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Mohamed Rahal Secondary School Level: 1stLit

Pupil’s name : ……………………………….. Duration:02hours.

The Second Term English Exam

A long time ago, there was a noble gentleman who after losing his tender wife got married to
another. Her name was Sybil. Sybil was a very nasty woman and she had two daughters as horrible as
she was.
The gentleman had a daughter as soft as breeze. He died and left her with Sybil in their big house.
Life was very difficult for this little girl. Wearing old clothes, she did all the housework alone and
when she felt tired She used to hide in a fireplace in the kitchen. There, she got so dark of the ash that
she was called Cinderella.
One day, the prince invited all the noble families to a royal ballet in his castle to celebrate his
birthday and to choose his future wife. Sybil and her daughters went there and left Cinderella alone at
home. She got very sad. She was crying when a nice fairy came in to help her, and with her magic
wand. she offered her a wonderful dress and lovely shoes made of crystal but she told her to come
back home before midnight.
Adapted from “ Contes de Charles Perrault”

A/ Comprehension: (8pts)
*Read the text and choose the appropriate answer:
1. The text is: …………………….
A- a letter - B- a fairy tale - C- an article.
2. Say whether the following statements are” true “or “false “
a-Sybil was a very lovely woman…………..
b-The tow daughters was Cinderella‘s cousins……………
c-Cinderella’s life was easy; she did not find any difficulties……………..

d-Only Sybil’s daughters were invited to the birthday of the prince……………..

3. Answer the following questions according to the text :

a) What did happen to Cinderella’s

father? ........................................................................... .............................................................

b) What did the fairy offer to Cinderella? …………………………………………………
c) Can Cinderella stay at the prince’s party all night?...........................................................
4. What do the underlined words refer to in the text :
a) His (§3) …………… b) she (§3)……..……………
B/ Text Exploration :(07 pts)
1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following :
a) Exhausted (§2) =……………… b) depressed (§3)=…………………….
2. Join pairs of sentences using one of the conjunctions given: (who/which)
a- The king married a new woman. She was wicked and rude.
b- The fairy touched Cinderella with her wand . The wand was magic .
3. Put the verbs between brackets in the right tense:
a- Cinderella ……………….(to do) the household shores while her stepmother
…………………(to cut) her dress to piece
b-When the prince …………..(to find) Cinderella again ,he…………… (to marry) her
4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final“-ed”:
Married - tired - helped - invited
/t/ /d/ /id/
……………….. …………………. ………………………..
5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word
shoes - forgot - happy - beauty
When Cinderella entered the palace , everybody was stuck by her ………………... Nobody knew who she
really was in her pretty clothes and ……………… The handsome Prince fell in love with her . He danced with her all
night. Cinderella was so ………………dancing with the Prince that she almost …………………….what the fairy godmother
had said.
●Written Expression:(05pts) Choose only one topic.
Topic 01: Cinderella’s story has not ended. In no more than 10 lines write the end of the story.
Topic 02 : Use the notes below about Charles Dickens and write a short biography

- Date and place of birth :February 7th, 1812 "Portsmouth, England

- 1833: begin to contribute short stories and essays to periodicals.

- 1836:marry Catherine Hogarth and have nine surviving children.

- His works: Child's History of England , Hard Times , David Copperfield, Little Dorrit…
- Date and place of death :at home on June 9, 1870.

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