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Monday 80 min

Objectives :

Students would be able to:

Students  will be able to :

 consider how writer establishes the setting of the story.

 explore how sentence openings are used to guide a reader
 compare the theme of the first lesson with the new one.
 use different strategies to work out the meanings of the unfamiliar words through context.


 Reading the lesson " Grandmother's song"

Students will infer the story of the lesson through the title and the picture.

The teacher will show them the map of Mexico to understand the geographical location to
interpret the culture.

The teacher will ask the students about various openings of the stories or movies they have
witnessed and compare the first paragraph of extract one.

The teacher will explain the meanings of various words and animals through illustrations

Discuss and explain  Extract 1  in detail.


 PPT slides of images from Extract 1

 map 
 dictionaries

evaluation of learning :

Objectives are achieved

Evaluation of teaching :

students should be able to understand and learn the concept taught in the class.
Tuesday 1 lesson 40 minutes

Objectives :

Students will be able to :

 identify prepositions
 Establish relationship between a preposition and rest of the sentence.
 Identify prepositional phrase
 Recall the Pronouns
 Identify pronouns and prepositional phrase from the Extract 1

Methodology :

The teacher will ask the students to describe positions of some objects and recall the concept of
preposition will show a video.

The students will identify prepositions in a sentence and attempt a practice exercise with teacher.

The teacher will describe the role of prepositions in creating relationship with nouns and the rest of
the sentence .students will attempt practice work sheet of identifying the prepositional phrase.

The teacher will show the video on pronouns and practice through a worksheet.

Class work:

The students will identify 3 prepositional phrases from the extract and pronouns from the 2 nd and
the 3rd paragraphs of the extract and note down in their literature note books.

Resouces :

PPT slides

Videos of prepositional phrase ad pronouns.

Worksheet for practice and discussion.

Assessment criteria:

Evaluation for learning :

Evaluation for teaching :

Wenesday : 40 minutes

Objectives :

Students will be able to :

 Explore interpretations of figurative language.
 Recce the meanings of difficult words
 Elaborate writer’s motive behind comparison of the characters

Methodology :

The teacher will ask the students about the use of simile and discuss the concept in contrast to

Discuss a practice worksheet for simile in detail to prepare them for attempting the question

>Reading and discussion of extract 2

The students will write the reason why granddaughter is compared with the Jacaranda blossoms.

The students will attempt the question in their literature note books.

Thursday : 80 min

Objectives :

Students will be able to :

 Connect the series of events

 Reveal the truth about the characters through actions
 Write their own interpretation about the characters through their actions.
 learn meanings of difficult words


Reading and discussion of Extract 3

Students will note down the meanings of hard words.

List down the events of the plot in a sequence to understand the link of the chronology.

Students will complete the table to show what happens in the paragraph.


Friday: 40 minutes


 Complete the words from extract 1/2/3

 Construct sentences of any four words


The students will find the meanings of the words difficult words

Construct sentence of any four words given in their note books.

Discuss them in the class.

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