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Class - 4

PA-4 Syllabus
Literature -
1.Skipping Shoes
2. Wind on the Hill (poem)
3. Kikeri
Grammar -
1. Adjectives (kinds)
2. Degrees of Comparison
3. Adverbs(kinds)
4. Prepositions
5. Conjunctions
6. Antonyms
Creative -
1. Paragraph Writing
2. Picture Composition
3. Reading Comprehension
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus
1. Kikeri - Spelling test (5 marks)
2. Wind on the Hill - Recitation (5 marks)
3. The Pied Piper of Hamelin- Reading (3 marks)
4. Antonyms & Synonyms - Vocabulary (2 marks)
5. Notebook (5 marks)
1. Perimeter
2. Measurement
3. Decimals
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus:
1. Mental Maths (10 marks)
2.Make a Cartoon using 3D shapes (5 marks)
3. Notebook and Presentation (5 marks)
Leçon:5 Je compte
Leçon 8 : Les fruits et Les légumes.
Leçon 9: Les pronomssujets
Leçon 10: Présentez -vous .
All the work done in notebook and book.
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus:
1- Book and notebook work- (5 marks)
2-Class response. (5 marks)
3- Make your identity card in French and stick your photo. (10 marks)

साहित्य- पाठ -
* भारतस्य राष्ट्रीय चिह्नाचि
* कक्षा
* अस्माकं गृहम्
* उद्यािम्
* चिचकत्सालयः
* गणिा
*पयाायवािी शब्द
*शब्द रूप- बालक
*व्यवहार वििाचि(अच्छे विि)
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus:
Reading-(5 Marks)
चित्र दे खकर सही उत्तर िुिें। (10 marks)
Notebooks –(5 Marks)
Ch- 1 Urdu Alphabet with Picture
Ch- 3 ‘Hey’ as Letter
Ch- 5 Different Shapes and form of the letters
Ch- 12 The Kite
Ch- 14 The Tailor
Ch- 16 A Good Boy
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus:
1 - Reading (5 marks)
2- Notebook (5marks)
3- Duaye( 10 marks)
1.Game Point - Pg 65 to 70
2.Mind Over Matter- Pg 72 to 77
3.Current Affairs
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus:
1. logical Reasoning (10 marks)
2. Narrate any Mythological Story OR Biography of Pele (10 marks)
PA-4 Syllabus:
Ch-7 More Blocks in Scratch
Ch-8 Creating Shapes in Scratch
Ch-9 More about the Internet
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus :
1.Create One Game in Scratch (15 marks)
2. Notebook(5 marks)

ch 10- Safety and First Aid
ch 11- Force, Work and Energy
Ch 13- Air, Water and Weather

PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus:

1.Notebook (5 marks)
2.Diagram based questions (10 marks)
3.Oral test (5 marks)
1- चशक्षा बड़ी या धि
2- चवचधिंद की गुरुभक्ति
व्याकरण -
1- काल
2- अशुक्ति शोधि
3- मुहावरे
4- वाक्ांश
1- अपचित गद्यांश
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus
1- एक पेड़ एक दु चिया ( श्रु तलेख ) (5 अंक )
2. चवचध िंद की गुरु भक्ति - पाि वािि (5 अं क)
3. शिक्षा बड़ी या धन (पशित गद्ाांि) (5 अांक)
4. उत्तर पुक्तिका (5अं क)

Ch. Our Mineral Resources
Ch. Our Water Resources
Ch. Our Rights and Duties
PA-4 Enrichment Activity Syllabus :
* Picture Identification on the above topics (5 marks)
* Paste the pictures of any five Dams / Waterfalls of India on an art sheet (5 marks)
* Write any five Fundamental Duties of a student in your SST notebook (5 marks)
* Note book (5marks)
Topic-Spring Season


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