also faced a lot of drought and problems of food scarcity at different
time in the country, due to which results increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall both
in amount and distribution. This unreliable rainfall and desertification in turn reduce the
production return from the existing limited natural resource. This problem is becoming the
main constraint for development and increasing agricultural production. Ethiopia is “The
water tower of Africa”. This reflects how much Ethiopia is gifted with the natural recourses
specially water, more than any other countries of Africa. Arjo Dedessa dam and irrigation
project located in Oromiya regional state was financed by the Ethiopian they can plant
sugarcane and sale to Arjo Dedessa sugar factory.
Though our country has sample sources of water for irrigation besides its good arable lands,
only insignificant amount of it has been utilized, and the country was exposed to a severe
drought and famine for the past few decades. As a matter of fact, a decrease in soil fertility
and the dependency of farmers on rain fed agriculture, which is the production of crop with
erratic rainfall distribution leads to yield decrement.
Therefore, the implementation of Arjo Dedessa Irrigation Project is one of the irrigation
projects essential to overcome the adverse effect of erratic rainfall dependent agricultural
activities in Ethiopia. Irrigation is essential to overcome water deficiencies and ensure stable
agricultural production throughout the year. It is vital in areas where the amount and timing
of rainfall are not adequate to meet the moisture requirement of crops, maximize the value of
the land and farmers and increase their living standards, create job opportunity and generate
additional income for those are live around nearby sugar factory and other.
1.2 Statements of Problems
Arjo Dedessa Dam storage project has been proposed at the Dedessa River due to the cause
of high flood problem happened at the population the lived around the area. Throughout an
Ethiopia country the sugarcane shortage face, therefore due to those causes Arjo Dedessa
irrigation project has one factor. Other problems has the presence of unemployed of young
person around the project area and also the Dedessa rivers has not functional used for the
community even if the river has adverse effect on the population during the rainy season
period. Therefore this project has response for the flooding and sugarcane shortage though
out the country

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1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
 The main objective of the project is to find the firm flow and quantify irrigated land
of 80000ha command area to the proportionality of available water, finally, Design
Safe durable storage dam across the river and store water.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
 To analysis the hydrological data, and evaluate the maximum design flood, firm
discharge, reliability of the project.
 To estimate the crop water requirement and select the best crop for Arjo Dedessa
irrigation project.
 To estimate crop water requirements and determine total duty at the worst period.
1.4 Description of the project area
1.4.1 Location of River Basin
Dedessa River is a river, located in the eastern Wollega zone, Oromiya region; Ethiopia. It is
tributary of the Abay River. It rises in the mountains of Gomma, flowing in the northwestern
direction to its confluence where the course of the Abay has curved to its southern most point
before turning northwards at about 9.30°N and 36.06°E Coordinates.

Figure 1Location Map of Dedessa catchment (source from Dedessa hydropower project)

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1.4.2 Accessibility of the Project

The project is located about 360 km from Addis Ababa and is accessible via Beadle, which is
about 40 km from the project site. The Dedessa river dam site is reached through the Addis
Ababa –Nekemte –Beadle road.
1.4.3 Topography of Project Site
The climate of the Dedessa Catchment results from its location and elevation (1220 to 3012
meters). The catchment is characterized by mountainous, highly rocky and divided
topography with deep slopes.

Figure 2Dedessa River Topography (source Google earth sniping)

1.4.4 Climate conditions of the area
Dedessa Catchment is situated in the south-west part of Abay Basin. The catchment area at a
gauging station near Arjo town is 9,981 km2. The mean annual flow of Dedessa river at Arjo
station is about 3,800 million m3 having its maximum flow in August and September (52
percent of the annual) and minimum flow in February and March (less than 1.5 percent of the
Most of the rainfall in the Dedessa Catchment is concentrated in the June to September
period with virtual drought from November through February. Annual totals, average from

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less than 150 centimeters to more than 200 centimeters. The Dedessa catchment, besides
reflecting a marked rainfall increase with higher elevation, also receives heavier annual
quantities than most of the catchments in the Abay Basin. Examination of the rainfall records
from this area shows that this is due to a longer (May through October) rainy season rather
than heavier maximum monthly quantities.
1.5 Socio-Economic Condition
The proposed project location is in East Wollega zone Oromiya Regional state of Ethiopia
between district of Getema and Bedele. Around the dam site there are about twelve villages
from the two districts. Related to environmental factors and lower life standard the residents
of the project area health status are so scary. Diseases like malaria, intestinal parasite,
diarrhea, are the most causes of outpatient visits.
1.6 Scope of the project
The project is proposed to increase yield of sugarcane by irrigating sugarcane farm land, and
to watering 80000ha command area around Arjo Dedessa to increase demand of sugar. To
enhance the amount of irrigation water, we check firm discharge in the river and evaluate the
value of how much water is needed using Cropwatt8.0 software. After all hydrological
analysis is determined; storage dam is applied to reserve water at the excess flow to the worst
time of watering.

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2.1 General
Every crop requires a certain quantity of water after a certain fixed interval, throughout its
period of growth. If the natural rain is sufficient and timely. So as to satisfy both these
requirements, no irrigation water is required for raising that the crop. The natural rain is
falling regularly throughout the years, satisfies both these requirements for practically all the
crops, and therefore, irrigation is not significantly needed.
Water requirement of the crop is the total quantity of water required by the crop from the
time it is grown to the time it is harvested. Different crops required different quantity of
water. Since the growing crops use water continuously, it is essential to maintain the quantity
of readily available mixture in the soil by irrigation. As such the total quantity of water
required by a crop is so distributed that a plant of it is applied at each time at a more or less
fixed interval trough out the period of growth.
The quantity of water applied on each irrigation intervals should be in such a way that water
sufficient to meet needs of the crop is stored in the soil. Therefore, in addition to the total
quantity of water required by a crop, it is also essential to determine the frequency of
irrigation as well as the quantity of water required to be applied during each applications.
Every crop requires a certain quantity of water after a certain field interval throughout its
growth period. If the natural rain is sufficient and timely sows satisfy both those requirement,
no irrigation water is required for raising that the crop. But countries like Ethiopia the natural
rainfall is erratic if it does so meeting the timely requirement is a must. Crop water
requirement is defined as the total amount of water required at fixed head to mature a crop,
of course, it is includes the amount required to meet loss though evaporation losses through
transpiration, plant metabolism needs application and quantity of water required for
operational land preparation, leaching etc.
2.2 application of CROPWAT
The main purpose of CROPWAT is to calculate crop water requirements and irrigation
schedules based on data provided by the user. These data can be directly entered into
CROPWAT or imported from other applications. For the calculation of crop water
requirements (CWR), CROPWAT needs data on evapotranspiration (ETo). CROPWAT
allows the user to either enter measured ETo values, or to input data on temperature,
humidity, wind speed and sunshine, which allows CROPWAT to calculate ETo using the
Penman-Monteith formulae. CROPWAT fully supports the .PEN and .CLI files from the

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CLIMWAT database. Rainfall data are also needed, and are used by CROPWAT to compute
effective rainfall data as input for the CWR and scheduling calculations. Finally, crop data
(dry crop or rice) are needed for the CWR calculations and soil data if the user also wants to
calculate irrigation schedules (dry crop or rice). Whereas CROPWAT normally calculates
CWR and schedules for 1 crop, it can also calculate a scheme supply, which is basically the
combined crop water requirements of multiple crops, each with its individual planting date (a
so-called cropping pattern).
The data input modules of CROPWAT are:
1. Climate/ETo: for the input of measured ETO data or of climatic data that allow.
Calculation of ETO Penman-Monteith.
2. Rain: for the input of rainfall data and calculation of effective rainfall.
3. Crop (dry crop or rice): for the input of crop data and planting date.
4. Soil: for the input of soil data for (only needed for irrigation scheduling).
5. Crop pattern: for the input of a cropping pattern for scheme supply calculations
6. CWR - for calculation of Crop Water Requirements
7. Schedules (dry crop or rice) - for the calculation of irrigation schedules
8. Scheme - for the calculation of scheme supply based on a specific cropping pattern
2.3 determination of crop water requirement
Water is the critical input for obtaining maximum production of a particular crop which has
its own tolerance limits of soil moisture variation that do not affect its yield. The moisture
availability in the root zone of the crop could be maintained within the crop tolerance limits
by adopting water management practice.
2.4 Climate /ETO
Potential crop of evapotranspiration is the depth of water needed to meet the water growth
loss through evapotranspiration of a diseases free crop growing fields under a none-restriction
soil Condition including soil water and fertility to achieving full production potential under
the given grown environment (FAO 24, 1983).
2.5 Methods to determine evapotranspiration (ETO)
The FAO groups of scientists have screened 31empirical formula for predicting the ETO and
recommend four of them under different climatic conditions.
 FAO Blaney-criddle method
 FAO Radiation method
 FAO Pan evaporation method

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 FAO Modified penman method

 FAO Penman-Montheith method
 Hargreaves’s method,
Therefore from the list above we recommend the FAO Penman-Montheith method using
Cropwatt.8 software by inserting the given data.
2.5.1 FAO Penman-Montheith method
The Climate/ETo is primary data input, to calculate crop water requirement and that recorded
at the specified meteorological station, informs that the following lists in bracket (country,
name, altitude, latitude and longitude) together with climatic data that can be inputted on a
monthly, decade or daily basis.
Table 1ETO value at Arjo Dedessa
Month Min Temp Temp Humidity Wind Sun Rad ETo
°C °C % km/day hours MJ/m²/day mm/day
January 19.5 24.6 65 54 8.2 19.6 3.49
February 24.9 25 59 69 7.6 19.9 4.03
March 23.6 27.4 57 86 7.5 20.8 4.58
April 16.3 27.7 76 93 7.3 20.8 4.23
May 15.9 26.2 81 90 7.6 20.8 3.95
June 21 23.4 87 74 6.1 18.1 3.46
July 20 22.7 88 54 3.7 14.7 2.9
August 19.9 22.3 87 44 4.1 15.6 3
September 21.1 23.2 89 43 6.2 18.8 3.55
October 20.2 24.3 85 44 7.9 20.6 3.82
November 19.1 25.1 79 41 8.3 19.9 3.66
December 16.9 22.9 72 44 8.3 19.2 3.27
Average 19.9 24.6 77.1 61.3 6.9 19.1 3.7
2.5.2 Effective Rainfall
Effective rain fall defined as the rain fall that stored in root zone & can be utilized by crop.
But all the rain fall that falls is not useful or effective different methods to determine effective
rain fall from monthly total rain fall data. Fixed percentage effective rain fall is taken as a
fixed percentage. For agricultural production, effective rainfall refers to that portion of
rainfall that can effectively be used by plants. This is to say that not all rain is available to the
crops as some is lost through Runoff and Deep Percolation. How much water actually
infiltrates the soil depends on soil type, slope, crop canopy, storm intensity and the initial
soils water content. The most accurate method to determine effective rainfall is through field

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observation. Rainfall is highly effective when little or no runoff takes place. Small rainfall
amounts are not very effective as these small quantities of water are quickly lost to
evaporation. As input of monthly rainfall, the average, dependable or actual rain-fall data can
be given. Care should be taken in select-ing ap-propria-te val-ues for the dependable rainfall,
based on separately carried out statistical analyses of long-term rainfall records.
Table 2Effective rainfall result
Month Rain Eff rain
mm Mm
January 15.3 14.9
February 18.4 17.9
March 15.6 15.2
April 69.5 61.8
May 181 128.6
June 243 148.5
July 246 149.2
August 238 147.4
September 228.6 145
October 115.5 94.2
November 31.4 29.8
December 12.7 12.4
SUM 1415 964.9
2.5.3 Coefficient Crop (Kc) at different stages
The crop coefficient is used to relate the potential evapotranspiration (ETO) to the
evapotranspiration of crop (ETc).
𝑲𝒄 =
The crop coefficient varies according to crop characteristics, due to planting date, stage of
growth and other climatic condition. There are four growth period of crop
Initial stage: early growth and germination when the soil surface is not covered by crop
(ground cover is less than 10%)
Development stage: from end of initial stage to attainment of effective full ground cover
(ground covers approximately 70 to 80%).
Mid –stage: from attainment of effective full ground cover to start of maturity.
Late stage: from end of mid –stage until maturity of harvest.

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Table 3Kc value at different growing stage of sugarcane

Month Decade Stage Kc(coeff)
Dec 2 Init 0.59
Dec 3 Init 0.4
Jan 1 Init 0.4
Jan 2 Devt 0.41
Jan 3 Devt 0.5
Feb 1 Devt 0.62
Feb 2 Devt 0.74
Feb 3 Devt 0.84
Mar 1 Devt 0.94
Mar 2 Mid 1.05
Mar 3 Mid 1.09
Apr 1 Mid 1.09
Apr 2 Mid 1.09
Apr 3 Mid 1.09
May 1 Mid 1.09
May 2 Mid 1.09
May 3 Mid 1.09
Jun 1 Mid 1.09
Jun 2 Mid 1.09
Jun 3 Mid 1.09
Jul 1 Mid 1.09
Jul 2 Mid 1.09
Jul 3 Mid 1.09
Aug 1 Mid 1.09
Aug 2 Mid 1.09
Aug 3 Mid 1.09
Sep 1 Mid 1.09
Sep 2 Late 1.08
Sep 3 Late 1.02
Oct 1 Late 0.97
Oct 2 Late 0.91
Oct 3 Late 0.86
2.6 Crop Water Requirement
The crop required water throughout the growing period. Crop water requirement is the total
quantity of water needed from the time of its sowing to harvest. The water requirement of
crop may be contributed from different source such as irrigation, effective rain fall, soil
moisture storage and ground water contribution.
CWR = Irr + Er + Smc + ETc + Gw
Where, CWR-Crop Water Requirement, Irr-Irrigation Requirement, Er-Effective rain fall.
Smc-Soil moisture content in root zone, ETc-Evapotranspiration of the crop,Gw-Ground
water contribution.

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Irrigation requirement of crop; it is defined as the part of water requirement of crops that
should be fulfilled by irrigation.
CWR = 425.5mm + 964.6mm + 1215mm + 290mm = 2895.1mm
Table 4Crop scheduling at different stage of sugarcane
Month Decade Stage Kc ETc ETc Eff rain Irr. Req.
coeff mm/dec mm/dec mm/dec mm/dec
Dec 2 Init 0.59 1.93 3.9 0.6 12.2
Dec 3 Init 0.4 1.34 14.7 3.8 10.9
Jan 1 Init 0.4 1.37 13.7 4.7 9
Jan 2 Devt 0.41 1.42 14.2 5 9.2
Jan 3 Devt 0.5 1.85 20.3 5.3 15
Feb 1 Devt 0.62 2.4 24 5.8 18.2
Feb 2 Devt 0.74 2.97 29.7 6.2 23.5
Feb 3 Devt 0.84 3.54 28.3 5.8 22.5
Mar 1 Devt 0.94 4.15 41.5 3.8 37.7
Mar 2 Mid 1.05 4.83 48.3 2.8 45.5
Mar 3 Mid 1.09 4.85 53.4 8.7 44.7
Apr 1 Mid 1.09 4.73 47.3 14.8 32.5
Apr 2 Mid 1.09 4.6 46 19.7 26.3
Apr 3 Mid 1.09 4.5 45 27.4 17.6
May 1 Mid 1.09 4.39 43.9 36.9 7
May 2 Mid 1.09 4.29 42.9 45.1 0
May 3 Mid 1.09 4.11 45.2 46.5 0
Jun 1 Mid 1.09 3.94 39.4 47.9 0
Jun 2 Mid 1.09 3.76 37.6 50.4 0
Jun 3 Mid 1.09 3.56 35.6 50.2 0
Jul 1 Mid 1.09 3.35 33.5 49.7 0
Jul 2 Mid 1.09 3.15 31.5 49.8 0
Jul 3 Mid 1.09 3.19 35.1 49.6 0
Aug 1 Mid 1.09 3.22 32.2 49.3 0
Aug 2 Mid 1.09 3.26 32.6 49.1 0
Aug 3 Mid 1.09 3.46 38.1 48.9 0
Sep 1 Mid 1.09 3.66 36.6 50.1 0
Sep 2 Late 1.08 3.82 38.2 50.6 0
Sep 3 Late 1.02 3.73 37.3 44.2 0
Oct 1 Late 0.97 3.61 36.1 37.4 0
Oct 2 Late 0.91 3.49 34.9 32 2.9
Oct 3 Late 0.86 3.23 35.5 24.6 10.9
Nov 1 Late 0.8 2.97 29.7 15.6 14.1
Nov 2 Late 0.75 2.73 27.3 7.7 19.5
Nov 3 Late 0.69 2.44 24.4 6.5 17.9
Dec 1 Late 0.64 2.17 21.7 5.5 16.2
Dec 2 Late 0.59 1.93 15.4 2.6 12.2
Sum 1215 964.6 425.5

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2.7 Crop irrigation requirement

Irrigation water requirement of crop is a part of water requirement that should be fullfilled by
irrigation, inother word water requirment of crops excluding effective rainfall, soil moistures
and ground water contribution to the filled.
I = CWR − (Er + Smc + Gw)
I = 2895.1mm − (964.6mm + 290mm) = 1640.5mm
2.7.1 Net Irrigation Requirement
After evapotranspiration of the crop has been determined the net irrigation should be
NIR = CWR − (E + S + ETc + W )
NIR = GIR ∗ η = 404.7 ∗ 70% = 283.3mm
Where: WR-crop water requirement, Er- effective rainfall, S- Carrying over soil moisture and
𝜂-water application efficiency(70%), GIR-Gross irrigation requirement(404.7mm)
2.7.2 Gross Irrigation Requirement
GIR Usually more amount of water than the NIR is applied during irrigation to compensate
for the unavoidable losses. The total water applied to satisfy ETc and losses is known as
gross irrigation requirement (GIR).
where: Ea - application efficiency(70%) and NIR(283.3mm)
𝐺𝐼𝑅 = = 404.7𝑚𝑚
2.7.3 Scheduling of irrigation
Scheduling of irrigation is very important for successful plant growth and production. Water
is not applied randomly at any time, in any quantity. Irrigation scheduling indicates how
much irrigation water has to be given to the crop, and how often,when and How much water
has to be given depends on the irrigation water need of the crop. The peak net scheme
irrigation requirement has been found to be 0.4 l/s/ha

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Table 5Gross and net irrigation

Date Day Stage Depl% Net Irr( mm) Gr. Irr (mm) Flow(l/s/ha)

15-Apr 118 Mid 65 283.3 404.7 0.4

18-Dec End End 22

(From cropwatt8.0) result

Design discharge = Duty ∗ Total command area
Where Duty = 0.4l/s/ha and total command area = 80000ha
Q = 0.4l/s/ha ∗ 80000ha = 32m /s
2.8 Duty-Delta Relation ship
2.8.1 Duty of water (D)
It is a capacity to irrigate land, which is a relation between the area of the land irrigated and
the quantity of water required. Duty (D) is defined as the area of the land, which can be
irrigated if one(m3/sec) of water was applied to the land continuously for the entire base
period of the crop and it is expressed in ha /m3/s.
2.8.2 Base period(B)
Base period is the period between the first watering and the last watering. The base period is
slightly different from the crop period, which is the period between the time of sowing and
the time of harvesting the crop.
2.8.3 Delta(Δ)
Is the total depth of water required by a crop during the entire base period. If the entire
quantity of applied water were spread uniformly on the land surface, the depth of water
would have been equal to delta. Thus the delta (in m) of any crop can be determined by
dividing the total quantity of water (in ha-m) required by the crop by the area of the land (in

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3.1 General
Hydrology is defined as the science that deals with the occurrence, distribution, movement
and quality of water on the earth including vapor, water moisture, water snow or ice and
beneath the surface as ground water. It refers the scientific study of water and its property,
distribution and effects on earth’s surface, soil and atmosphere. Also it involves the collection
of relevant data and analysis of data by applying principles and theory of hydrology to seeks
solution to practical problem. From these to reduce the analysis of hydrological data to
determine the maximum, minimum and mean flow of river at the proposed location of
The role of hydrology is to help analyzing the problems involved in these tasks and to
provide guidance for the planning and management of water resources. Stream flows
recorded on site are the major data required to plane and design the hydraulic structures for
the hydropower project.
Design of a project is vital to collect or to obtain relevant data. For realistic and accurate
design, it is essential that the collected data should be continuous, consistent, reliable and
adequate. Planning and design of hydraulic structures requires adequate hydrologic
information of the specific project area. There are 33 years stream flow data at Arjo Didessa
River at different Rain gauge station.
3.2 availability of hydrological data
For any water resource project, the chronologically arranged hydro metrological data has to
be reasonable for the right analysis for different designs. The data may be obtained at the
recorded station of Didessa nr, Arjo, station number of 114001,8:41:0N latitude and 36:25:0E
longitude of the proposed site from 1979 up to 2008 years of the proposed site in similar
3.2.1 Filling the Missing Data
For frequency analysis flow data, sufficiently long recorded is required. It may so happen that
particular record is not operate for part of a month or (since it is broken or for some other
reason), when it becomes necessary to supplement the missing record. The methods used for
filling the missing data are;
 Linear regression method
 Average mean method

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 Normal ratio method, and other used based on their characters. Among those types of
method linear regression is used for Dedessa River near Arjo to fill the missing data.
3.3 Data Consistency checking
Flow record maybe Inconsistent for the following reasons:-
 The records for different gauging stations cover different periods of time.
 The location of stations has changed.
 The observation procedure has changed.
 The instrument exposure has changed.
These inconsistence record data must be adjusted before use. Therefore it is essential to
detected using
 L Moment methods or techniques.
 Double Mass curve
3.4 Data Outlier Test
Water resources council recommended that adjustment be made for outliers. Outliers are data
point that departs significantly from the remaining data. There are three cases to check the
outliers according to the water resource council of the (1981). These are:-
 Case1 If skewness (Cs) < -0.4 check for lower outlier.
 Case2 If skewness (Cs) > +0.4 check for higher outlier.
 Case3 If skewness (Cs) -0.4<Cs<+0.4 check for both outlier.
From these cases, Coefficient of skewness (Cs) is 0.4415. So the station skew greater than
+0.4, it is essential to test only higher outlier and considered. The following frequency
equation can be used to detect high outliers:
3.4.1 Higher Outlier Test
The following frequency equation can be used to detect higher outliers
YH=Ym+Kn*Sy, where,
YH is the high outlier threshold in log units
Kn is constant value for sample size n which is 2.563(source from US water Resource council
1981) used in one sided test that detect outliers at the 10% level of normally distribution data.
Peak flood considered at the high outliers should be compared to historic flood is necessary
and have flood information nearby site.
YH=2.741184706+2.563* 0.1647426=3.163419975

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Therefor: QH = Antilog (YH) i.e. is Antilog (3.163419975) =1456.867m^3/s. For Arjo

Dedessa River data recorded value listed given data all the observations are lower than QH.
Hence no higher outliers were detected.

Figure 3Higher outliers test

3.5 Transpose data of data
To estimate the irrigation potential of a site, the availability of stream flow data recorded for
a long time throughout each year of concern is very important. But it may not be true that the
sites for the irrigation site and that for the gauge station are exactly at the same place.
Therefore, it is important to transfer the data of the gauging station to the site.
Equation (is the common type of relation that is used to estimate flow duration at site
(Gulliver and Roger1991).
Q = ∗Q
Transposition factor 𝐶 = = 0.662

The value of C is 0.7 based upon the above criteria.

Where, Area of dam site: = 5537km2
Area of gauging station: = 9981km2
Qsite- discharge at the dam site (m3/s)
Qgauge- discharge at the Gauging station (m3/s)
C-a parameter typically varies 0.6 and 1.2. The thing here is the selection of the value of C.
put this as follows.

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If the drainage area (DA) of the site is within 20% of the drainage area of the gauge (0.8 ≤
𝐷𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝐷𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒 ≤ 1.2), use C=1. The estimated discharge at the site will probably be
within 10% of the actual discharge, which is normally sufficient.
If the DA site is within 50% of the DA gauge, consider whether the data of the two gauges
(upstream and downstream gauges, if any) can be combined. In addition, when a weighted
average between upstream and downstream gauges is possible, the following linear
interpolation equation may be applied for a site lying between upstream & downstream
gauging station.
Table 6Transposed inflow data to dam site
Year Average Max Min
1979 55.373 203.934 2.622
1980 101.063 318.474 2.464
1981 11.907 42.223 0.452
1982 79.313 234.136 4.928
1983 99.505 304.274 5.963
1984 50.782 173.744 2.421
1985 59.572 229.151 0.640
1986 45.521 186.922 2.604
1987 47.471 171.798 1.625
1988 79.158 288.947 1.962
1989 54.606 277.706 3.547
1990 68.725 301.616 8.220
1991 68.756 282.464 1.922
1992 64.521 203.787 3.399
1993 74.753 286.403 6.030
1994 67.664 301.790 3.828
1995 35.894 140.625 3.350
1996 70.804 211.192 2.871
1997 87.275 211.005 3.712
1998 100.836 293.320 16.118
1999 72.755 252.171 0.105
2000 68.082 169.961 5.909
2001 52.906 147.542 11.431
2002 52.906 147.542 11.431
2003 52.906 147.542 11.431
2004 62.445 164.104 7.323
2005 71.475 253.529 9.119
2006 93.344 358.072 10.220
2007 86.424 244.398 12.664
2008 71.203 203.077 7.008

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Inflow 66.932 358.072 0.1046

Therefore the annual average inflow rate is 66.932m3/s
3.6 Frequency Analysis
Frequency analysis is hydrological term used to describe the probability of occurrence of
particular hydrologic event, like rainfall, flood, drought and etc. water resources institutions
planned and forecasted events for future to enhance economic and environmental problems.
So hydrologist must provide statement of the probability of stream flows will equal exceed
specified value.
3.7Estimation of Design Flood
A flood may be defined as an over flow coming from some river or other body of water.
Therefore knowing the magnitude and probable frequency of recurrences of floods is
necessary to the proper design and location of many structures and its components. The
design flood is sometimes taken as a flood corresponding to certain desired frequency of
occurrence depending up on economic factors and other practical considerations.
3.7.1 Method of Peak Flood Estimation
For a safe design of a structure at proposed site is needed. Two critical causes should be
designed for flood storage structures like dam. It is quite essential to quantify the magnitude
of floods used in the design. The failures of these structures causes large loss of life and
property damage at the downstream of the structures. Hence the greatest attention is required
in choosing the flood magnitude which is selected on the basis of type and importance of the
structures and economic development considered. Design flood maybe dependent on the
following factors.
 Importance of the structures
 Economy
 Probable effect at the downstream due to its sudden damage
 Life expectancy of the structures
 Population density of the downstream
Flood is a high flow in a river with a high stage when water usually flows over the banks. For
economic and efficient design of structures, the estimation of flood discharge is required. For
proper design of a large number of hydraulic structures, such as spillways, bridges, drainage
works and aqueducts, a reliable estimation of the flood discharge is essential. The following
methods are commonly used for estimating maximum flood in the river.
 Normal Distribution Method.
 Gamble Distribution Method.

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 Log-Pearson Type III Distribution Method.

 Log-Normal Distribution Method.
 Exponential ratio
 Uniform distribution
3.7.2 Estimation of L-Moment Method
L-Moment are linear functions of probability weighted moments. They are more convenient
than the probability weighted moments, because they can be interpreted as measures of scale
and shape of the probability weighted moments which are defined as: L-moment are linear
functions of probability weighted moments. They are more convenient than the probability
weighted moments, because they can be interpreted as measures of scale and shape of the
probability weighted moments which are defined as:
(n − r) ∗ Qr
br =
n ∗ (n − 1)

Where, n-years, r-rank and Qr-descending order of discharge

bo = 𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟔𝟗𝟑
(n − r) ∗ Qr
b1 = = 𝟑𝟒𝟎. 𝟗𝟒𝟗
n ∗ (n − 1)

(n − r)(n − r − 1) ∗ Qr
b2 = = 𝟐𝟒𝟑. 𝟏𝟕𝟒
n ∗ (n − 1)(n − 2)

(n − r)(n − r − 1)(n − r − 2) ∗ Qr
b3 = = 𝟏𝟗𝟎. 𝟒𝟕𝟎
n ∗ (n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3)

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Table 7L-Moment calculated sheet

b1 = (n-r)xQr b2= (n-r)(n-r-1)xQr b3= (n-r)(n-r-1)(n-r-2)xQr
Year Q in dicreasing Order Rank n(n-1) n(n-1)(n-2) n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)
1979 1082.960 1 36.099 36.099 36.099
1980 804.280 2 25.885 24.960 24.036
1981 771.346 3 23.938 22.228 20.582
1982 749.722 4 22.405 20.005 17.782
1983 749.722 5 21.544 18.466 15.730
1984 744.358 6 20.534 16.867 13.744
1985 689.046 7 18.216 14.313 11.132
1986 689.046 8 17.424 13.068 9.680
1987 660.815 9 15.951 11.393 8.018
1988 655.737 10 15.074 10.229 6.819
1989 645.632 11 14.100 9.064 5.707
1990 645.041 12 13.346 8.103 4.802
1991 613.262 13 11.983 6.848 3.804
1992 601.005 14 11.053 5.921 3.070
1993 598.567 15 10.320 5.160 2.484
1994 586.438 16 9.437 4.381 1.947
1995 582.818 17 8.709 3.732 1.521
1996 574.418 18 7.923 3.113 1.153
1997 554.339 19 7.009 2.503 0.834
1998 525.116 20 6.036 1.940 0.575
1999 511.383 21 5.290 1.511 0.392
2000 502.316 22 4.619 1.155 0.257
2001 489.597 23 3.939 0.844 0.156
2002 479.955 24 3.310 0.591 0.088
2003 442.961 25 2.546 0.364 0.040
2004 394.971 26 1.816 0.195 0.014
2005 368.907 27 1.272 0.091 0.003
2006 353.253 28 0.812 0.029 0.000
2007 311.730 29 0.358 0.000 0.000
2008 132.034 30 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 340.949 243.174 190.470
average(Xm) 583.693
L-moment ratios, which are analogous to conventional moment ratios are defined, L moment
is easily calculated as follow.
λ1 = bo = 583.693
𝜆2 = 2𝑏1−𝑏𝑜 = 2*340.949-583.693 = 98.20484525
λ3 = 6b2− 6b1+bo = 6*243.174-6*340.949+583.693 = -2.9553653
λ4=20b3− 30b2+12b1 – bo = 20*190.470-30*243.174+12*340.949 = 21.8701265
Z2= λ2/λ1= 98.20484525 /583.693 = 0.1682476

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Z3= λ3/λ2 = -2.9553653/98.20484525 = -0.0300939(Skewness)

Z4= λ4/ λ3= 21.8701265/-2.9553653 = -7.40014331(kurtosis)
Where, λ1 is a measure of location, is a measure of scale and dispersion, Z3 is a measure of
skewness, and λ4 is a measure of kurtosis. Using relation between Z3 and Z4 for different
distribution, the value of Z4 are calculated for the sample Z3 in the L-moment ratio diagram.
3.8 Flow Duration Curve
It is time variability of water discharge data in hydraulic structure and water work studies.
And it is a plot of flow verses the percent of time, so particular flow can be expected at the
%exceeded. Flow duration curve have some important uses in water resources planning and
development activities. There are two methods of constructing flow duration curve;
3.8.1 Total Calendar- Year Method
In the calendar year method ,each year average monthly flow values are first arranged
in ascending order. Then the average flow values corresponding to the driest month ,the
second driest month and soon up to the wettest month are found out by taking arithmetic
mean of all values of the same rank .These average values are then used for plotting the
flow duration curve.
3.8.2 Total Period Method
From these two methods total period basis method gives relatively true presentation of flow
duration curve. Because actual flow rates of stream appear at appropriate place in the curve.
From the flow duration curve the conventional discharge that are obtained for some
percentage of exceedence are Q100, Q95, Q50 and Qm. Where
Q100 is minimum flow that is available for 100% of the time.
Q95 is small potential flow that is available for 95% of the time.
Q50 is medium potential flow that is available for 50% of the time.
Qm is average potential flow computed from the mean yearly flow for a period 30years.
Table 8Discharge at different point of exceedence
Frequency of Occurrence % of time Flow (m3 /s)

100 0.160

95 4.302

50 37.00

30 127.0
Therefore, from the above computation the average yearly flow for a period of the 30yrs

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Discharge m^3/s


200 FDC


0.000 50.000 100.000 150.000


Figure 4Flow Duration Curve

3.9 Design Period of the Project
Design period refers to the total period of time to a given project will utilize its intended
purpose effectively. Generally two important considerations are used to fix the life time of
dam project.
3.9.1 Project Economical Life Time
Refers to the total amount of time required for the project to return its cost of construction.
Large projects such as hydropower reservoir operated, requires large time for completion and
their initial cost including maintenance and operation costs are very high as a result need
larger time to return their costs. So, mostly such projects assumed to be profitable by
satisfying their intended purpose.
3.9.2 Projects Sub-Unit’s Life Time
The most governing issues to determining the design period of irrigation project, hydropower
project, and other similar headwork structures is its subunits structural life time. Mostly
experts of the field limit the design period of such large projects based on sedimentation rates
of reservoirs. Considering sedimentation rates and sub-unit life time.
3.10 Selection of Return Period
Return period (T) is the average interval in years between events when equal or exceed a
given magnitude. Clearly understood that the concept of return period does not imply that the
events of any given magnitude will occurs at constant or even approximately constant
interval of years.

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Selecting the higher return period means the corresponding flood magnitudes is also very
high such a very high flood may never occur during the life time of the structures on the other
hand, if the low discharge corresponding to lower return period is chosen for the design and
exceeded it will result in the failure of the structure causing more damage than would have
been caused in the absence of the structure.
Table 9General Guidelines to select return period
Types of structure Return period
Spillways for project with storage more than 1000
Barrage and minor dams with storage less than 100
Spillway for small reservoir dam 10-20
Diversion weir 50-100
Source: Subramanian (1989) and Nevec (1972)
In our case we expect the total storage greater than 60M m3, therefore we have taken the
return period as 1000yrs.
3.10.1 Plotting Position
Probability analysis seeks to define the flood flows with a probability P of being equaled or
exceed in any years. The return period T is often used in views of probability to describe
design flood. Return period is reciprocal of probability i.e. P = 1/T. The data are arranged in
decreasing order of magnitude and the probability P of the each event being equaled or
exceeded is calculated by using a plotting position formula
Probability (P) of each event being equal or exceeded at a plotting position formula.

P= Where, P-Probability of occurrence, M-rank in descending order of data, N-total

numbers of the data, with relation of return period of T. T = .

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Discharge in cms(y)


Probable Distribution Graph

Probability and Return period


0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000

Value of (P & T)

Figure 5Probability Distribution graph

Risk is the probability of an event occurring at least once over a period of N successive years.
Designing of hydraulic structure is always faces an engineering doubt about the risk of failure
of the structure, by the case of hydrological design value estimation (such as the design
flood discharge and river stage during the design flood) involve a natural or inbuilt
uncertainty and as such a hydrological risk of failure.
. In practice, the acceptable level of risk is governed by economic and policy consideration.
For this project, the risk of failure of the structure can be computed as follows:
Risk = 1 − 1 −
Thus the possible risk of flood damage by a flood magnitude exceeding the 1000 years
frequency in the proposed design life of 100 years of the reservoir is about 10% with the
reliability of confidence of 90%.
Reliability = 1 − R
Where, N-Design Period and T-Returned period.

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Table 10Risk and Reliability for different return and design period.
N/T 25 50 100 1000
100 0.22 0.39 0.63 1.00
200 0.12 0.22 0.39 0.99
300 0.08 0.15 0.28 0.96
400 0.06 0.12 0.22 0.92
500 0.05 0.10 0.18 0.86
600 0.04 0.08 0.15 0.81
800 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.71
900 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.67
1000 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.63
1000 0.98 0.95 0.90 0.37
900 0.97 0.95 0.89 0.33
800 0.97 0.94 0.88 0.29
600 0.96 0.92 0.85 0.19
500 0.95 0.90 0.82 0.14
400 0.94 0.88 0.78 0.08
300 0.92 0.85 0.72 0.04
200 0.88 0.78 0.61 0.01
100 0.78 0.61 0.37 0.00
Risk 10%
Reliability 90%
From the table above there is high probability of flood risk if design period is lowered and
return period is high. Therefore it is essential to provide necessary design period of the
project. Based on our reliability and risk analysis, we provide less risk probability of flood
and higher reliability based on the function of the dam service and overcome the flood risk
when it happened.

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Dam is a barrier or an obstruction which is constructed across a stream or river. So at the
back of this barrier, water gets collected is called upstream side and the other side is
downstream. The formation of lake by this barrier at the upstream side is reservoir.
Arjo Didessa dam is embankment storage dam. It store water during period of surplus water
supply, especially rainy season in summer. To use at the deficient time to give sufficient
water demand at the command area.
4.1 Necessity of Arjo Storage Dam
We have a firm discharge at 95% of exceedence is 4.302m3/s and irrigation demand at Arjo
Didessa is 32m3/s to irrigate 80000ha command area, from those result the firm flow is much
to smaller than the duty of water. Therefore it is necessary to provide storage dam across the
Didessa River to fulfill the water demand.
4.2 Reservoir Planning
Reservoirs are man-made lakes using hydraulic barrier to create or store water during times
of excess flow. And supply it from storage when the demand exceeds the inflow. Storage
reservoirs which have sufficient capacity to regulate stream flow on a seasonal basis and
runoff-river projects where storage capacity is minor relative to the volume of flow. Most
storage projects are multiple purposes, but the primary purpose of a reservoir is to regulate
the flow so that the firm supply can be generated.
There are different types of reservoirs
 Storage or conservation reservoir
 Flood control reservoir
 Multipurpose reservoirs
 Balancing reservoir
 Distribution reservoir
4.2.1 Reservoir Site Selection
When a suitable dam site exists, the cost of the dam is often a controlling factor in selection
of a site. The selection of the reservoir site depending on the following factors: Geological Factor:
Geology of the catchment’s area: The losses over the catchments should be minimum to
produce good run off and the runoff water should not carry excessive silt and sand load.

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Foundation of the catchments area: The foundation rock of the dam should be a sound
water tight rock and percolation below the dam should be minimum.
Geology of the reservoir basin: It should also be reasonably water tight so that the stored
water is not able to escape under the surrounding hills through cavernous rock. Topographic Factor:
The river valley at the site should be narrow so that the length of the dam to be constructed is
less, but it should open out on the upstream side to provide a large basin for the reservoir. Other factors:
Includes the reservoir basin should submerge minimum land and property.
 Not have excessive costs associated to works such as roads, housing colonies for
workers and staffs etc.
 Not be in cultural archeological mining etc. areas.
 Be formed so that evaporation loss is minimum. Physical characteristics of reservoir
The primary function of reservoirs is to provide storage; their most important physical
characteristics are storage capacity. The capacity of reservoir of a regular shape can be
compared with the formulas for the volumes of solids, but the capacity of reservoirs on
natural sites must usually be determined from topographic surveys.
The sediment data is obviously required to plan the size of the storages, for apportioning the
active and inactive storage spaces and for determining the revised geometry of the storage
after certain design life.
The quantity of sediment delivered to a reservoir depends on the rate of gross or absolute
erosion in the watershed and the ability of the stream system to transport eroded material to
the reservoir. Different approach could be used to estimate sediment rate at the projects sites.
However for this study the estimation of sediment rate at the project sites have been
calculated by employing rating curve of the sediment sample data of the stations as described
As the silt originates from the water shed, the characteristics of the catchment such its areal
extent, soil types, land slopes, vegetal cover and climatic conditions like temperature, nature
and intensity of rainfall, have a great significance in the sediment production in the form of
sheet erosion, gully erosion and stream, channel erosion. In regions of moderate rainfall,
sheet erosion is the dominant source of total sediment load while in arid and semi-arid
regions, gullying and stream-channel erosion furnish the greater part of the load.

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The suspended sediment load of streams is measured by sampling the water, filtering to
remove the sediment, drying and weighing the filtered material.

Sediment load, (ppm)= ∗ 106

4.2.2 Capacity of Reservoir Determination

Volume of storage (V) or capacity of the reservoir at equal intervals (H) is calculated as
1. Trapezoidal Formula:
The volume of the reservoir is computed using the two successive contours area and their
elevation difference or interval of the contours.

V= (A1+A2), Where,

 A1 and A2 are areas of successive contours

 H is the vertical distance between successive contours
Area elevation curve is one of the methods used to determine the capacity of reservoir area on
the selected site. The water spread of the reservoir at any elevation is determined by
measuring the area between the contours by plan meter. The height of the dam is determined
using either.
 The area elevation curve.
 The site conditions.
The total capacity of the reservoir is computed by calculating the summation of the live
storage, dead storage and the net evaporation volume. Using the computed total storage
volume, the height of the dam is read from the elevation area capacity curve.

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Capacity-Area -Elevation -Curve

Com Area(m^2)
0.00 500.00 1000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2500.00 3000.00 3500.00





Cum Volume-Elevation
Cum Area-Elevation


3500.00 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00

Com Vol(Mm^3)
Figure 6Area Elevation Curve
4.2.3 Sediment load and demand level elevation
From the figure (8) sediment rating curve sediment load is computed by using annual inflow
to Arjo Didessa from table (7) is 66.932𝑚 /𝑠 by interpolation to determine sediment level
on its service life of 100years is 34.7845Mm3 this is used to fix installation level of intake to
prevent clogging by debris or sediment.
40m /s = 100ton/day
66.932(inflow) = x
100m /s = 2000ton/day
𝑥(sediment load = 953ton/day, and kilogram volume relation sediment load in 100yaers of
life it reach elevation 1318.7m. Considering intake position to install recommended at
1920m. And also determine the level of demand levels as sediment computed based on duty,
4.2.4 Reservoir Sedimentation Control
Sediment deposition in reservoirs cannot be actually prevented but it can be retarded by
adopting some of the following measures:
 Reservoir sites, which are prolific sources of sediment, should be avoided.
 By adopting soil-conservation measures in the catchment area, as the silt originates in
the watershed.

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 Agronomic soil conservation practices like cover cropping, strip cropping, contour
farming, suitable crop rotations, application of green manure (mulching),
 Proper control over graze lands, terracing and benching on steep hill slopes.
 Retard overland flow, increase infiltration and reduce erosion.
 Contour trenching and afforestation on hill slopes,
 Vegetal cover on the land reduces the impact force of rain drops and minimizes
 Sluice gates provided in the dam at various levels and reservoir operation, permit the
discharge of fine sediments without giving them time to settle to the bottom.
 Sediment deposits in tanks and small reservoirs may be removed by excavation,
dredging, draining and flushing either by mechanical or hydraulic methods and
sometimes may have some sales value.
4.3 Arjo Dam Layout
Maximum demand of water at the time of excess flow is reserved by proper provision of dam
height and all protection work to prevent seepage loss, overtopping and other. Therefore
height is determined based on table shown above and capacity-Area-elevation curve.
H = (Demand level − river bed level) + freeboard
Where demand level is 1331.5mams, river bed level is 1312mams and sediment load level is
1320mams and normal freeboard is 1.5m
𝐻 = (1331.5m − 1312m) + 1.5m = 21m
4.3.1 Top width of the Dam
After determining and fix the dam height based on annual demand and capacity curve
respectively. Top width is determined based on dam height. If the dam height is between 10
and 30m top width is determine as below. (According to USBR Design of Small Dams
standard (1997))
10m < H < 30m
Top width of the dam isB = 0.55H + 0.2H , therefore

B = 0.55 ∗ 21 + 0.2 ∗ 21 = 6.72m~7m

AUHHC Page 29
Design of storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project

Table 11Upstream and downstream slope based on USBR Design standard

U/s slope D/s slope Remark
3H: 1V 2.5H: 1V if H is greater than 15m

AUHHC Page 30
Design of storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project

Global warming is the main issue of the world specially, in Africa. This problem is becoming
the main constraint for development and increasing agricultural production. Therefore, the
implementation of Arjo Dedessa Irrigation Project is one of the irrigation projects essential to
overcome the adverse effect of erratic rainfall dependent agricultural activities in Ethiopia.
Irrigation is essential to overcome water deficiencies and ensure stable agricultural
production throughout the year. Arjo Dedessa dam and irrigation project located in Oromiya
regional state was financed by the Ethiopian they can plant sugarcane and sale to Arjo
Dedessa sugar factory. Arjo Didessa dam is embankment storage dam. It store water during
period of surplus water supply, especially rainy season in summer. To use at the deficient
time to give sufficient water demand at the command area. It is vital in areas where the
amount and timing of rainfall are not adequate to meet the moisture requirement of crops,
maximize the value of the land and farmers and increase their living standards, create job
opportunity and generate additional income for those are live around nearby sugar factory
and other.

AUHHC Page 31
Design of storage dam for Arjo Dedessa irrigation project

1. Allen, R. G., Walter, I. A., Elliot, R. L., Howell, T.A., Itenfisu,D., Jensen, M. E. and
Snyder, R. 2005. The ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equation.
ASCE and American Society of Civil Engineers.
2. Allen, R.G., L.S.Pereira, D. Raes, and M. Smith. 1998. Crop evapotranspiration:
guidelines for computing crop water requirements Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
3. ASCE-EWRI (2005) The ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equation.
In: Allen RG, Walter IA, Elliott RL, Howell TA, Itenfisu D, Jensen ME, Snyder RL
(eds) American Society of Civil Engineers, 69 p.
4. Blaney, H. F. and Criddle, W. D. 1950. Determining water requirements in irrigated
areas from climatological and irrigation data. United States Department of
Agriculture,Soil Conservation Service
5. Garg, S.K (2003), Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures, Khanan
publishers, New Delhi.

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