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English club activities 2021




English language continues to be one of the most important languages that

dominate the world. It a powerful tool to nurture ones’ pursuits of knowledge. Hence,
acquiring the language would not only help us to deal effectively internationally, gain
knowledge but also to assist in getting new ideas for continuous development. The
English Language Club had its first meeting on 3 rd February 2021. There were
thirteen members and three teachers in the advisory panel.


The main objectives of the club were as follow:

1.To provide a space dedicated to English Language to motivate and inspire learners.
2. To provide a non-threatening environment to enable students work as a group in
promoting logical, creative and divergent thinking skills.
3. To cultivate and maintain the positive attitude of the language among the students.
4. To develop good values and virtues.








No. Date Activities Remarks

February Choral Speaking / Public Speaking Carried out
March Public Speaking/NIE Carried out
April Story Telling Carried out

May English song singing/Appreciation Not done due to the
mid-year holiday

July Indoor Games Carried out

August Language Games Not done due to the
fasting month and
Raya holiday

September Crosswords Puzzles Carried out

The Language Games, aimed at providing fun-filled learning experiences,

were carried out successfully. The members had a great time and the activities had
drawn more members to the club.

The NIE, aimed at cultivating the reading habit, was also a big hit among the
members. They were exposed to a whole new fun-filled experience in reading the

The Puzzles, aimed at motivating and inspiring the learners, were carried out
as planned. The members were amazed by the great variety of puzzles.

The Give Me A Clue tasks, aimed at vocabulary building, were carried out
successfully. The members enjoyed the fun-filled/non-threatening activities.

The English Language Club for 2019 had achieved most of its objectives through its
activities planned for the year. Nevertheless, some of the objectives were not
achieved due to unavoidable circumstances resulting in the cancellation of some
planned activities.

The numbers of its member is a shortcoming. The club had only seventeen members
this year. They were students form 3. It would better if there were more members
and the members were from different levels/years.

Membership drive would be a priority for 2020 and with more members the club
hopes to be a more aggressive contributor in enhancing the co-curricular programmes.

Written by :-




Learning how to write a project proposal helps you communicate your project's value
to your clients, investors or an employer. This skill is essential for getting your project
approved and funded. When writing a project proposal, you can follow some steps to
make sure you write an effective one.
For me there are many factors that influence me to approve someone's proposal.
Project proposals are documents that define your project, including things such as
start and end dates, objectives and goals. They tell stakeholders why your project
ideas should be executed. Reading about your ideas in a well-written document
should convince stakeholders to support them. You may use project proposals for the
following purposes:

 To secure funding
 To win new clients
 To get existing clients to sign a extend their contracts
 To convince manager or employer to allocate resources to new initiative

You should have a good understanding of your project and your recipient before
writing your project proposal. Conducting preliminary research will help you write a
detailed and compelling document.
Using proven strategies can help make your project proposal more effective. Consider
the following tips when writing your own project proposal for the best results below
are the characteristics of the proposal that I will approve:

Write for your audience

Keep your audience in mind and use terms, tone and details that will resonate with
them. Preliminary research on company websites and social media profiles will help
you learn the best language to use and content to include.

Be persuasive
A project proposal aims to convince its recipients to act in some way, so being
persuasive is vital. Use persuasive tools, including historic data, survey results,
market predictions, testimonials and case studies to encourage action. Highlighting
your own experience and qualifications can also instill confidence.

Connect the project to the recipient

A project may seem like a good idea, but it may not be approved or funded if your
recipient does not understand why it matters to them. Make the connection between
your recipient's goals and the project clear to increase your chance of success.

Keep it simple
A simple proposal is easy to read and understand. Use easily understood terms, simple
sentences and an easy-to-follow format to make your proposal clear.

Follow convention
It might be tempting to be creative with your proposal's structure to help it stand out.
However, following tradition reduces the chance of confusing your reader and
forgetting essential information. If you are given a set format, make sure you follow it

Proofread and revise your proposal

Read through your proposal to make sure it is clear and free of spelling and
grammatical errors. Presenting a clear and mistake-free proposal helps you
demonstrate your professionalism, which can help you increase your chance of
approval. If you have time, try to proofread your work a few days after you complete
your proposal. Time away from the document will help you read it with more
objective eyes. You might also choose to ask a trusted colleague or professional editor
to proofread your work.

Tips for everyone,every proposal has a core objective – to win the client. You may
only have this one chance to get in front of this client, so make sure that your proposal
is on point. This is where exceptional strategy and excellent presentation come into
play. Your business proposal needs to effectively explain what you can do for a client,
how you will go about doing it, and what costs are involved. This needs to be done in
a format that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Follow these ten tips to
improve your business proposals, give you a competitive advantage, and help you win
a lot more clients.


Considering the issue of bringing cell phones to class, it is worth saying that there is a
number of different views towards this urgent dilemma. The thing is that it is possible
to emphasize both pros and cons, in other words, strengths and weaknesses of using a
phone for educational purposes. All in all, as for this paper, it argues that, in view of
many widely-acknowledged experts within the area of educational trends, students
should be allowed to bring and respectively use cell phones to class; the point is that
skipping with working on this digital device is likely to put serious limits from the
perspective of human adaptation to the contemporary social culture based on
significance of digital literacy; it becomes clear that digital devices are designed to
help people turn into real meaning-makers. The thing is that the students are interested
in becoming digitally literate persons not only because of such things as text
messaging, IM, and social network sites. There is a concise list of really useful
reasons why students should bring cell phones to class and use this device in their
every-day’s life.

Cell Phone as the Key to World Job

Analyzing the modern-day society, it becomes apparent that many working people
take advantage from using the cell phone and having it on them. Nowadays, almost
every student possesses a mobile phone evidently, the students should bring their cell
phones to class, since it enables them to access the email in case there is an urgent
need. What is more, bringing cell phones to class helps the students call the customers
or inspect inventory. It is clear that the tendencies can change over time and space.
Apart from the abovementioned tips proving the usage of cell phones to be an
indispensable assistant, the students should also bring it to class in order to learn using
it responsibly. It is obvious that bringing cell phones to classes is a part of the turn to
digital culture.
Training Responsibility
It is clear that students know that they should use cell phones so as to play some
games, listen to music, or browse in Internet without any purpose. Cell phones as well
as the other digital devices should be only used for educational goals . For example,
students are likely to conduct a survey for English papers, or download necessary
apps. In accordance with the teachers, cell phones can be used for cheating; as a
result, when necessary, the phones should be placed on airplane mode. On the other
hand, the mere existence of privacy problem is not enough to make it a political issue.

Skipping with Double Standards

It is important to make mention that administrators usually take some notes on their
digital devices as part of their observations. As for the teachers, coaches, they are also
characterized by using cell phones in educational institution settings and not just to
keep in touch with their friends.It may not be allowed; however, they do this not
facing the consequences that the students are likely to have. The question naturally
arises as to why the students should not be able to do the same? Obviously, the time to
become aware of the difference between analog and digital media has come.

To React to Emergency
In case the student has somehow forgotten his/her homework or some other things at
home, he/she can easily call the parents in order to bring it to the educational
institution. Moreover, it is also necessary to draw attention to more serious
emergencies, which are possible, including, for instance, school shooting; and this is
one thing that is profoundly different.As a result, having cell phones on them, the
students can call 911 or some other services. It is clear that mobile phone is like an
anaesthetic, reducing parents’ concerns.

Cell phones as Learning Panel

Today, a number of cell phone apps provide visual representation of various complex
subjects, such as science, astronomy, etc; these visual representations can help visual
students suffering from dyslexia. Despite the fact that this digital device is likely to
boost cybercrimes based on intruding into privacy, young people are still fond of
using cell phones. Privacy appears as psychological condition of being apart from the
rest of people. Moreover, it is a delicate issue and culture-specific perception. All in
all, the students are still interested in having cell phones on them.

Making Students Happy

In accordance with numerous studies, it is about happiness that makes people be
willing to succeed in their doings. It is worth saying that around the world, mobile
phones that double as cameras sell faster than digital cameras.Consequently, since the
students are eager to bring and use their cell phones during the classes, it is necessary
to allow them to do it; the shift of focus to digital literacy is likely to make a real
global sea change.Permitting them to do what they are willing to will result in an
additional incentive to become successful.

Inevitably, 21st century is characterized by the rise of digital culture when young
people aim to circulate media for their own self-expression. Cell phones appear to be
mandatory to become digitally literate person. As a result, it is worth admitting that
the students should bring their cell phones to classes, since these digital devices
occurred as an integral part of our everyday culture. Furthermore, the abovementioned
list of 6 reasons why cell phones should be on them gives the evidence that this device
is likely to positively impact the development of young people.

Writing is not just a medium to communicate, it has many other benefits. Here are ten
benefits that you can derive from the art of writing.The practice of writing makes you
want to improve your vocabulary and phrase better sentences. It all comes into play
when you are in an important conversation where you can put across your thoughts in
a better and clearer manner. Writing helps you communicate better, orally or in
writing itself.

Collaborative writing, or collabwriting is a method of group work that takes place in

the workplace and in the classroom. Researchers expand the idea of collaborative
writing beyond groups working together to complete a writing task. Collaboration can
be defined as individuals communicating, whether orally or in written form, to plan,
draft, and revise a document. The success of collaboration in group work is often
incumbent upon a group's agreed upon plan of action. At times, success in
collaborative writing is hindered by a group's failure to adequately communicate their
desired strategies.

Collaborative writing refers to a distributed process of labor involving writing,

resulting in the co-authorship of a text by more than one writer

 Interaction between participants throughout the entire writing prosess. Whether it

be brainstorming, writing a draft of the project, or reviewing.
 Shared power among participants. Everyone included in the project has the power
to make decisions and no group member is in charge of all the text produced.
 The collaborative production of one single and specific text

Collaborative writing is often the norm, rather than the exception, in many academic
and workplace settings. Some theories of collaborative writing suggest that in the
writing process, all participants are to have equal responsibilities. In this view, all
sections of the text should be split up to ensure the workload is evenly displaced, all
participants work together and interact throughout the writing process, everyone
contributes to planning, generating ideas, making structure of text, editing, and the
revision process.[8] Other theories of collaborative writing propose a more flexible
understanding of the workflow that accounts for varying contribution levels
depending on the expertise, interest, and role of participants

There are many advantages to collaborative writing. One advantage is that writing
with other people is very helpful because they can offer knowledge and skills that an
individual writer may not possess. Having many writers help produce a document can
relieve a lot of stress. If a writer has less to write, they will have more time to focus
on what they are writing and make their portion much better. Collaborative writing
helps members of a company get to know and respect each other. They learn each
others strengths and weaknesses in many areas. Members of the company will feel
more comfortable with each other and work as a team.
Although collaborative writing has many good advantages, it also has many
disadvantages. As I said, having many people sharing their knowledge and strengths
can be helpful, it can also cause problems. It can cause feuds between coworkers
when they disagree about different issues. Collaborative writing can also be very time
consuming. Preparing a document that pleases multiple people instead of just one
writer can be very difficult. When giving their opinions, gender and multicultural
differences may arise. It can cause differences and misunderstandings in writing
An individual writing process may be preferable when writing a short document that
has to do with just one expertise.

There are many advantages to collaborative writing. One advantage is that writing
with other people is very helpful because they can offer knowledge and skills that an
individual writer may not possess. Having many writers help produce a document can
relieve a lot of stress. If a writer has less to write, they will have more time to focus
on what they are writing and make their portion much better. Groups wrote more
accurate compositions in comparison to pairs and individuals; however, the
participants in the individual group wrote longer texts in comparison to those in pairs
and groups.
The performance of individuals, pairs and groups was similar in terms of complexity.
In a study on the impact of collaborative planning on writing quality, studied the
impact of collaborative planning on writing and found it to be effective in enhancing
writing uency and complexity but not in improving accuracy. In another study, Dobao
and Blum (2013) investigated the differences between the writing performance of the
students who worked in pairs, in groups of four, and individually. Although the
students beneted from collaborative working both in pairs and in groups of four,
they had more opportunities for exchanging ideas on knowledge in groups of four
since the group had more members and each member had different areas of strength.

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