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Plant Anatomy

Prepared By: Abdullah Y. Sabir – Surprised By: Dr. Asma Ahmed

Second Stage. – All Groups. |Theory|
Botany: Plant Science,
Plant Biology, Phytology,
Is The Science Of The
Introduction To Plant Anatomy
Plant Life And A Branch All are: Cell wall Plants have Plants have
Of Biology. Multicellular Made from vascular tissue. indeterminate
Non-motile cellulose. Tracheophytes growth.
Special Autotrophic .
Plants carry Plants
Characteristics Eukaryotes
Plants made
Locomotion out food from co2
Of Plants photosynthes vascular
Are fixed and water
Why should Are rooted is using tissue.
we care about Animals chlorophyl Plant store carbohydrates
Search to food a+b as: starch.
the study of

Basics Morphology: the study the external feature of the living organisms.
Food: plant the source of
cereals. As: wheat, rice.. of botanical
Anatomy: the study the internal structure of the living organisms.
Plants comprise %98 of
the earth’s biomass.
Cryptogams ( non – flowering plants ) : lichens – mosses, which
Plants responsible are green plants, but have no true roots – no leaves – no flowers.
oxygen-rich atmosphere
Different groups Spermatophyta ( seed plants ) : the seed plants containing embryo
via the light reactions.
Naming according (a minute, inactive plants) , and have true: leaves-roots-steam.
Air purification: for ex:
CO2. Angiosperms.
1 2
(flowering plants) Gymnosperms. Angiosperms.
Plants are the earths main
Autotrophs – fixers, of (Naked seed plant) (flowering plants)
Carbon and nitrogen. 1.have one seed All are woody, perennial, and with Have flower and bear, seeds in
leave. few exceptions evergreen. fruit, and exhibiting double
Plants provide the 2. Xylem and
habitat and food. phloem paired in
bundles, dispersed
Plants responsible our throughout the
products: vegetable,
3. The floral part in
clothing, medicines… multiples of three.
4. The leaves have
Aesthetic value: parallel veins. Cytology Embryology Evolution Paleontology Physiology
Enhance the beauty place

2 important branches of Dicots:

1.have 2 two seed
Biology leave.
2. Ring of phloem
Ecology Economic Agriculture Forestry Horticulture
Study of plants : botany
near the bark,
Study of animals : zoology xylem forms the
inner ring.
3. The floral part in
multiples of 4 or 5.
4. The leaves are GOOD
usually net veined.
Breeding Pathology Pharmacognosy genetics LUCK

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