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Oral Communication

Basic Principles of Speech Delivery

Delivery - how the piece is conveyed
What is the importance of speech delivery?

delivery can be a key to success

effective delivery determines if you have full understanding of the topic

💡 each person has a style of delivery

Delivery means to convey a speech

Conversational Style - to be perceived as natural

💡 message and audience are the most important element in speech delivery

Good Speech Delivery

1. Conversational Style - the speaker needs to be perceived as natural

2. Eye Contact - it is important to maintain eye contact with the audience. it is advisable to
make eye contact for 2-3 seconds. it is important to make eye contact in order for the
audience to feel as if the speaker is talking to them.

3. Effective use of VOCALICS - are the non-verbal components. there are six vocalics: (1)
Volume, (2) Pitch, (3) Rate, (4) Pauses, (5) Vocal Variety, and (6) Pronunciation.

Oral Communication 1
4. Effective Physical Manipulation - Body Language, using body to emphasize meaning. This
adds to dynamics of the speech. Body language implies meaning such as nervousness or
confidence. Excessive body movements will distract the audience thus the audience will no
longer listen to the speaker.

5. Practice Effectively - use time and practice to better the presentation. The speaker should
evaluate their practice speech in order to present better.

6. Avoid signs of nerves during your speech - avoid telltale signs of nervousness: (1) fidgeting,
(2) pacing [how you walk to accommodate the audience; rather than walking panicky, walk
a few steps then stop in order to emphasize the message), (3) use index cards instead of long

Public speaking is an activity done that will improve over time. Effective speech delivery can be
improved through practicing effectively.

What is Good Delivery?




vocal and facial expression

lively sense of communication

Recipe for Great Communication

1. Clarity - clear point

2. Brevity - making your point quickly

3. Context - to make the audience see what the message is about

4. Impact - memorable

5. Value - what is the message

When do we need clarity?

when there are unknown and uncertainties in the topic

Oral Communication 2
when do we need impact?
when there is limited time

when do we need context

good listener
1. be fully present

2. no judgments or agendas
W.A.I.T. - Why Am I Talking?

3. show you're listening

4. listen to learn

5. Hey bosses, listen up!

6. good listening included interactions that build a person’s self-esteem

7. good listening was seen as a cooperative conversation

8. good listeners tended to make suggestions

💡 instead of being a sponge (just absorbing) in a conversation, be a trampoline (amplify

and bounce ideas with the speaker)

Oral Communication 3

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