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Mary Shelley

-She was born in 1797. Daughter of two intellectuals. Mother: a feminist. Father: a
philosopher and novelist.

-Her husband, Percy Shelley, was a famous poet. When she was 16, they went to France. She
had 4 children in 5 years, 3 died as babies. Percy died 8 years later, in a boat accident.

2. Origin

-In 1816, Mary and Percy spent the summer in Switzerland with the poet Lord Byron.

-The summer was stormy and they read and wrote ghost stories. Mary wrote Frankenstein
(she was 19 ) and it was published in 1818.

3. Themes

Creation of life/ The good and the evil/Family and Relationships/Compassion and

4. Setting

Time: 18th century

Places: Geneva, Switzerland/ Ingolstadt, Germany/ England/ Scotland/the Arctic ice

5. Summary

-Walton's ship finds  Victor Frankenstein floating on the ice.

-He grows up in Geneve with his parents, 2 brothers and Elizabeth, an adoptive sister. At the
university, Victor brings a creature to life. He feels guilty and the monster runs away. Henry
Clerval appears to take care Victor.

-His youngest brother, William, is killed and Justine, the servant is acussed of it.

-Victor knows that the monster is the killer. They meet and the monster wants a
girlfriend.Victor refuses to do it. The monster kills Henry. Victor and Elizabeth get married but
the monster kills Elizabeth too. Victor follows the monster around the world.

-Finally, Victor dies in Walton´s ship .The monster feels sorry for him and disappears.

6. Characters

-Victor Frankenstein: Scientist /Discovers the secret of life/Creates an intelligent but disgusting
monster/Feels guilty.

-Monster: Ugly but intelligent/Wants to be loved /Wants revenge against his creator.

-Other Characters: Elizabeth – Victor’s wife/Victor’s father/Henry Clerval – Victor’s friend/

Ernest and William Frankenstein – Victor’s brothers/Justine Moritz – servant/Robert Walton-
captain/De Lacey family.
7. Opinion

-Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, has been a very interesting read for me.

-Mary Shelley was only 19 years old when she wrote it.

-You can feel pity and fear for the monster at the same time . Victor Frankenstein was very
arrogant and the monster only felt loneliness.

-Another message in the story is to appreciate everyone and not judge people by their

-After reading the book I could understand why it is considered a classic.

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