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Within our lives, studying is one of the most important aspects of professional

success in any area. For us to be able to achieve our goals, we should devote equal
time to study. Everyone of us has the potential for greatness and to be able to unlock
that potential, one must strive hard to work for the best. And working for the best
comes from being able to understand the things being imparted to us as students;
and its where studying comes beneficial.
Studying is very important because it leads to mental and physical development. The
information we get defines our intellectual personality and enlightens our minds
with new ideas. In the process, studying have the power to change our fate, societies
and even the whole world. This exemplifies the creation of great poets, thinkers,
philosophers, scientist and artist who in any way started their journey in studying
their crafts.
Studying can also train our mind to understand the complexities of our everyday
task, subjects or the activities and then applying it in practical terms. It will be our
foundation in learning how to discipline ourselves to do something and help us
succeed in anything in our lives not just on our academic career but also on learning
process outside formal education.
Did you know that studying can bring tons of benefits to our lives? Studying helps to
improve our retention on every information learned. Effective study skills help to
lock information into long term memory. As student, studying helps us to achieve
higher grades and improve our memory. A collegiate survey in the US states that the
students earning the highest honors are those students who spent quality time
studying. Studying also helps with time management. Setting aside time to study will
help you focus on finding a study method that suits your schedule without
interfering your other tasks. And lastly, studying will help you sharpen your skills and
abilities which will bring the best out of you. A student will have many skills: also, our
teacher can engage us with many activities that can challenge our critical thinking,
logical reasoning and communication capabilities, but without engaging ourselves
directly to the tasks and not knowing the processes; it will have no impact on our
mental growth.
The studying strategies followed at school and the effective use of resources plays a
crucial role in what we gain as student. In fact, student life does not stop when we
graduated from our school, we will be learning new things everyday and there would
be much more hidden things to explore as we continue our journey in life. Applying
what we learned in real life in the best possible way, helps us to make the world a
more convenient place to live in.
This is your speaker for today; your public service officer Samantha Ysabelle Tavares,
thank you very much and have a great day!

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