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The study conducted by Huang et al.

(2020) focused mainly on fabricating a colloidal

gold nanoparticle-based lateral-flow (AuNP-LF) assay to achieve rapid and reliable diagnosis
and on-site detection of the IgM antibody against the SARS-CoV-2 virus through the indirect
immunochromatography method. In the research paper, the study rationale, main objective,
methodology, results, and conclusion were clearly mentioned and described in the abstract.
More on its methods, several analytical instruments were utilized in carrying out this
research, particularly in the synthesis and characterization of the gold nanoparticles
(AuNPs). A transmission electron microscope was used to measure the diameter and
morphology of AuNPs, and the UV−vis absorption spectra of AuNPs were obtained using a
UV-spectrophotometer. As for the data presentation, a few figures, graphs, tables, and
schemes were utilized; however, I believe that adding more tables to present the data would
be effective and more reader-friendly. Nonetheless, the presentation of results through the
raw pictures of the tested, developed AuNP-LF strips was sufficient to describe the results
according to the parameters. Speaking of parameters, the study focused only on the
sensitivity, specificity, and stability in evaluating the test performance of AuNP-LF. In
assessing the sensitivity parameter, the developed AuNP-LF was only tested using different
concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 nanoparticles, particularly 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, and 1.2 mg/mL. In
assessing the specificity parameter, the AuNP-LF strips were tested only with the following
sera: SARS-CoV-2, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), dengue
virus (DFV), and normal human serum. For the last parameter, the stability of the developed
AuNP-LF strips was tested only with the time points one, two, and four weeks. Following all
of these tests, the sensitivity and specificity of the AuNP-LF assay were determined to be
100% and 93.3%, respectively, with Kappa statistics demonstrating an almost perfect
agreement (κ coefficient = 0.872). Moreover, the developed AuNP-LF assay was found to
possess satisfactory stability after having almost no differences at continuous detecting time
points using the naked eye. The acquired results did help in understanding how these
developed AuNP-LF strips are significant and more advantageous than the other testing
instruments for COVID-19. However, I did not find the results enough to reinforce knowledge
about AuNP in general. Instead, the principle and vitality of these nanoparticles were
discussed in the materials and methods. Overall, I am immensely grateful and delighted to
be able to know more about the science behind the development of SARS-CoV-2 antigen
rapid test kits, which is one of the reasons I chose this research. Now, I already know that
the colloidal gold nanoparticle labels are the ones that give color to the control and test lines.
It is so fascinating how a particle as small as dust can help determine whether or not you
have COVID-19. Aside from being captivated by the wonders of these nanoparticles, I chose
this topic because I believe it is highly relevant and significant, given that this breakthrough
has been a tremendous help in the rapid and reliable detection and diagnosis of COVID-19,
especially given that we are facing a global pandemic of COVID-19.

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