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1. What is the syntactical structure of Papiamentu in general (at least in these

2. Which morphemes represent verb forms?
3. Identify the personal pronouns and organize them in the table below. How
can you distinguish the grammatical functions of the pronouns?
4.The third person is different from the other persons. In what sense, and can
you explain it?
5. Are there differences with your own language (any European or your
mother tongue)?

Write a short report with your findings.

1. mi ta buska e kachó I am looking for the dog.

2. bo ta mir' e You (sg.) are looking at him/her.
3. e ta mira bo He/she is looking at you (sg.).
4. nos ta mira nan kachó We are looking at their dog.
5. boso ta buska nos kabritu You (pl.) are looking for our goat.
6. nan ta drumi They are sleeping.
7. bo ta kome su pan You (sg.) are eating his/her
8. bo kachó ta mira mi Your (sg.) dog is watching me.
9. nan kachó ta mira boso kabritu Their dog is watching your (pl.)
10. mi kabritunan ta kome My goats are eating.
11. bo ta buska nan? Are you (sg.) looking for them?
12. e kabritunan ta mira nos The goats are looking at us.
13. nan ta buska boso They are looking for you (pl.).

Subject Object Possessive

1st p. sg.
2nd p. sg.
3rd p. sg.
1st p. pl.
3rd p. pl.

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