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Hazelyn P.

Delco Section D - MWF 4:00 - 5:00 P

The presentation provided us with different phases included in a business
presentation. Wherein, the presentation explored three different phases or contents
including the (1) planning process, (2) course title, description, and smart objectives,
and (3) content development suggestions. These phases vary depending on its
function and purposes in the presentation. In which each of these phases have
different parts and contents.
In terms of the planning process, this phase mainly includes everything that a
person must consider specifically when establishing a plan. This involve the
objectives, the overall plan for the project, estimated time needed, the resources,
possible costs needed, as well as how the plan is going to be executed. Without an
effective planning process, it may affect the outcome of a project specifically on the
strategy and approach applied within the process. Project planning is highly essential
in a way that it can calculate effectively the possible risks or threats of the projects, as
well as the aspects that may lead to project fallback. Within planning process, back up
plans or alternatives may be constructed in order to ensure the success of a
presentation or project.
Moving on, the course title, description and smart objectives are also essential
in a way that it gives identity to a project. The course title mainly determines what the
project is all about while the description is all about familiarization on the nature and
other relevant information about the project. Smart objectives on the other hand give
project a sense of path. Wherein, it determines the expected or envisioned outcomes
of a project. Having smart objectives may help a plan or project to stay on track.
Lastly, content development suggestions must be engaging in a way that it can
promote retention. This could be possible if the planners will consider including
contents that are timely or relevant to the audience. Retention may help the audience
in remembering or familiarizing themselves on what the project or presentation is all
about. However, while practicing creativity, it is still highly essential to consider if the
included information are all quality and relevant.
To sum it up, in order to ensure that a presentation or project is bound to
success, it is highly important to make sure that how it is planned, organized, and
presented are all developed properly. In this way, there will be less room for errors,
and the possibility of success may actually increase. Without a proper planning of
presentation, it may cause chaos or confusion, sometimes, even the sense of pressure,
as the project or presentation is not well-planned. It is important to remember that
every projects regardless of its purpose is very important to be assessed and planned

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