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PowerPoint Tips and Tools


➢ Keep it simple
○ Complex slide designs tend to distract your audience from talk
and keep them from understanding your message.
○ White space in the slide helps the audience focus on what you
want to talk about.
➢ Limit bullet points
○ more picture less text.
➢ Limit transitions and builds
○ Keep it professional and use appropriate animations for text
especially in bullet points.
➢ Use high-quality graphics
○ Avoid pixelated and use high resolution pictures.
➢ Have a visual theme
○ Avoid using PowerPoint templates.
○ It is also essential that you create a theme to give your
presentation a sense of unity and consistency.
➢ Use appropriate charts
○ Keep from dumping too much information in your charts and
➢ Use color accordingly
○ It helps to develop better understanding and retention of the
topic you are discussing.
➢ Choose your font correctly
○ Do not use more than two fonts face and choose complimentary
fonts which would look great together.
➢ Use video or audio
○ Avoid the built-in sound effects of PowerPoint.
➢ Spend time in the slide sorter
○ It is the logical flow of your presentation.

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Elements of Design
➢ Point
○ It establish a position and act as a visual.
➢ Line
○ It is created by connecting two or more points.
○ It begins by extending one point towards a specific directions.
➢ Space
○ Refers to the surface that acts as a visual container.
○ It also draws attention to other visual elements in a layout.

➢ Geometric
○ Shapes that has sides
 Circle- having no beginning or end. It also represent infinity,
harmony, community, completeness and perfection.
 Rectangle or Square- are two common shapes and they send
a message of security and stability.
 Triangle- it is associated with dynamic tension, aggression
and energy.
➢ Natural
○ Shapes that are not human made
➢ Abstract
○ Shapes being combined together

➢ Color
○ Another element of design that can be associated with any
other element and produced by an object that reflects light.
 Hue- another name for primary colors like red, blue, and
 Secondary hues- another name for secondary colors like
orange, green and violet.
➢ Size
○ It refers to the how large or small something is in a document.
It also helps to fit the layout.
➢ Texture
○ Creates an illusion of texture

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Elements of Design / Image File Format
➢ Uses of Texture:
○ Creates a mood or scene.
○ Gives a printed publication or web page personality.
○ Creates contrast for interest
○ Fools the eye
○ Arouses emotions
○ Creates a feeling of richness and depth.
➢ Contrast
○ It is the placement of heavy and light elements in a page.
➢ Emphasis
○ It is the distribution of heavy and light elements in a design.
➢ Rhythm
○ It is the repetition of one or more elements in a design. Shopee
➢ Unity
○ Refers to the feeling of harmony that is created by all the parts
and elements of a design.


➢ Pixel
○ Smallest component of a bitmapped composed of a single-
colored squares.
○ AKA Joint Photographic Experts Group
○ Standard file format known to many
○ AKA Graphic File Format
○ Most usable file format for the web and the first file format
supported by the web
○ AKA Portable Networks Graphics
○ It has transparent effect that allows image to overlap.

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Image Authoring and Editing Tools/
Upload and Sharing Files Online
➢ Gimp
○ A free desktop photo editing application and it is said to be the
of the best free photo editing tool in the market.
○ Is an ad-supported online image editing tool.
 Pixlr Editor- manually manipulate the details in a specific
 Pixlr Express- it is for newbies in image editing or users who
need to perform quick image enhancement without tweaking
many buttons or details.


➢ File Management
○ Process of naming, editing, storing and sharing files
▪ Example:
 Archived
 Online Files
 Work in Progress
□ Audio
□ Video
□ Docs
 PDF's
 .docx
 .xlsx
□ Presentations
 .pptx
□ Resources
➢ Online File Management and Storage Services
○ Google Drive- a free file storage and synchronization services by
○ One Drive- an online storage services offered by Microsoft.
○ Dropbox- a service that allows the user to edit a file and have
that file sent to and update on the computers of that file's
collaborators who use the same services.

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Upload and Sharing Files Online: Image
Hosting Platforms and Video Hosting
➢ Image Hosting Platforms
○ Instagram- is an online mobile social networking service that
allows its members to share life moments.
○ Imgur- is recognized as one of the best image hosting sites
where speed and quality of upload are concerned. User account
is not needed for someone to use its services to quickly upload
high quality images.
○ Picasa- once a popular image organizer and viewer tool of google.
○ Google Photos- focus on creating a photo app that works
seamlessly on all devices
○ Flickr- allows for free photo sharing and hosting amongst social
networking site users, it also has editing features to enhance
photos and organizes these photos into albums for sharing at a
later time.
○ Photobucket- a site where images, photos, videos and slideshows
can be stored and shared.
➢ Video Hosting Platforms
○ YouTube- most popular video hosting website today. User
moderation system of "flagging" and labeling to rank its video to
be "most viewed" "most discussed" "favorites" and so on.
○ Vimeo- first global video sharing website to support high-
definition video user uploads, shares and views.
○ Tiktok- AKA Douyin in China. It is a short form video hosting
service owned by Chinese company ByteDance. It was launched
in Chinese market in September 2016 and was launched in 2017
for iOS and Android in most markets outside of mainland China.

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