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The mothers’ right

In today’s society people face many difficult problems. One of these controversial
issues is abortion, which is a safe and legal way to end a pregnancy. Today, there are some
states where abortion is still banned and the only situation in which abortion is legal in these
countries is when the embryo endangers the life of the mother. However, abortion should be
legalized in all countries for several other reasons.
Perhaps the most important reason to discontinue a pregnancy is when the child-
bearing is a consequence of a crime. In that case not only the mother’s but also the baby’s life
will be really difficult as it will remind them of that traumatic experience for a lifetime. In
Paraguay, for example, in 2015 a 10-year old girl got pregnant because her stepfather had
raped her. She had to give birth to her baby because of the strict legislation, despite the fact
that she would probably have many difficulties to raise her child.
Another motive for mothers to decide not to keep their babies is when the embryo has
a disability. Looking after a disabled child means a commitment to life and needs a lot of
patience and responsibility. It can also risk the mother’s life as it happened in Ireland in 2012
when Savita Halappanavar’s baby was diagnosed with abnormality. However, the doctors did
not allow the abortion because the baby had a heartbeat. The next week the woman died from
an infection caused by the pregnancy, which shows that congenital disease in embryos make it
risky to give birth.
The last and most common reason for abortion in developed countries is a crisis
situation which could be a financial or social problem. It is very common that the mother and
the family do not have enough money to raise a child or the parents do not work yet because
they are still at school. One of the most common social reasons is that the father does not want
to keep the baby or the mother does not know who the father is. Moreover, the woman could
feel that she does not have the capability to look after a child.
In brief, there are a lot of reasons, which justify that abortion should be allowed by
legislation in every state. In cases when the pregnancy results from rape, when the child has
an abormality or when the woman is unable to raise the child due to financial, social or
psychological conditions. Many babies in the world grow up in inadequate conditions or
circumstances which is psychologically detrimental both to the child and their family.

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