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University of San Carlos

Scientia, Virtus, Devotio

Elementary, Secondary, Education Program Section (ESEPS)
Academic Year 2022 -2023 (1st Semester)
ECED 3102: Utilization of Instructional Technology in Early Childhood Education

▪ 3 years old – 6 years old
Direct Aim:
▪ To trace and write numbers
from one to ten (1 -10)
▪ To visualize symbols that
correctly represent each
▪ To learn all the names and
symbolic representation of
numbers one to ten (1-10)
Indirect Aim:
▪ To prepare child’s writing
and reading skills
▪ To understand new
vocabulary and concepts in
▪ To build and reinforce I.T
skills and multi-sensorial
Control of Error:
▪ Digital tracing guide
▪ Teacher
Points of Interest:
▪ See how the numbers
symbolizes, feel how it is
meant to be written/traced,
& hear how its name is
▪ Recognize and familiarize Material Description
simple math symbols and
names from 1 to 10 ▪ Laptop/Tablet – tablet is recommended
▪ Writing preparedness and ▪ Application: 123 Numbers – Count and Tracing
digital skills
Download Link:
▪ 1 (One) .numbers123.toddler.counting.tracing&hl=en&gl=US
▪ 2 (Two)
▪ 3 (Three)
▪ 4 (Four)
▪ 5 (Five) ▪ Prepare all materials beforehand and invite the child to
▪ 6 (Six) work with you on the activity.
▪ 7 (Seven)
▪ 8 (Eight) ▪ Grab all materials and proceed to the planned activity
▪ 9 (Nine) area. Let the child sit beside you [based on your dominant
▪ 10 (Ten) hand while you prepare your chosen instructional gadget
Notes: with the application.
▪ Lesson should be ▪ Take the tablet and boot up the application – prepare the
progressive based on each
number: 1st: 1 – 3, 2nd: 4 – 6, lesson (number tracing).
and 3rd: 7 - 10
▪ Let the child see how you handle the gadget with care and
show them the application interface.
▪ Introduce them to the start of the activity & guide them
about the different parts of the app. Explain each briefly
and let the child focus on the game that they are going to
learn on.
▪ Play the game and demonstrate how the child should work
on the tracing app – sensitize your fingers (index finger) and
trace the number shown on the screen. Trace the number
while saying its name, twice.
“This is how we write the number one (1). This is number
one, one.
“This is how we write the number two (2). This is number
two, two.”
“This is how we write the number three (3). This is number
three, three.”
▪ Once you are done with all three numbers, now it’s the
child’s turn. Observe the child as they perform the game
independently but with your supervision and aid. Every
number they trace, ask them if they know what number it is.
▪ Encourage and praise the child if they get it correctly or if
they make a mistake. Support the child by asking indirect
questions and statements that can help them learn without
spoon feeding.
▪ If the child is now able to use the app, independently, allow
the child to use the application without your assistance but
with your supervision – observe the child from afar and
check on their progress.
▪ Expand the lesson further by going towards other numbs
such as four (4), five, (5), six (6), etc. Do the same
procedures for other numbers.
▪ If the child no longer wants to do the activity, show them
how you close the application and turn off the tablet (or
the chosen device you have prepared). Make sure that the
child carries the tablet/laptop is kept in a safe place and
choose another child to work on the activity.

Extensions / Variation
Counting Numbers from One (1) to Ten (10)
▪ The same procedure will be done for this variation;
however, we teach the child how to count each number
from one (1) to ten (10) – in exact order.
▪ Demonstrate how the child should work on the counting
app – one by one they will follow what is being said in the
application. Apply the three-period lesson: introduction,
association, and recall.
▪ Expand the lesson further once the child can already
identify the assigned numbers to learn.
▪ To teach children how each
symbol represents each
▪ To learn rote memorization Celebration
by identifying and recalling
any number from 1 -10 ▪ Singing of ‘Ten Little Penguins’ Song
▪ To prepare for writing and I.T ▪ Title: Ten (10) Little Penguins | Counting 1 to 10 | Number
skills Songs | Songs for Children
References: Song Link:
ore/apps/details?id=com.r ▪ The children would be able to learn how to count all numbers from one (1) to ten (10) through sing and dance!
en&gl=US ▪ The children should be able to follow through the entire
▪ celebration/ice breaker and be guided with the teacher.
watch?v=Yt8GFgxlITs The teacher teaches the children before they do the

1 to 10 Penguins
Penguin march!
Left, right, left, right, go!
One, two, three little penguins,
four, five, six little penguins,
seven, eight, nine little penguins,
ten little penguins.
One, two, three,
four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten little penguins.
Ten, nine, eight little penguins,
seven, six, five little penguins,
four, three, two little penguins,
one little penguin.
Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five,
four, three, two,
one little penguin.

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